PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Per-Olof Gutman
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No of theses 24
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
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Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Galperin Noam 1997 PhD Modeling and Identification of Uncertain Systems Using Lissajou Figures
Linker Raphael 2000 PhD Failure Detection and Isolation in Greenhouses
Ben-Hanan Uri 1992 PhD Optimal Classification by Time Variable Features
Baril Claudio 1993 PhD Control of Mechanical Systems Affected by Friction And Other Nondifferentiable Nonlinearities
Taitler Ayal 2022 PhD Abstracts A Method for Combined Planning and Control for Hybrid Domains
Clarke Anna 2021 PhD Abstracts An Automatic Control System for Training Complex Kinesthetic Skills
Rubin Daniel Yitzhak 2020 PhD Abstracts Vehicle Active Suspension Applications for Lateral Disturbances Attenuation and Safety
Shraiber Arie 2019 PhD Abstracts Development and Implementation of Robust Roll-Over Avoidance Control Algorithms for a Four-wheeled Laboratory Vehicle
Lichtsinder Arkady 2014 PhD Abstracts Reciprocity of Friction and Backlash in Servo Control Systems
Haddad Jack 2010 PhD Abstracts Optimal Control for Isolated Signalized Intersections
Greenhut Yaron 2009 MSc Abstracts Sensor Fusion of GPS with Omnidirectional Image Registration for Off-Road Autonomous Vehicle Path Tracking
Medlinger Nachum 2003 MSc Abstracts Algorithms for Rollover Avoidance Control of Off-Road Wheeled Vehicle
Horesh Eran 2002 MSc Design of Control for Energy Tower
Linker Raphael 1995 MSc Simultaneous Co2 Enrichment and Ventilation of Greenhouses
Cohen Bnayahu 1995 MSc Development of Efficient Algorithms, and Their Implementation in a Computer Program for Robust Control Design
Rotem Guy 2023 MSc Abstracts Hybrid Planning with bounded Disturbances
Gur Doron 2019 MSc Abstracts MIMO Modeling, QFT Control Design and Optimal Obstacle Avoidance Path Planner for an AUV
Shaviv Eliya 2015 MSc Abstracts Modeling and Analysis of the Integrated Work of a Synchronized Cardiac Assist Device and the Failing Heart
Berger Ari 2016 MSc Abstracts A Novel Approach to Nano Position Control System Design towards a 450 mm Wafer Inspection X-Y Stage
Zimmerman Yaron 2014 MSc Abstracts An Innovative Method for Optimization Based, High Order Controller Auto-tuning
Nenner Uri 2009 MSc Abstracts Control of an Unmanned Motorcycle Robot
Omer Eyal 2006 MSc Abstracts Optimal Design and Operation of "Energy Tower" Combined with Pumped Storage and Desalination
Serebrennikov Amit 2003 MSc Abstracts Navigation and Guidance of a Man-Tracking Vehicle
Adar Shachar 2017 MSc Abstracts USV Path Planning in Using Optimal Control in a Dynamic Obstacle Environment