PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Yale Herer
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No of theses 31
Department Data and Decision Sciences
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Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Szwarcfiter Claudio 2021 PhD Abstracts Multimode Chance-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems: Formulation, Solution and Testing
Smirnov Dina 2016 PhD Abstracts Leveraging In-Cycle Demand Information to Maximize Profit in a Single-Period Framework
Tzimerman Avinoam 2015 PhD Abstracts Distributed Information Rich Transshipments: Analytical and Simulative Approaches
Avrahami Assaf 2012 PhD Abstracts The Value of Perfect and Imperfect Information in a Multi- Location Inventory System
Naseraldin Hussein 2006 PhD Abstracts Supply Chain Design on a Line with Lateral Transshipments
Snyder Yaakov Y. 2013 PhD Abstracts Flexible Scheduling Paradigm: A New Middle and High School Model
Kaufman Avital 2024 MSc Abstracts Dynamic Spare Parts Inventory Management Utilizing Machine Health Data
Rettig Hagai 2022 MSc Abstracts Inventory Optimization in Omni-Channel Fulfilment Model
Nudelman Rosenberg Leonardo 2021 MSc Abstracts Operations and Logistic Models for Shared Micro-Depot for Urban Pickup and Delivery
Ezer Gad Gal 2021 MSc Abstracts The Efficient Frontier of the Newsvendor Problem
Levy Itai 2018 MSc Abstracts Intergrating the Simulation-Based Training Approach with Teaching Supply Chain Management
Avital Naama 2016 MSc Abstracts Joint Stocking and Repair Decisions in Supply Chains of Repairable Items with Multiple Repair Locations – An Operational Model
Korchatov Evgeni 2016 MSc Abstracts The Value of Inventory Accuracy in Supply Chain Management: Correlation between Error Sources and Proactive Error Correction
Dery Loren 2015 MSc Abstracts Supply Chain Modeling Using the Supply Chain Simulator
Cohen Yanir 2011 MSc Abstracts Staffing and Routing Policies in Call Centers with Reassignment Costs
Abady Svetliza Anabella P. 2011 MSc Abstracts The Cost-Identical Multi-Location tTansshipment Problem with a Finitely Capacitated Supplier
Dahan Ella 2010 MSc Abstracts The Transshipment Problem with Partial Lost Sales
Shaposhnik Yaron 2010 MSc Abstracts An EOQ-Type Model with a Probabilistic One-Time Unit-Price Discount
Sambur Michael 2010 MSc Abstracts Analysis of the Newsvendor Problem with Info-Gap Theory
Lati Nisan 2009 MSc Abstracts Minimizing Idle Times in Cluster Tools in the Semiconductor Industry
Shtub Hadas 2005 MSc Abstracts Learning and Forgetting with Varying Breaks between Single Repetitions
Bendavid Illana 2004 MSc Abstracts Economic Optimization of Off-Line Inspection in a Process that Produces also Non-Conforming Units when In-Control and also Conforming Units when Out-of Control
Tzimerman Avinoam 2004 MSc Abstracts Off-line Inspections under Inspection Errors
Rodel Boris 1997 MSc Genetic Algorithm for Flexible Manufacturing System
Rashit Ayelet 1996 MSc A Two Location Inventory System with Lateral Stock Transshipments.
Gilboa Ilan 1996 MSc Economic Criteria of Buffer Utilization with An Unreliable Machine
Savoray Uri 1995 MSc Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem Using a Genetic Algorith
Hefter Ilan 1995 MSc Determining An Acquisition Policy for a Firm in a Multi Supplier Environment
Levy Roberto 1995 MSc An Integrative Approacn to the Inventoly Routing Problem
Shalom Levi 1993 MSc The Kanban Assignnent Problema Non-Integral Approach
Masin Michael 1992 MSc Predicting the Performance of Conwip-Rased Production Lines