PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Ronny Roth
Advisor’s Email
Advisor’s Home-Site
No of theses 17
Department Computer Science
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Sharov Artyom 2016 PhD Abstracts Coding for New Applications in Storage Media
Tal Ido 2009 PhD Abstracts Coding and Bounds for Two-Dimensional Constraints
Barkol Omer 2008 PhD Abstracts Locally Decodable Codes and Their Applications
Skachek Vitaly 2007 PhD Abstracts Low-Density Parity-Check Codes: Constructions and Bounds
Ruckenstein Gitit 2002 PhD Abstracts Error Decoding Strategies for Algebraic Codes
Deutsch Ofra 1994 MSc Decoding of Reed Solomow Codes Over Rings
Berman Rachel Nirit 2020 MSc Abstracts On the Number of Factorizations of Polynomials with Application to Rank-Metric Codes
Kolan Tom 2011 MSc Abstracts Coding Techiques for Burst Errors
Sharov Artyom 2010 MSc Abstracts Coding Techniques for Multidimensional Constrained Channels
Louidor Erez 2004 MSc Abstracts Lowest-Density MDS Codes over Super-Alphabets
Tal Ido 2003 MSc Abstracts List Decoding of Lee Metric Codes
Halevy Shirley 2001 MSc Two-Dimensional Coding for Recording Channels
Skachek Vitaly 1998 MSc Coding for Spectral-Null Constraints
Talyansky Roman 1997 MSc Coding for Two-Dimensional Constraints
Hod Ofra 1996 MSc Constructions for Error-Correcting Codes and Covering Codes
Ruckenstein Gitit 1996 MSc Encoding for Input-Constrained Channels
Hod Ronen 1995 MSc Coding Methods for Imput Constraind Channels