PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Ariele Veranski
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 7
Department Architecture and Town Planning
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Yagudin Lora 2010 MSc Abstracts Planning towards the Hosting of Olympic Games Realated Conflicts and their Management
Richter Ravit 2005 MSc Abstracts Mass Media Coverage of Environmental Planning Conflicts Decoding Framing and Reframing Processes
Hirsz De Tuch Jenny 2004 MSc Abstracts “Neighbours Committee” in the Haifa Municipality: Building Permissions in Share Property Housing – Conflicts and Conflict Management
Stahy Sigalit 2003 MSc Abstracts Municipal Boundaries Determination and Modification – Conflicts and Alternative Means to Mitigate them
Cohen Ben-Ami Dina 2003 MSc Abstracts Methods of Internal Conflicts Mitigation in Planning for Withdrawal from the Golan Heights
Sassoon-Buras Ronit 2000 MSc The Potential of the Investigator Procedure as a Means to Mitigate Conflicts in Planning
Beery Aviv 1999 MSc Evaluation of the Land Readjustment Process as a Means for Managing Planning Conflicts in Arab Settlements in Israel