PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 11
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Fradkin Maxim 1998 PhD Automatic Compilation of Distortionless Digital Orthophoto
Basher Loai 2006 MSc Abstracts Determining the Photogrammetric Model Orientation by Using Geodetic Observations and Geometric Constrains
Tilles Eli 2005 MSc Abstracts Precise 3D Mapping by Close-Range Photogrammetry Supported Laser Scanning
Bar-Maor Amir 2003 MSc Abstracts The Solution of the Airborne Video Camera Orientation Using Aerial GPS
Halpern Oren 2003 MSc Abstracts Self Calibration of an Airial Camera, Using Airborn GPS Data and Accurate Control Points Distances
Telem Gil 2002 MSc Datum Definition in a Noisy Environment by Non-Cartesian Models
Lavi )Leibovich( Guy 2001 MSc GPS-Supported Close-Range Photogrammetry
Croitoru Arie 1997 MSc Relative Orientation Solution for Non-Metric Close Range Photographs in Unstable Conditions
Zalmanson Garry 1995 MSc Mapping from Spot Images.
Afful Joseph 1991 MSc Automatic Targeting in Digital Photographs
Meltzer Yosef 1989 MSc Simulation and Accvracies in Gps System