PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Yossef Steinberg
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 15
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Pereg Uziahu 2019 PhD Abstracts Single and Multi User Arbitrarily Varying Channels
Weingarten Hanan 2008 PhD Abstracts Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Broadcast Systems
Sanderovich Amichai 2008 PhD Abstracts Information Theoretic Aspects of Decentralized Processing
Katz Michael 2007 PhD Abstracts Cooperative Strategies in Wireless Networks
Tock Yoav 2004 PhD Abstracts Information Theoretic Analysis of the Muscle Spindle System
Itzhak Dor 2019 MSc Abstracts Cooperation in Communication Systems Under Uncertainty Conditions
Amir Eliron 2013 MSc Abstracts Multiple Access Channels with Correlated Sources and Cribbing Encoders
Shaviv Dor 2012 MSc Abstracts The Multiple-Access Channel with Common Rate-Limited Feedback
Sumszyk Orna 2012 MSc Abstracts Information Embedding with Reversible Stegotext and Related Problems
Winshtok Amir 2007 MSc Abstracts Source and Channel Coding Problems in the Presence of Arbitrarily Varying Side Information
Keshet Guy 2006 MSc Abstracts Channel Coding in the Presence of Side Information: Subject Review
Cemal Yakup 2005 MSc Abstracts Coding Problems for Single-User and Multiple-Access Channels with Coded Side Information at the Transmitters
Goldsmith Dan 2004 MSc Abstracts Fading Channels with Transmitter Side Information
Rosenzweig Aviv 2003 MSc Abstracts On Channels with Partial State Information at the Transmitter
Weingarten Hanan 2002 MSc Abstracts Information Theoretic Approach to Robust Communication in Multi Antenna Channels