PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor DR. Gregory Halperin
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 9
Department Mechanical Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Ovcharenko Andrey 2008 PhD Abstracts Experimental Investigation of Junction Growth in Spherical Contact
Varenberg Michael 2004 PhD Abstracts Tribological Aspects of Nanoscale Fretting
Murarash Boris 2011 MSc Abstracts Tribology of Contact Surface Patterns Evolved in Biological Microsystems
Verberne Gabriel 2009 MSc Abstracts Tribology of Biological Tissues
Levinson Ofer 2005 MSc Abstracts Experimental Investigation of Static Friction
Kreines Leonid 2003 MSc Abstracts Fretting Wear of Thin Film Diamond Coatings
Greenberg Reuven 2002 MSc Abstracts Nano-Composites for Tribological Applications
Volchok Alexander 2002 MSc Study of the Effect of Surface Micro-Topography on Fretting Fatigue
Varenberg Michael 2001 MSc Study of the Fretting Wear Mechanism