PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Ephraim Kehat
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 10
Department Chemical Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Rockman Joav 1996 PhD Thermally Driven Liquid Liquid Extraction
Regev Oren 1992 PhD The Mechanism of Formation of Msz Molecular Sieves
Rapoport Haim 1992 PhD “”Retrofitting New Process Units Into An Exibiting Plant”.
Samid Gideon 2003 PhD Abstracts Estimating the Effort to Achieve Research and Development Objectives
Shach-Caplan Michal 1997 MSc Environmentaly Friendly Thermal Decomposition of Polyvinyl Chloride (Pvc)
Weiss Oded 1996 MSc Prevention of Deliberate Misuse of Economic Evaluations In the Chemical Industry
Shinberg Vered 1990 MSc Adsorption of Water Form Ethanol-Water Mixtures on Molecular
Kohav Gil 1990 MSc Deveiopment of An Expert Systemfor Thernodinanic Properties
Sahar Aharon 1990 MSc So2 Removal from Hot Flve Gases by Lime Suspension Spray
Braunstein Ron 1989 MSc Preparation and Testing a Rhodium Incorporated Zsm Catalyst