PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Yoram Avnimelech
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 16
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Ayalon Ofira 2000 PhD Environmental Accounting as a Means for the Development of Solid Waste Management Policy in Israel
Meijer Leonard 2000 PhD Processes in Fishpond Sediments
Admon Smadar 1999 PhD Land Treatment of Sludge Generated at Oil Refineries
Robinzon Roni 1998 PhD Simulations and Models of Pile Composting
Salinger Yigal 1991 PhD Geochemistry of Phosporus in Lake Kinneret Watershed
Dag Jonathan 1991 PhD Nitrogen Management for Cotton Growing on Grumosolic Soils
Eilat Rama 2001 MSc Dependence of Composting on Pretreatment, Temperature and Oxygen
Sela Roy 2001 MSc Characterization and Optimization of Composting Process
Porat Yair 2000 MSc Sewage Sludge Stabilization by Co-Composting with Municipal Solid Waste
Ayalon Ofira 1994 MSc Collection & Recycling of Msw Analyses of Alternatives
Livne Yoav 1992 MSc Soil Oxigen Demand as Effected by Compost Manuring
Ben-Natan Galit 2000 MSc Land Use Patterns for Recreation and Tourism in the Kishon Basin as Affected by Different Water Quality Levels
Ehrenfreund Dganit 1997 MSc Utilization of Magnesium for the Efficacy of Phosphorus Fertilization
Mozes Noam 1990 MSc Effects of Agitation and Aeration on Biological and
Hernandez Maria 1988 MSc On the Effects of Added Nitrates on Chemical and Microbial