PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Benveniste Natan
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No of theses 33
Department Aerospace Engineering
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Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Castaneda David Andres 2024 PhD Abstracts Theoretical Investigation of the Hypergolic Ignition in a Hybrid Rocket Motor
Solomon Yair 2019 PhD Abstracts Combustion of Boron Based Pyrotechnic Compounds
Kronhaus Igal 2012 PhD Abstracts Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Physical Processes in a Co-Axial Magneto-Isolated Longitudinal Anode Hall Thruster
Chernov Victor 2010 PhD Abstracts Rheological Properties of Metalized Gel Fuels
Ben-Arosh Rachel 1997 PhD Theoretical Investigation of Supersonic Combustion Of Solid Fuel in a Ramjet Engine
Galmidi Nofar 2023 MSc Abstracts Shock Dynamics at a Supersonic, Two-Dimensional, Air Intake with Variable Geometry
Goldin Roni 2023 MSc Abstracts Hypergolic lgnition of Kerosene-based Gel Fuel with Hydrogen Peroxide in Rocket Motors
Sapozhnikov Igor 2020 MSc Abstracts Screening of Ablative Materials for Solid Rocket Motors
Kadosh Hertzel 2019 MSc Abstracts Internal Ballistics of Boron Containing Solid Fuel Ramjet
Bresler Jacob 2019 MSc Abstracts Investigation of ABS-Paraffin based 3-D Printed Hybrid Rocket Fuels
Diskin David 2018 MSc Abstracts Theoretical Investigation of a Boron Loaded Gel Fuel Ramjet Combustor
Castaneda David Andres 2018 MSc Abstracts Hypergolic Ignition of a Hybrid Rocket Motor
Tsin-Shwartz Irit 2017 MSc Abstracts Experimental Investigation of a Boron Loaded Gel Fuel Ramjet Combustor
Miller Lior 2017 MSc Abstracts Development of Integrated Geometry Nozzles for Rocket Motors
Novikov Alina 2017 MSc Abstracts The Effect of Flow Bleed on the Starting Process of a Ramjet Engine Intake
Greenfeld Hagit 2016 MSc Abstracts Prediction of the Burning Rate of a Multi-Modal Oxdizer Composite Propellant
Balas Shachar 2015 MSc Abstracts Invesrtigation of the Condensation of Boron Oxide in a HC-Boron Gel-Fuel Ramjet
Kurovsky Vladimir 2015 MSc Abstracts Feasibility Study of the Guidance System of an Exo-Atmospheric Interceptor
Vaynshtein Alexander 2015 MSc Abstracts On the Flow Stability of a Sudden Opening Supersonic Intake
Peker Avi 2015 MSc Abstracts Feasibility Study of a Medium/Long Range Ramjet Cruise Missile
Gafni Gilad 2014 MSc Abstracts Experimental Investigation of an Aluminized Gel Fuel Ramjet Combustor
Matsibeker Evgeny 2012 MSc Abstracts Numerical Solution of the Flowfield in an Aluminized Gel Fuel Ramjet
Haddad Arza 2012 MSc Abstracts Theoretical Evaluation of the Performance of a Boron Containing Gel Fuel Ramjet
Desyatkov Anat 2009 MSc Abstracts The Effect of High Vapor Pressure Additives on the Atomization and Combustion of Gel Fuels
Kunin Alina 2006 MSc Abstracts Investigation of Gel Spray Diffusion Flame
Shitrit Shlomy 2005 MSc Abstracts Investigation of Improved Hall Thruster Configuration for Low Power Operation
Chernov Victor 2005 MSc Characterization of a Pulsatile-Injection Gel Propellant Spray
Rahimi Shai 2000 MSc The Injection Process of Gel Fuels
Nahamoni Gad 1999 MSc Experimental Investigation of the Combustion of Gel Fuels
Cohen-Zur Abraham 1998 MSc Experimental Investigation of a Supersonic Combustion Solid Fuel Ramjet
Benyakar Adela 1995 MSc Investigation of the Combustion of Solid Fuel at Supersonic Flow Conditions in a Ramijet Engine
Khalupovich Yuliya 1995 MSc Navier-Stokes Solution of Supersonic Flow Over a Backward Facing Step
Druker Nir 2017 MSc Abstracts Study of Voltage-Current Characteristics across the Ignition Gap of Internal Combustion Engines