PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 23
Department Medicine
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Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Wang Tingting 2021 PhD Effects of Weak Magnetic Fields (MFs) on Rodent Neurons: Characterization and Mechanisms of Action
Uzan Gueta Ravit 2017 PhD Abstracts Neuroprotective and Behavioral Effects of Weak Static Magnetic Fields in the Rat
Ben-Yakir Blumkin Moria 2014 PhD Abstracts The Neuroprotective Effect of Magnetic Fields in Primary Neuronal Cultures and in Vivo: Charactreization and Mechanism of Action
Aluf Yuval 2013 PhD Abstracts The Association between Dopamine and Oxidative Stress in a Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease
Sader-Mazbar Ola 2011 PhD Abstracts The Role of Monoamine Oxidase Subtypes in Striatal Metabolism of Dopamine Produced from L-DOPA in the Rat
Kemeny Stav 2009 PhD Abstracts Involvement of the Pro-Apoptotic Protein ARTS in Parkinson’s Disease: Parkin is an E3-Ligase for ARTS
Lotan Rona 2004 PhD Abstracts Elucidation of ARTS Apoptotic Signaling Pathway
Bonneh-Barkay Dafna 2002 PhD Abstracts Characterization of the Neuroprotective Potential and Mechanism of Action of the MAO-B Inhibitor Rasagiline
Ari Gil 1996 PhD Effects of Diabetes on the Function of the Autonomic Nervous System in Penile Erection
Lamensdorf Iscak 1996 PhD Effects of Chronic Treatment with Selective Monoamine Oxidase B Inhibitors (MAO-B) on Dopamine Metabolism in the Striatum
Lavian Gila 1992 PhD Cardiovascular Actions of Antidepressant Drwgs Mediated by
Broneshter Rinata 2012 MSc Abstracts Combined Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Doxorubicin and Sorafenib: Molecular Mechanisms of Co-Interaction and the Role of MAPK/ERK Pathway
Kizhner Sharona 2011 MSc Abstracts Modification of L-dopa-induced Increase in Striatal Extracellular Fluid Dopamine Levels and Metabolism by the Centrally-acting COMT Inhibitor, Tolcapone
Weinstein Neta 2008 MSc Abstracts Characterization of ARTS Protein and the Effects Of Pro- Apoptotic Stimulations on its Expression in Cortical Neurons
Toidman Polina 2007 MSc Abstracts The Role of ARTS in Neuronal Apoptosis
Dayan Lior 2003 MSc Abstracts L-DOPA Induced Noradrenaline Release in the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems
Armony Tal 1998 MSc Striatal Dopamine Release in the Guinea-Pig Following Chronic Treatment with Mao Inhibitors
Goldstein Dalit 1995 MSc Cardiac Changes in a Rat Model of Iron Deficiency
Goshen Hadas 1994 MSc Effect of Antidepressants on Release of Noradrenaline
Kaplan Odelia 1993 MSc Hcg Secretion and Its Regulation by Gnrh in Placenta
Ari Gil 1991 MSc The Effect of Anti Depressant Treatment on Noradrenaline
Sigalat Sarah 1989 MSc Effects of Buspirone in the Sympathetic Nervous System
Said Omar 1989 MSc Effect of Obstructive Jaunoice on the Uptake of Norepinephr