PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Arnan Seginer (Deceased)
No of theses 9
Department Aerospace Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Amitay Michael 1994 PhD Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Stability Of a Laminar Two-Dimensional Wall-Jet
Rusak Zvi 1989 PhD Aerodynamics
Graber Avinoam 1990 PhD Aerodynamics
Kats Eli 1996 MSc Effect of Panel Geometry on the Nonlinear Vortex Lattice Method
Amitay Michael 1990 MSc Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Delta Wing in Periodic Flow
Lavi Izhak 1990 MSc Numerical Analysis of Tipvane Influence on Wind Turbines
Levy Yuval 1988 MSc Graphical Visualization of Three Dimensional Flow Fields
Levitas Josef 1988 MSc Stability of Thin Vortices