PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor DR. Phineas Dickstein
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 14
Department Data and Decision Sciences
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Teper Lina 2008 PhD Abstracts Optimal Calibration of Measurement Systems and Precision Enhancement in Input Restoration Using Apriori Information
Drofin Dmitry 2005 MSc Abstracts Assessment of a Method to Measure Radioactive Content in Drinking Water
Bukh Julia 2004 MSc Abstracts Fuzzy Logic Implementation Model in Risk Assessment
Aizenchtadt Elena 2004 MSc Abstracts Lessons from Radiological Accidents to Reduce Risk and Enhance Safety
Elyash Olga 2004 MSc Abstracts Method for Risk Assessment under High Uncertainties
Man Natalya 2003 MSc Abstracts Waves in Multilayered Media
Kievitski Rena 2003 MSc Abstracts Risk Assessment and Safety Measures in Ultrasonics
Mirer Tatiana 2003 MSc Abstracts Application of the Theory of Catastrophes to the Analysis of Elements of Power Plants
More Karin 2003 MSc Abstracts Risk Assessment of the Exposure to Extremely Low frequency Electromagnetic Fields
Zingerman Anna 2003 MSc Abstracts Applications of Wavelets Entrophy in Nondestructive-Testing
Laks Yael 2002 MSc Abstracts Radio Frequency Radiation: Biological Effects, Assessment of Hazards and Safety Considerations
Sachyani Miriam 2000 MSc Application of Nde Techniques to Assess the Environmental Durability of Adhesive Joints
Chioclea Shmuel 1998 MSc Principles of Data Fusion in Multi-Sensor Systems for Non- Destructive Testing
Tareef Fadil 1996 MSc Measurement of Mechanical Parameters of Structural Adhesive Joints by the Receptance Model