PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Shimon Even (Deceased)
No of theses 9
Department Computer Science
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Biryukov Alex 1999 PhD Methods of Cryptanalysis
Artishchev-Zapolotsk Maria 2008 PhD Abstracts Compact Layouts for Some Interconnection Networks
Kupershtok Ahron 2000 PhD Some Improved Layouts for Interconnection Networks
Raysbaum Sergio 1991 PhD On the Performance of Distributed Networks Controlled by a
Tayar Rafi 2001 MSc Scanning Directed Eulerian Mazes by a Finite-State Robot
Rabinovitz Ishai 1996 MSc Random and Deterministic Approximation Algorithms for Covering Problems.
Kupershtok Ahron 1995 MSc The Hypercube – Features Generalizations and Embedding Sets Of Numbers in It
Granot Gilad 1994 MSc Planar Geid Drawings of Graphs with Few Bends in Eahe Edge
Kimmel Dan 1990 MSc Simulation Project on Ibm/pc for Electronic Wallet