Instructions for Finding an Advisor

Ways to find an advisor:

  • Through the Theses and Research
    You may type keywords (in English), and a list will appear of these papers with the names of advisors.
    Potential advisors should be contacted via email.
  • Using the tabs for Academic Departments, Study Programs, Syllabai and Supervisors, you can view a table with a list of the faculties. Next to each faculty, there are columns containing theses performed at the faculty.
    Clicking on Theses will open up a list of theses (master and PhD) that were performed at the faculty.
    Potential advisors should be contacted via email.
  • A candidate may ask the graduate degree secretary for a list of advisors who are involved in the area of research in which the candidate is interested. The phone numbers of all of the secretaries appear under the tab Academic Departments, Study Programs, Syllabai and Supervisors.
  • New research topics for students can be published using the link

Contacting an Advisor

You can download a short guide on contacting an advisor by clicking here.