PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 18
Department Chemical Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Leshansky Alexander 2002 PhD Abstracts Nonlinear Interaction in Thermocapillary or Inertial Motion of Suspensions
Holenberg Yulia 2012 PhD Abstracts Dynamics of Drops and Solid Particles in Viscoplastic Fluids
Bialik-Rosenfeld Liat 2011 PhD Abstracts Hydrodynamics of Partially Engulfed Compound Drops
David Benny 1991 PhD Mixing Studies in Polymer Processing
Ragonis Peleg 2020 MSc Abstracts Shear-Induced Particle Migration in Viscous Fluids
Steckelman Yoav 2010 MSc Abstracts On the Effective Permeability of Dry Fabrics during Liquid Composite Molding Processes
Holenberg Yulia 2008 MSc Abstracts Multiphase Dynamics of Visco-Plastic Media Interfacing Newtonian Fluids
Byk Leonid 2008 MSc Abstracts Dynamics and Interaction of Bubbles in Taylor Vortices
Bialik-Rosenfeld Liat 2006 MSc Abstracts Thermocapillary Interaction between Drops Induced by a Chemical Reaction
Manor Ofer 2006 MSc Movement of a Drop due to a Point Source of Heat, with Account to Surface Viscosities
Lipp Jonathan 2003 MSc Abstracts Enhancing the Performance of a Catalytic Pellet
Rosenstein Yaron 2000 MSc Hindered Rotation in a Dilute Suspension.
Leshansky Alexander 1997 MSc Viscous Interaction of Free and Solid Surfaces Induced by Interfacial Transport
Shauly Anat 1995 MSc Dispersion in Concentrated Suspensions
Liss-Arieli Dahlia 1993 MSc Effective Properties of Concentrated Suspensions
Shenfeld Adina 1989 MSc Non-Invasive Deposition of Bronchlgraphic Contrast
Elgart Vladislav 1998 MSc Signals from Particles in Flowing Concentrated Suspensions