PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Yehoshua Dayan
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 24
Department Mechanical Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Berman Arie 2002 PhD Abstracts Improving Linear and N.L. Estimation Methods by Employing Validation Gate Tests During the Prediction Process in Robust Tracking/Sensing Time- Varying parameter Systems
Brook Noam 1996 PhD Object Manipulation in Multi-Fingered Hands
Raz Idan 2007 MSc Abstracts Comparison of Adaptive Force Control Methods for Robots
Shvarzfarb Anna 2019 MSc Abstracts Developing Two-Chamber Biomass Gasifier
Awad Rami 2018 MSc Abstracts Modeling of Polymer as a Robot
Aranyi Paz 2017 MSc Abstracts Optimization of a Hybrid Robot’s Weight Lifting Ability
Cyjon Ronen 2016 MSc Abstracts Developing Two-Chamber Reactor for Biomass Gasification
Stepura Sergy 2011 MSc Abstracts Investigation of Techniques to Improve High Weights Lifting by Robotic Manipulators
Cui Rong 2008 MSc Abstracts Control of the Solid Particles Circulation in a Two-chamber Biomass Gasifier Utilizing Horizontal Steam Injectors
Slobodinsky Alexander 2004 MSc Abstracts Comparison of Adaptive Control Methods for Robots
Davidian Dan 1996 MSc A Method and a System for Initiating An Automatic Alarm to Prevent Rear-End Collisions (A.c.s).
Shiri Hanoch 1995 MSc Performence Tradeoffs in Distributed Robot Controllers
Brion Vladislav 1995 MSc Control of Catalytic Coal Gasification in Fluidized Bed Reactor with Circulation
Volfson Evgeny 1995 MSc Control of Coal Gasification in Recirculated Fluidized Bed
Zaidman Katy 1994 MSc The Use of Residence Time Distribution Techniqe in
Shachar-Schwartz Yossy 1994 MSc Implemention Commercial Control Program to An
Padinker Julia 1993 MSc Order Reruction of the Mathematical Model for Tomato Growth
Shaky Eli 1992 MSc Robot Force Control
Brook Noam 1991 MSc Classification and Examination of Adaptive Control Methods
Neuah Eduardo 1991 MSc Partial Pyrolysis of Coal
Abbas Zoheir 1991 MSc Connecting Apple Ii + Computer to Control An Analog Process
Unger Joseph 1990 MSc Dynamic and Stiffness for a Parallel Link Manipulator
Lev Isak 1990 MSc Adaptive Control of Robot Arm Using the Coefficient Plane
Fishman Rami Gerar 1990 MSc Design and Implementation of Robot Control System