PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Naama Brenner
Advisor’s Email
Advisor’s Home-Site
No of theses 19
Department Chemical Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Susman Lee 2021 PhD Abstracts Properties of Task Representation in Recurrent Neural Networks
Schreier Hallel Ilan 2019 PhD Abstracts A Random Network Model of Cellular Adaptation
Shomar Aseel 2023 PhD Abstracts Control and Learning in Biological Systems
Gordon Urit 2018 PhD Abstracts Dynamic Perspective on Contextual Effects of Visual and Auditory Perception – A Psychophisical Study
Elhanati Yuval 2012 PhD Abstracts Variability and Environment-Mediated Interactions in Populations of Microorganisms
Stolovicki Elad 2012 PhD Abstracts Evolvability of Gene Regulation: From Single Cells to Populations
Friedlander Tamar 2010 PhD Abstracts Protein Distributions and Their Role in Cell Population Functionality
Stawsky Alejandro 2021 MSc Abstracts Multiple Timescales in Bacterial Growth Homeostasis
Susman Lee 2016 MSc Abstracts Multi-dimensional phenotype and long-term dynamics in individual bacteria
Schreier Hallel Ilan 2015 MSc Abstracts Population Models of Epigenetic Adaptation Processes in Asexual Populations
Gilboa-Freedman Gail 2005 MSc Abstracts History Dependent Multiple Time Scale Dynamics in a Single Neuron Model
Statman Adiel 2014 MSc Abstracts A Population Approach to Synaptic Size Distribution
Elyahu Noa 2011 MSc Abstracts Population Structure and its Role in Adapting to an Unforeseen Challenge
Ventura Irit 2009 MSc Abstracts Morphological Analysis of Cell Cycle in Yeast Populations
Filiba Eytan 2008 MSc Abstracts Transient Dynamics and Tradeoffs: Heterogeneous Populations in a Competitive Changing Environment
Stern Shay 2007 MSc Abstracts Genome-wide Transcriptional Plasticity Underlying Cellular Adaptation to Novel Challenge
Chen Ronen 2004 MSc Abstracts Dynamic Adaptation in Single Neuron Models
Shomar Aseel 2017 MSc Abstracts Synaptic Size Dynamics as a Mesoscopic Biophysical Process
Farkash Keren 2007 MSc Abstracts Characterization of Gene Expression Variation in Yeast Cell Population