PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Avraham Wachman (Deceased)
No of theses 10
Department Architecture and Town Planning
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Lobovikov-Katz Anna 2001 PhD Abstracts The “Stone Regulation” and Stone Building Conservation in Jerusalem (The Role of Building Material – Stone – in Urban Conservation)
Amir Eyal 1998 PhD Room – Home: the Kibbutz Apartment – Ideology and Planning
Mosseri Avi 1997 PhD Strategic Spatial Planning and National Strategy in Israel
Wertheim Irith 1998 PhD A Morphological Approach to the Study of Geometry, as a Way to Improve Spatial Ability
Kleinmann Menachem 2001 PhD Semiregular Polyhedra in Four Dimensions
Yom-Tov Tirza 1991 PhD Abstracts Educational Buildings in the Kibutz Ideas and Physical Solut
Granot Yael 2007 MSc Abstracts The Allocation of Areas, Number of Users and Budgets for Planning and Design of Science and Engineering Faculty Buldings. Comparative Analysis of Programs and Structures
Amir Yossi 1998 MSc Travel and Tourists Services Centers Toward’s An Integrative Model for Decision Making for Location, and Architectural Planning and Design
Brand Eila 1996 MSc Abstracts Marine Architecture – Application of Morphological Classification System to Projects in the Marine Environment
Carmeli Anat 1995 MSc Abstracts Framework for Inter Settlement Cooperation:analysis of Success and Failure Towards a More Effeicient Framework