PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Yoav Schechner
Advisor's Email
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No of theses 44
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Arbel Lior 2020 PhD Abstracts Symbaline – an Active Wine Glass Musical Instrument
Levis Aviad 2020 PhD Abstracts Volumetric Imaging of the Natural Environment
Sheinin Mark 2019 PhD Abstracts Leveraging Implicit Structure in Artifical Illumination for Computer Vision
Mechrez Roey 2019 PhD Abstracts Statistical Image Similarity for Image Transformation
Aides Amit 2018 PhD Abstracts Lightfield Analysis and Recovery of the Atmosphere
Alterman Marina 2015 PhD Abstracts Vision through Random Dynamic Distortions
Swirski Yohay 2013 PhD Abstracts Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Using Natural Flickering Illumination
Treibitz Avital 2010 PhD Abstracts Geometry and Photometry of Imaging through a Medium
Chemel Gur 2024 MSc X-Ray Scattered Tomography using Multi-Spectral Photon Counting Sensors
Czerninski Ido 2023 MSc Abstracts Fast and Parallelized Stochastic Scene Reconstruction
Sde Chen Yael 2022 MSc Abstracts Neural Network for Cloud Computed Tomography
Shaul Nir 2022 MSc Abstracts Tomography of Turbulence Strength based on Passive Scintillation Imaging
Elezra Or 2022 MSc Abstracts Stochastic Polarized Scattering Tomography
Loeub Tamar 2022 MSc Abstracts Hierarchical Scattering Tomography with a Monotonicity Prior
Gat Yonatan 2021 MSc Abstracts Scattering Tomography using Multiplexed X-Ray Sources
Chernyak Yonatan 2021 MSc Abstracts Optimal Anisotropic Irradiation for X-Ray Computed Tomography
Sassoon Eden 2020 MSc Abstracts Flare in Interference-Based Hyperspectral Cameras
Geva Adam 2020 MSc Abstracts X-Ray Computed Tomography through Scatter
Shama Firas 2020 MSc Abstracts Adversarial Feedback Loop
Vainiger Adi 2019 MSc Abstracts Underwater Wide Field Tomography of Sediment Resuspension
Veikherman Danny 2016 MSc Abstracts Clouds in the cloud
Holodovsky Vadim 2016 MSc Abstracts In-Situ Multi-View Multi-Scattering Stochastic Tomography
Mordechay Moran 2015 MSc Abstracts Optimal Measurements for Poisson Compressed Sensing
Golts Alexander 2015 MSc Abstracts Resolution Limits due to Pointwise Degradations in Color Imaging
Schneider Ron 2014 MSc Abstracts Light Propagation in Fog
Bahat Yuval 2014 MSc Abstracts Multimodal Audio Inpainting
Hatzvi Meir 2013 MSc Abstracts Three Dimensional Optical Transfer of Rotating Beams
Segev Dana 2012 MSc Abstracts Visual Audio Denoising
Aides Amit 2011 MSc Abstracts Multiscale Ultrawide Video Extrapolation
Alterman Marina 2010 MSc Abstracts Theory of Multiplexed Fluorescence Unmixing
Koreban Efim 2009 MSc Abstracts Geometry by Deflaring
Barzelay Zohar 2009 MSc Abstracts Relating Audio and Video of Multiple Simultaneous Events
Diamant Yaron 2008 MSc Abstracts Overcoming Secondary Reflections
Ratner Netanel 2008 MSc Abstracts Optimal Multiplexing for Imaging
Maor Nir 2007 MSc Abstracts Compression at the Source
Averbuch Eugene 2007 MSc Abstracts Adaptive Filtering of Visibility Degraded Images
Kolomenkin Michael 2007 MSc Abstracts Image Matching Using Photometric Information
Shwartz Sarit 2006 MSc Abstracts Blind Separation of High Dimensional Sources
Erez Yael 2006 MSc Abstracts Spatially Varying Frequency Compounding of Ultrasound Images
Kidron Einat 2006 MSc Abstracts Audio-Visual Cross-Modal Analysis
Bobrov Saar 2006 MSc Image Based Prediction of Thermal Imaging Performance
Litvinov Anatoly 2006 MSc Abstracts Image Mosaicing in the Presence of Radiometric Distortions
Karpel Nir 2004 MSc Abstracts Recovering Underwater Scenes Using Polarization Analysis
Oved Amit 2013 MSc Abstracts Weak Coupling of Spectral-Dimensional Scattering Functions for Atmospheric Recovery and Correction