PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Pnina Plaut
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 48
Department Architecture and Town Planning
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Zaban Roy 2024 PhD Abstracts The Influence of the Physical-Digital Nexus on Activity Spaces and Accessibility in Cities
Israel Fabian 2021 PhD Abstracts A New Mobility System Based on Technological Change and Societal Transition – The Case of Autonomous Vehicle
Moran Mika 2013 PhD Abstracts The Relationship between the Built Environment and Active Living
Armon-Zur Zurit 2018 PhD Abstracts The Public Interest in Transportation Infrastructure Development through Public-Private-Partnerships: A Case Study of the Jerusalem Rail Transit
Hagiladi Na’amah 2018 PhD Abstracts Social Networks and Travel Behaviour in the Urban Environment
Modai-Snir Tal 2015 PhD Abstracts Residential Mobility – Analysis of Intra-Metropolitan Flows and Sorting Dynamics
Golan Lihi 2021 PhD Abstracts Development of a Framework for Evaluating Biosphere Reserve Planning and Assessment of the Impact of Planning on Implementation
Rubinstein Cher Yuval 2022 PhD Abstracts A Framework for Analyzing the Dynamic and Complex Structure of Urban Plans
Ben Dror Maya 2019 PhD Abstracts The Role of Social Media in Transportation Policy
Hazan Gilad 2013 PhD Abstracts Evaluation of Sustainable Development in Plans: Theory, Practice, Method
Even Chen Shakked 2024 MSc Abstracts The Relationship between Living in a Walkable Environment and Grocery- Shopping Patterns and E-Grocery
Rothschild Antman Hadar 2021 MSc Abstracts Physical Diversity and the City: Diversity’s Physical Characteristics Evaluation in City Plans
Grinshpoon Biana 2020 MSc Abstracts The Status of the Health Impact Assessment and the Presence of Health Aspects in the Planning System in Israel in the Context of National Projects – The Case Study of the…
Dover Dalit 2020 MSc Abstracts Integrating Underground Space in Urban Planning a Mirror Image of Urban Planning
Khoury Sabri 2020 MSc Abstracts The Virtual Image of the City Creating Virtual Image of Cities using Social Networks Sites Information – SNSI
Gal Oded 2019 MSc Abstracts Perception & Usage of Ridesharing, and the Role of Trust
Zaban Roy 2019 MSc Abstracts Side Curb Parking Lanes in Cities in an Autonomous Vehicle Era
Dombrowski Daliah 2018 MSc Abstracts Social Activity-Travel Behaviour and Mobility Patterns of Older Adults
Menachem Ofer 2018 MSc Abstracts Inequality,Income and Commuting Do Changes in Commuting Characteristics Correlate with Income and Inequality in the Place of Residence?
Schnitzer Ido 2017 MSc Abstracts Examining the Spatial Aspects of Social Networking Sites: Study case of Facebook Events and Travel Behavior
Brickner Emri 2017 MSc Abstracts Evacuation in a Tsunami Prone Area: Bat-Galim; Haifa as Case Study
Gath-Morad Michal 2017 MSc Abstracts A Virtual City Simulation Platform to Assess the Effects of Information and Communication Technologies on Pedestrian Navigation in Urban Settings
Prawer Noa 2017 MSc Abstracts “You want to Maximize Your financial Gain. What about Mine?” Analysis of National Outline Plan No.38 as a Planning Deal
Shachaf Leyron 2016 MSc Abstracts The Contribution of Environmental Impact Statements to Incorporation of Environmental Protection Measures in Statutory Plans: A Comparative Study of Two Planning Tracks in …
Am-Shalem Shay 2016 MSc Abstracts Urban Intentional Communities and Correlation with Sense of Community in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods The Case of Hadar Hacarmel, Haifa
Salkinder Sharon 2016 MSc Abstracts Integration of Archaeological Gardens into the Urban Environment – An Evaluation of the Relationship between the site and its Environment
Caspi Or 2016 MSc Abstracts Electric Bike Users in Tel Aviv-Yafo: Their Characteristics and Travel Behavior
Ben-Yehuda Roey 2014 MSc Abstracts The Construction of Light Rail Infrastructure and Commercial Land Uses in Jaffa Street, Jerusalem
Namir Atalia 2014 MSc Abstracts The cCaracteristics of the Door-to-Door Journey to Work and its Effect on the dDmand for Rail Use
Shemer Neta 2014 MSc Abstracts Planning Patterns of the Kibbutz in Renewal
Tepper Barak 2012 MSc Abstracts Conservation of the ‘Realm of Memory’ in Zichron Ya’acov
Lotan Alon 2011 MSc Abstracts Perspectives of the Users Upon Computer Applications According to Their Vocational Profile
Armon-Zur Zurit 2009 MSc Abstracts Tunneling in Highways: A Study of Willingness to Pay for Preserving Open Space
Assis Dalia 2009 MSc Abstracts The Tel-Aviv Light Rail Transit and the Price of Residential Apartments near Station Locations in the Planning Period
Bornstein David 2009 MSc Abstracts Factors Affecting Carpool Usage: Study Case – Technion, Israel
Melter Yoav 2008 MSc Abstracts Bicycle Usage and the Built Environment: Identification and Analysis of Physical Patterns affecting Urban Bicycle Ridership – Case-Study in Nahariya
Bardugo Orly 2008 MSc Abstracts Planning for Pedestrians – Business Owners and Visitors’s Opinions Regarding a Success or Failure of a Pedestrian Street Case Study: Nordaw, Haifa and
Levy Sharon 2007 MSc Abstracts Analysis of Land Use Pattern Changes along the Cross Israel Highway (during the Planning Period and the Construction of the Main Section) Case Study: The Kessem Interc
Ben-Shabbat Gilboa Iris 2006 MSc Abstracts Trends and Travel Characteristics at the Carmelit between the Years 1973-2001
Fischler Ezer 2006 MSc Abstracts Development of a Procedure to Identify Urbanization Effects on the Ecosystems Using Fragmentation Measures
Hazan Gilad 2006 MSc Abstracts Sustainable Development in Metropolitan Areas in Israel: Integrating Transportation and Land Uses
Newmark Gregory 2006 MSc Abstracts The Impact of New Suburban Malls on the Sustainability of Shopping Travel
Fattal Idit 2005 MSc Abstracts Demand Characteristics For a Feeder to the Carmelit, by Paratransit Service
Diamant Elzur Iris 2005 MSc Abstracts Planning for Bicycling: Planning Tools to Encourage the Use of Bicycles as an Alternative to the Use of Private Cars
Aspler Rivka 2004 MSc Abstracts Consumer Behavior of Women in the Contemporary City – Natanya Case Study
Vishnia-Shabtai Tali 2003 MSc Abstracts Adviser to Public Participation in Planning Role Definition
Mendelson Miron 2003 MSc Abstracts Planning for Cycling: Spatial and Traffic Planning
Elias Wafa 2004 MSc Abstracts Effects of Bypasses on Urban Development, Majd-Alkroom – A Case Study