PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Yonina Eldar
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No of theses 30
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Solomon Oren 2019 PhD Abstracts Fast Super-Resolution Imaging in Optics and Ultrasound: from Sparsity to Deep Learning
Chernyakova Tatyana 2018 PhD Abstracts Low-Rate Generalized Beamforming for Medical Ultrasound
Cohen Deborah 2017 PhD Abstracts Structure-Free Compressive Sampling Sub-Nyquist Sampling for Passive and Active Cognitive systems
Ben-Haim Zvi 2011 PhD Abstracts Performance Bounds for Estimation of Structurally Constrained Signals
Michaeli Tomer 2012 PhD Abstracts Interplay between Sampling and Estimation: A Unified Hilbert Space Approach
Mishali Moshe 2011 PhD Abstracts Sampling and Processing of Structured Signals at Sub-Nyquist Rates
Dvorkind Gregory 2008 PhD Abstracts Generalized Sampling in the Presence of Nonlinearities: Theory and Methods
Wiesel Aminadav 2007 PhD Abstracts Convex Optimization Methods in MIMO Communication Systems
Giryes Raja 2009 MSc Abstracts Automatic Parameter Tuning for Inverse Problems
Tsiper Shahar 2019 MSc Abstracts Pseudo-Polar Based CT Reconstruction
Cohen David 2018 MSc Abstracts High Resolution FDMA MIMO Radar with Sub-Nyquist Sampling
Mazor Gal 2018 MSc Abstracts Sub-Nyquist Quantitative Estimation of Magnetic Resonance Parameters
Stein Ioushua Shahar 2018 MSc Abstracts Signal Processing Challenges in Massive MIMO Systems
Aberman Kfir 2017 MSc Abstracts Sub-Nyquist Synthetic Aperture Radar
Kiperwas Amir 2016 MSc Abstracts Reconstruction of images from irregularly sampled spectral data with application to medical imaging
Bar-Ilan Omer 2015 MSc Abstracts Sub-Nyquist Radar via Doppler Focusing
Gedalyahu Kfir 2012 MSc Abstracts Sampling Signals from a Parameterized Union of Subspaces
Srour Orr 2012 MSc Abstracts Fluxomers: A New Approace for 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis
Wagner Noam 2012 MSc Abstracts Compressed Beamforming with Applications to Ultrasound Imaging
Tur Ronen 2012 MSc Abstracts Innovation Rate Sampling of Pulse Streams with Applications in Ultrasound Imaging
David Ya'ara 2011 MSc Abstracts Analysis of DNA Time of Replication – A Signal Processing Approach
Chernoi Jacob 2009 MSc Abstracts The Chebyshev Center and Iterative MMSE: Dominating Least- Squares Estimation
Bobrowski Omer 2008 MSc Abstracts Real Time Spike Train Decoding by Neural Networks
Ben-Yaacov Erez 2008 MSc Abstracts Analysis of Microarray Data
Grossmann Liron 2007 MSc Abstracts An L1-Framework for the Design of Linear-Phase FIR Digital Filters
Salhov Moshe 2006 MSc Abstracts Robust Equalization and Multiuser Detection
Ben-Haim Zvi 2006 MSc Abstracts Blind Minimax and Maximum Set Estimators: Improving on Least-Squares Estimation
Elron Noam Lev 2006 MSc Abstracts Extensions of the Quantum Detection Problem: Optimal Encoding and Detection with Uncertainty
Subbanna Nagesh 2006 MSc Abstracts Non-Canonical Discrete Gabor Representations and Their Applications
Margolis Evgeny 2005 MSc Abstracts Reconstruction of Periodic Bandlimited Signals from Nonuniform Samples