Students who meet the following conditions may apply to study a secondary graduate degree:
- Master’s students in a research track who have studied for at least one semester, have a commulative GPA of 90 or higher, and have an approval of their research topic.
- PhD students who have passed the candidacy examination and completed at least 50% off the degree’s credits.
If the request is approved, the student may study, in addition to the primaru graduate degree, a non-thesis secondary degree in a scope of up to six credits per semester. (This limitation does not apply to the MBA degree and the prerequisites for a teaching certificate in ‘Education in Science and Technology”).
The student must submit a request to the Graduate School using the request form for secondary degree studies and follow the instructions listed on the form.
Students must guarantee that the progress of their research will not be harmed as a result of the studies towards a secondary graduate degree, and that they will not file a request for an extension of the study program.
Tuition for the secondary graduate degree shall be paid based on the tuition procedures.
A graduate degree student will not be permitted to study towards an additional undergraduate degree.