Graduation Stages


A student’s status will be changed to “Graduating” when the Department’s Graduate Studies Committee submits an Examiner’s Board proposal to the Graduate School for a final exam towards a Master or PhD. The proposal is passed on for approval by the Dean of the Graduate School. After approval, the Graduate School appoints examiners.

Examiners’ Board Proposal and Submitting a thesis

Guidelines for comprising an Examiners’ Board

Advisor’s role

to request in advance the proposed examiners’ consent, and pass on the proposal for the Examiners’ Board for confirmation by the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee.

Only after delivering the seminar lecture and after the examiner’s proposal has been authorized may the student submit his thesis to the Graduation Office in accordance with the Guidelines for thesis Submission.

Any student (whether recipient of scholarship or not) is required to pay tuition up until the date of submitting the thesis. In event that submitting the thesus is delayed, the student is required to pay tuition regardless of the circumstances of said delay.

Advisor’s role: to sign the thesis submission form and the publication of the seminar lecture. In the event that the research title was changed (from what appears on the printout) the advisor will sign the Research Title Change Form.

Final examination

The thesis is sent to the examiners. For a Masters, the examiners are requested to return the review within a month of the date of receipt, and for a PhD, within two months. The school automatically sends a reminder to examiners who are tardy with dates as stipulated in the regulations.

The grade on the final exam is final and takes into consideration corrections made afterwards.

The advisor’s role: to ensure that all reviews arrive and that the Dean of the Graduate School has approved that the exam took place.

At the end of the exam, the advisor will ensure that the exam reports were filled in and signed properly and pass the copies of the exam report to the fdepartmental Graduate Studies secretary.

After the final exam

The student receives a letter summarizing post-exam requirements.

The advisor’s role: two of the required authorizations are the advisor’s confirmation of the list of corrections and the confirmation of the corrected version. According to the Degrees Committee guidelines, this involves two separate declarations (confirmation of the final version cannot be used as the advisor’s confirmation of the list of corrections made to the thesis).

Additionally, the advisor must authorize the Abstract and sign the Library Deposit Form.