PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor ASSOCIATE PROF. Haim Abramovich
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No of theses 32
Department Aerospace Engineering
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Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Hakim Gilad 2024 PhD Abstracts Multiwall Shear Deformable Orthotropic Plates: Moderate Moderate Large Deflections Nonlinear Analysis: through Approximate Methods and Tests
Edery-Azulay Lucy 2007 PhD Abstracts Integrity of Piezoelectric Patched Smart Structures
Miller Scott 1996 PhD Distributed Modal Control of Piezolaminated Anisotropic Planar and Cylindrical Structures
Elbaz Yair 2022 MSc Abstracts Hybrid Approach to Predict and Optimize Flaw Detection Capabilities using Laser Shearography
Seri Yaniv 2021 MSc Abstracts Assessment of Load Bearing Capabilities of CFRP Filament Wound Structures
Geva Amit 2018 MSc Abstracts Investigation of a Morphing Wing Capable of Airfoil and Span Adjustment using a Retractable Folding Mechanism – New Engineering Approach
Penias Shahar 2018 MSc Abstracts Monitoring Natural Frequencies of Composite Beams as a Means to Detect Defects
Simanovsky Yuri 2016 MSc Abstracts Investigation of the behavior of damaged aluminum panel under shear loads, reinforced by composite patches
Buch Oran 2015 MSc Abstracts Dynamic Buckling of Nano-Beams
Keren Yuval 2012 MSc Abstracts Tests on a Hovering Flapping Wing
Gleizer Stanislav 2011 MSc Abstracts Accurate Solutions for Composite Plates with Piezoelectric Patches
Less Hadas 2010 MSc Abstracts Dynamic Buckling of Laminated Composite Stringer-Stiffened Cylindrical Panels
Prumanov Leonid 2009 MSc Abstracts Buckling and Postbuckling Behaviour of Cylindrical Stiffened Laminated Composite Plates
Moldavsky Jonathan 2009 MSc Abstracts Analytical Models for Prediction of Energy Production by Piezoelectric Materials
Fernandes Elnatan 2009 MSc Abstracts Thermoelastic Deformations of Laminated Composite Structural Elements
Broytman Alexander 2008 MSc Abstracts Buckling and Post Buckling Behavior of Stiffened Composite Cylindrical Panels under Combined Loading
Fridman Yulia 2006 MSc Abstracts An Investigation of the Stability of Axially Loaded Beams in the Presence of Piezoelectric Patches
Waisman Haim 2002 MSc Active Stiffening of Composite Beams Using Piezoelectric Actuators
Gindin Iuri 1998 MSc Coupled Flexural-Torsional Vibrations of Variable Cross- Section Timoshenko Beams
Pinker Samuel Irving 1996 MSc Passive and Active Structural Control for a Rpv Flexible Wing.
Fivlovich Alexander 1995 MSc The Use of Piezoelectric Layers for the Control of a Flexible Structure
Shulepov Oleg 1994 MSc Vibrations of Laminated Beams Using the Dynamic Stiffness
Somers Martin 1990 MSc The Buckling and Postbuckling Behavior of Sandwich Beams in
Pletner Baruch 1990 MSc Response of Discrete and Continuous Systems to Uncertarn Exc
Meshali Omri 2020 MSc Abstracts Examination of the Safety Factor in Solid Propellant Grain under Pressure Loads during Ignition
Mayo Liran 2019 MSc Abstracts Research in Reduction of Vibroacoustic Vibration on a Payload in an Airborne Body
Broitman Noam 2015 MSc Abstracts Fatigue Investigation on Additive Manufacturing Products
Hasson Idan 2023 MSc Abstracts An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Laminated Composite Structure’s Damping Capabilities
Har-Nes Idan 2017 MSc Abstracts Bandwidth expansion for piezoelectric energy harvesting
Zivan Ayal 2015 MSc Abstracts A Method for Optimal Design and Modeling of Dynamic Test under Given Constrains
Nir Adi 2008 MSc Abstracts Design, Analysis and Experiments of a Piezoelectric Smart Fin Actuator
Elka Eyal 2004 MSc Abstracts The Electromechanical Response of Multi-Layered Piezoelectric Structures