PhD and MSc Theses
PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988
Student's Name |
Graduation Year |
Degree |
Abstracts |
Research Name |
Solomon Oren |
2019 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Fast Super-Resolution Imaging in Optics and Ultrasound: from Sparsity to Deep Learning |
Chernyakova Tatyana |
2018 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Low-Rate Generalized Beamforming for Medical Ultrasound |
Cohen Deborah |
2017 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Structure-Free Compressive Sampling Sub-Nyquist Sampling for Passive and Active Cognitive systems |
Ben-Haim Zvi |
2011 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Performance Bounds for Estimation of Structurally Constrained Signals |
Michaeli Tomer |
2012 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Interplay between Sampling and Estimation: A Unified Hilbert Space Approach |
Mishali Moshe |
2011 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Sampling and Processing of Structured Signals at Sub-Nyquist Rates |
Dvorkind Gregory |
2008 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Generalized Sampling in the Presence of Nonlinearities: Theory and Methods |
Wiesel Aminadav |
2007 |
PhD |
Abstracts |
Convex Optimization Methods in MIMO Communication Systems |
Giryes Raja |
2009 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Automatic Parameter Tuning for Inverse Problems |
Tsiper Shahar |
2019 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Pseudo-Polar Based CT Reconstruction |
Cohen David |
2018 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
High Resolution FDMA MIMO Radar with Sub-Nyquist Sampling |
Mazor Gal |
2018 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Sub-Nyquist Quantitative Estimation of Magnetic Resonance Parameters |
Stein Ioushua Shahar |
2018 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Signal Processing Challenges in Massive MIMO Systems |
Aberman Kfir |
2017 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Sub-Nyquist Synthetic Aperture Radar |
Kiperwas Amir |
2016 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Reconstruction of images from irregularly sampled spectral data with application to medical imaging |
Bar-Ilan Omer |
2015 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Sub-Nyquist Radar via Doppler Focusing |
Gedalyahu Kfir |
2012 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Sampling Signals from a Parameterized Union of Subspaces |
Srour Orr |
2012 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Fluxomers: A New Approace for 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis |
Wagner Noam |
2012 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Compressed Beamforming with Applications to Ultrasound Imaging |
Tur Ronen |
2012 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Innovation Rate Sampling of Pulse Streams with Applications in Ultrasound Imaging |
David Ya'ara |
2011 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Analysis of DNA Time of Replication – A Signal Processing Approach |
Chernoi Jacob |
2009 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
The Chebyshev Center and Iterative MMSE: Dominating Least- Squares Estimation |
Bobrowski Omer |
2008 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Real Time Spike Train Decoding by Neural Networks |
Ben-Yaacov Erez |
2008 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Analysis of Microarray Data |
Grossmann Liron |
2007 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
An L1-Framework for the Design of Linear-Phase FIR Digital Filters |
Salhov Moshe |
2006 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Robust Equalization and Multiuser Detection |
Ben-Haim Zvi |
2006 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Blind Minimax and Maximum Set Estimators: Improving on Least-Squares Estimation |
Elron Noam Lev |
2006 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Extensions of the Quantum Detection Problem: Optimal Encoding and Detection with Uncertainty |
Subbanna Nagesh |
2006 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Non-Canonical Discrete Gabor Representations and Their Applications |
Margolis Evgeny |
2005 |
MSc |
Abstracts |
Reconstruction of Periodic Bandlimited Signals from Nonuniform Samples |