The Graduate School sees special importance in the exposure of its students to studies and courses abroad, for fixed periods of time during their degree studies. These courses may span weeks, months or even a complete year.
There are various funds that offer support for these courses. Information regarding the funds that assist the Graduate School will be sent to the students via email. Students who are interested may contact the funds directly based on the contact information of each fund.
Procedure for leaving for study abroad
The procedure relates to students in the research track only. Master’s degree – for a student with an approved research topic. PhD – for a student who passed the candidacy examination.
There are three possibilities:
- A student who seeks to take courses during one or two semesters in a recognized university abroad, with which Technion does not have an student exchange agreement, can request leave for one or two semesters.
- A student who seeks to take courses during one or two semesters in a university abroad, with which Technion has an student exchange agreement, may submit request to the Dean of the School with the recommendation of the advisor and Departmental Graduate Studies Committee. After the School’s Dean approves the request, the student will contact the Technion International Unit for the rest of the process. A student whose request is approved will continue to pay tuition to Technion, and will be exempt from paying tuition at the hosting institution. Note: before beginning the process, it is recommended to clarify with the Technion International Unit whether there is room at the sought university.
- Students who, at the initiative of their advisor, are interested in promoting their interest at the laboratory of a university abroad and who have not taken leave, will submit a request to the School’s Dean with the recommendation of the advisor and the Department Committee for Graduate Degree.
- The student will be required to pay Technion one third of the tuition for the semester in which the student is abroad. Technion will not cover the tuition of the university abroad.
- A student who receives a scholarship must receive approval for the absence from Technion. A scholarship recipient may continue to receive the scholarship from the Graduate School subject to the recommendation of the academic department and the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School. In this case, the student will be exempt from payment of tuition to Technion in accordance with the number of scholarship installments received. For the request for absence from Technion and the continued receipt of the grant, see: absence of scholarship recipients from Technion.
Course study abroad
A student may request approval to study courses abroad. The courses will be recognized as part of the course requirements only if the student receives prior approval from the Graduate School. The request must be submitted through the request form for course study at another university. Recognition of courses taken abroad will be granted after presentation of an official confirmation from the university abroad, provided that that the grade is 75 or higher and the scope of the course’s credits exceeds 25% of the required credits of the degree.
Dual PhD
Studies towards a dual PhD at Technion and other universities In order to encourage collaboration and the mutual exposure of students and researchers at Technion and students and researchers in universities in Israel and abroad, Technion will operate, programs together with these universities with which it has agreements for granting a dual PhD to students who have paid for such a degree. For additional information, see: Dual PhD.
Conferences abroad
Technion sees great significance in the participation of research students in scientific conferences abroad. In order to encourage the above, the school supports financing the trips abroad through travel grants, provided at this stage to scholarship recipients alone. The purpose of the travel grant is to enable an excellent scholarship recipient at the school to actively participate (by presenting an article or poster) in international scientific conferences.
The travel grant is provided on the basis of excellence of the scholarship recipient, expressed in scientific publications, course grades and recommendation letters. For additional information, see: travel grants for scholarship recipients presenting at conferences abroad.