Segal Sofia |
2024 |
Yael Yaniv |
Abstracts |
Compartmentalization of Ca2+ & Protein Kinase A Signaling in Heart Pacemaker Cells |
Davoodi Moran |
2024 |
Yael Yaniv, Alexander Bronstein, Joachim Behar, |
Abstracts |
Heart Rate Variability: Applications in Security |
Samya Savyon |
2024 |
Yael Yaniv |
Abstracts |
Revealing the Coupled Clock System within Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes |
Weiser Bitoun Ido |
2024 |
Yael Yaniv |
Abstracts |
From Heart Rate Variability to Cardiac Cellular Beating Mechanisms: Signal Processing and Spatiotemporal Analysis |
Adler Omri |
2024 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
Pancreatic Perfusion Marking and Measuring Techniques in CEUS Images Based on Image Processing |
Ianovici Iris Yona |
2024 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
Muscle Tissue Maturation on 3D Bio-Printed Edible Scaffolds for Cultured Meat Development |
Keidar Noam |
2024 |
Yael Yaniv |
Abstracts |
Modeling Dynamic Stochastic Physiological and Pathological Processes using Machine Learning Methods |
Ohayon Shilo |
2023 |
Amit Meller |
Abstracts |
Single-Molecule Protein Identification and Quantification using Nanopores and Nanochannels |
Arbel Ganon Limor |
2023 |
Yael Yaniv |
Abstracts |
Mechano-Electrical Signal Transduction in Healthy and Dysfunctional Heart Pacemaker Tissue |
Hamra Matan |
2023 |
Dvir Yelin |
Abstracts |
Imaging Acoustic Vibrations in the Tympanic Membrane using Spectrally Encoded Interferometry |
Markovitch Noa |
2023 |
Amir Landesberg, Ariel Roguin, |
Abstracts |
The Cardiopulmonary Vicious Cycle in Mechanical Ventilation and Voluntary Breathing |
Dahis Daniel |
2023 |
Haim Azhari, Natalie Artzi, |
Abstracts |
Ultrasound and Nanoparticles-Mediated Chemo and Immunotherapy for Treatment of Solid Tumors |
Debbi Lior |
2023 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
Modulation of Engineered Tissues by Geometrical and Mechanical Biophysical Signals |
Newman Abigail Mina |
2023 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
3D Bioprinting of Pancreatic Tissue |
Lev Rachel |
2023 |
Dror Seliktar |
Abstracts |
Designing 3D Biosynthetic Hydrogels as a Controlled Drug Release System for Cripto Protein in the Treatment of Muscle Myopathies |
Levi Moran |
2023 |
Netanel Korin |
Abstracts |
Functionalized Particulate Carriers Targeting Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms and Injured Blood Vessels under Flow |
Beckerman Margarita |
2022 |
Shulamit Levenberg, Eddy Karnieli, |
Abstracts |
Engineered Muscle Tissue for Restoring Insulin Sensitivity in Type 2 Diabetes Patients |
Kirschner Peretz Noa |
2022 |
Yael Yaniv |
Abstracts |
Identifying the Role of Mitochondrial Ca2+ and cAMP/Protein Kinase A Signaling on the Crosstalk between Energy and Electrical Activities in the Atria |
Litovco Phyana |
2022 |
Ramez Daniel |
Abstracts |
Topologies of Synthetic Gene Circuit for Optimal Fold Change Activation |
Naor Tal |
2022 |
Yoav Shechtman |
Abstracts |
Quantifying Cell Cycle Dependent Chromatin Dynamics during Interphase by Live 3D Tracking |
Nof Eliram |
2021 |
Josue Sznitman |
Abstracts |
Exploring Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury in Vitro in Reconstructed Airway Platforms |
Torfstein Honig Chen |
2021 |
Amit Meller |
Abstracts |
Detection of DNA Methylation, at the Single-Molecule Level, using DNA Methyltransferases Labeling |
Asaad Yathreb |
2021 |
Netanel Korin |
Abstracts |
Flow-Dependent Effects of Nanoparticales under Arterial Thrombosis Conditions |
Redenski Idan |
2021 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
Enhancing Bone Regeneration Capabilities using a Tissue Engineered Vascular Flap |
Cohen Shani |
2021 |
Dror Seliktar |
Abstracts |
Development of PEG-Fibrinogen Hydrogel-Controlled Release System of Antisense Nucleotide in the Treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy |
Yahav Amir |
2021 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
Using Supervised Machine Learning and Physiological Features to Classify Echocardiographic Strain Curves |
Kirma Shani Noa |
2021 |
Josue Sznitman |
Abstracts |
Pulmonary in Vitro Platforms of Upper Airwayst for Cytotoxicity and Drug Delivery Assays |
Rosen Shani |
2021 |
Yoav Shechtman, Shy Shoham, |
Abstracts |
Advances Towards Human-Scale Holographic Optical Retinal Prostheses |
Birman Tamara |
2021 |
Dror Seliktar |
Abstracts |
Design and Implementation of a 3D Peg-Fibrinogen Hydrogel System for High-Throughput Diagnostics and Cancer Cell Growth Characterization |
Szklanny Ariel Alejandr |
2021 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
Vascularization of an Engineered Cardiac Patch Fabricated using 3D Printing Technology |
Mcley Liron |
2021 |
Eitan Kimmel, Shy Shoham, Itamar Kahn, |
Abstracts |
Functional Optoacoustic Neuro-Tomography in the Mouse Brain In Vivo |
Barger Natalia |
2021 |
Ramez Daniel |
Abstracts |
A Bioluminescence-Sensing System for Synthetic Metabolic Computation in Whole-cell Bacterial Biosensors |
Guo Shaowei |
2020 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
Engineered Constructs to Promote Regeneration in Rats with Complete Spinal Cord Transection |
Zohar Barak |
2020 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
In Vitro Model for Mimicking Intravascular Flow in Implantable 3D Engineered Tissue |
Girsault Arik |
2020 |
Amit Meller |
Abstracts |
Parallel EO-STED Nanoscope for Super-Resolved Imaging of Biological Samples |
Mazzawi Nasma |
2020 |
Eitan Kimmel, Ilan Bruchim, |
Abstracts |
The Effect of Low-Intensity Ultrasound on Motility and Morphology of Living Cells |
Landau Shira |
2020 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
A Biophysical Understanding of Vascular Morphogenesis within Engineered Tissues |
Spitzberg Joshua |
2020 |
Amit Meller |
Abstracts |
Enhancing Nanopore Single-Molecule Sensing with Isotachophoresis |
Epshtein Mark |
2020 |
Netanel Korin |
Abstracts |
Particulate Drug Carrier Delivery to Cerebral Aneurysms: Role of Local Hemodynamics |
Zrehen Adam |
2020 |
Amit Meller |
Abstracts |
Solid-State Nanopore Sensing of Ultra-Long Genomic DNA |
Rizik Luna |
2019 |
Ramez Daniel |
Abstracts |
Synthetic Neuromorphic Computing in Living Cells |
Shimron Efrat |
2019 |
Haim Azhari |
Abstracts |
Investigation of Methods for Acceleration of MRI Image Acquisition and Reconstruction |
Zurakhov Grigoriy |
2019 |
Dan Adam, Zvi Friedman, Eitan Kimmel, |
Abstracts |
Improvement of Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging, Utilizing Novel Beamforming Techniques |
Gilboa Tal |
2019 |
Amit Meller |
Abstracts |
Nanopore Tools for Precision Medicine at the Single Molecule Level: Pathogen Classification and Genotyping |
Khoury Maria |
2019 |
Netanel Korin |
Abstracts |
Vascular Targeting of Nano-Carriers in Atherosclerotic Arterial Bifurcations |
Ostrovski Yan |
2019 |
Josue Sznitman |
Abstracts |
Targeted Delivery of Inhalation Medicine using Magnetic Particles |
Merkher Yulia |
2019 |
Daphne Weihs |
Abstracts |
Rapid Cancer Prognosis and Diagnosis Device Based on Mechanical Identification of Cancer Metastasis |
Bukelman Ohad |
2019 |
Eitan Kimmel |
Abstracts |
Bioeffects of Ultrasound Stimulation on Embryonic Stem Cells |
Shimron Avner |
2019 |
Amit Meller, Shy Shoham, |
Abstracts |
Efficient Estimation of Encoding Models from Visual Cortical Population Activity |
Shachar Berman Lihi |
2019 |
Josue Sznitman |
Abstracts |
Transport and Deposition of Non-Spherical Particles in the Lung Depths |
Faingersh Klebanov Anna |
2019 |
Amir Landesberg |
Abstracts |
The Counterintuitive Interactions Between the Cardio and Pulmonary Systems; Heart Failure Versus Pneumothorax |
Krupa Steve |
2019 |
Shy Shoham |
Abstracts |
Advances in Wavefront Engineered Ultrasonic Neuromodulation |
Perlman Or |
2018 |
Haim Azhari |
Abstracts |
Investigation of Multimodal Methods for Detection and Imaging of Nanoparticles |
Avesar Jonathan |
2018 |
Shulamit Levenberg, Moran Bercovici, |
Abstracts |
Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing on a Chip using Microfluidic Nanoliter Droplet Arrays |
Pesin Jimy |
2018 |
Amir Landesberg, Isak Gath, |
Abstracts |
Classification of Respiratory Pathologies by Quantifying the Chest and Abdomen Dynamics |
Khamis Hanan |
2017 |
Dan Adam, Zvi Friedman, |
Abstracts |
New Constraint-Based Approaches for Enhancing the Accuracy and Reliability of 2D Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Function |
Stauber Hagit |
2017 |
Josue Sznitman, Dan Israel Waisman, |
Abstracts |
In vitro Microfluidic Models of Alveolar Capillary Microcirculation |
Livneh Amit |
2016 |
Dan Adam, Eitan Kimmel, |
Abstracts |
Extracorporeal Acute Cardiac Pacing by High Intensity Focused Ultrasound |
Shor Erez |
2016 |
Shulamit Levenberg, Shy Shoham, |
Abstracts |
Engineered Pre-Vascularized Nerve Transplant for the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury |
Weiss Noam |
2016 |
Haim Azhari, Nahun Goldberg, |
Abstracts |
Non-Invasive Monitoring of Thermal Ablation Procedures Using X-Ray CT |
Tenenbaum-Katan Janna |
2016 |
Josue Sznitman |
Abstracts |
Pulmonary Alveolar Flow Physiology: From Fetal to Childhood Airways |
Amiad Pavlov Daria |
2016 |
Amir Landesberg |
Abstracts |
The Effects of Muscle Length and Shortening Velocity on Cross-Bridge Dynamics; Deciphering the Mechanisms Underlying the Regulation of Cardiac Sarcomere Mechanics |
Schejter Bar-Noam Adi |
2016 |
Shy Shoham |
Abstracts |
Cellular-Resolution Neurophotonic Interfaces with the Visual System |
Bar-Zion Avinoam |
2016 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
Angiogenesis Imaging Using Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography |
Hofemeier Philipp |
2016 |
Josue Sznitman |
Abstracts |
Computational Simulations of Inhaled Aerosols in the Pulmonary Acinar Region |
Blinder Yaron |
2015 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
Flow-Induced Vascularization in 3D Engineered Tissue |
Schnabel Lubovsky Maya |
2015 |
Dror Seliktar, Yeshayahu Talmon, |
Abstracts |
Nano Scale Cell-Matrix Interactions through Amorphous Hydrogels Polymeric Networks |
Fishler Ramy |
2015 |
Josue Sznitman |
Abstracts |
Microfluidic Models for Studying Pulmonary Acinar Transport Phenomena |
Golan Lior |
2014 |
Dvir Yelin |
Abstracts |
Imaging of Flowing Cells Using Spectrally Encoded Confocal Microscopy |
Dado Dekel |
2014 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
Cell-Scaffold Mechanical Interplay within Engineered Tissue |
Berdichevski Alexandra |
2014 |
Dror Seliktar |
Abstracts |
Tissue Engineering Based on Injectable Intra-Arterial Micro-Carrier Delivery System for Cardiac Muscle Regeneration |
Tsadok Yossi |
2014 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
Cardiac Anatomy/Substrate Analysis Using Cardiac-MRI Images and Echocardiographic Data |
Hoogi Assaf |
2013 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
Quantitative Analysis of the Neovascularization within a Vulnerable Carotid Plaque |
Shachaf Yonatan |
2013 |
Dror Seliktar |
Abstracts |
Biosynthetic Materials to Regulate Metastasizing Neoplastic Cell Migration |
Shandalov Yulia |
2013 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
Engineering Vascularized Muscle Tissue: From 2D to 3D |
Hendel Tal |
2013 |
Moshe Gur |
Abstracts |
Physiological Control of Binocular Eye Movements |
Dana Hod Michael |
2012 |
Shy Shoham |
Abstracts |
Temporal Focusing Multiphoton Microscopy for Rapid Volumetric Neuronal Imaging |
Farah Nairouz |
2012 |
Shy Shoham |
Abstracts |
Photo-Thermal Stimulation for Vision Restoration: In-Vitro Characterization |
Gal Naama |
2012 |
Daphne Weihs |
Abstracts |
Transport and Localization of Particles Internalized in Living Cancer Cells |
Yedid Moran |
2012 |
Amir Landesberg |
Abstracts |
Theories of Muscle Contraction: The Dependence of Cross- Bridge Kinetic Rates on the Filament Sliding Velocity |
Reutsky-Gefen Inna |
2012 |
Shy Shoham |
Abstracts |
Optogenetic Patterned Control of Channelrhodopsin-2 Expressing Retinal Ganglion Cells |
Lysiansky Michael |
2012 |
Dan Adam, Michael Zibulevsky, |
Abstracts |
Two Dimensional Ultrasound Speckle Tracking and Inverse Acoustic Scattering Problem |
Berkovich Erez |
2012 |
Moshe Gur, Hillel Pratt, |
Abstracts |
Biologically Inspired Object Recognition |
Mizrahi Natalya |
2012 |
Eitan Kimmel, Daphne Weihs, |
Abstracts |
The Effect of Therapeutic Ultrasound on Cell Mechanics |
Krumin Michael |
2012 |
Shy Shoham |
Abstracts |
Correlation-Distortion Based Control and Analysis of Neural Spike Trains |
Shenhav Avshalom |
2011 |
Amir Landesberg |
Abstracts |
The Performance of a Novel Physiological Assist Device that Works in Synchrony with the Failing Heart; Experimental Data and Analysis Based on Cellular Control Mechanisms |
Algranati Dotan |
2011 |
Yoram Lanir |
Abstracts |
Physical Determinants of Normal and Obstructed Coronary Flow |
Sela Gali |
2011 |
Amir Landesberg |
Abstracts |
The Adaptive Control of Cardiac Energetics by the Loading Conditions; Manifestation of Sarcomeric Control Mechanism at the Macro Level |
Gonen-Wadmany Maya |
2010 |
Dror Seliktar |
Abstracts |
Tissue Engineering a Hybrid Material Scaffold for Regulating the Functionality of Resident Cells |
Michael Inbal |
2010 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
Mechanisms of Infantile Aphakic Glaucoma |
Sarig-Nadir Offra |
2010 |
Dror Seliktar |
Abstracts |
A Hydrogel Scaffold Composed of Polyethylene Glycol and Fibrinogen for in-vitro Peripheral Nerve Regeneration |
Oss-Ronen Liat |
2010 |
Dror Seliktar |
Abstracts |
Affinity-Based Drug Delivery Using Bio-Synthetic Hydrogels Formed from PEGylated Proteins |
Yosef Andrei |
2010 |
Dror Seliktar, Joseph Mizrahi, |
Abstracts |
Intrinsic Matrix Mechanical Stimulation of Mesenchymal Cells in Tissue Engineering |
Kovalski Gil |
2010 |
Haim Azhari, Ora Israel, |
Abstracts |
New Acquisition and Processing Techniques in Nuclear Cardiology Imaging |
Shapira-Schweitzer Keren |
2010 |
Dror Seliktar |
Abstracts |
An Injectable Biomaterial for Cardiac Tissue Engineering |
Kaimovitz Benjamin |
2010 |
Yoram Lanir |
Abstracts |
A Full 3-D Reconstruction of the Entire Porcine Coronary Vasculature |
Appelman Taly |
2010 |
Dror Seliktar, Joseph Mizrahi, |
Abstracts |
The Differential Effect of Scaffold Composition and Architecture on Chondrogenic Response to Mechanical Stimulation |
Bachner Noa |
2010 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
The Regional Function of the Left Ventricle as Assessed by Echocardiography in Health and Acute Myocardial Infarction |
Lesman Ayelet |
2010 |
Shulamit Levenberg |
Abstracts |
Tissue Engineering of Vascularized Cardiac Muscle from Human Embryonic Stem Cells |
Korin Netanel |
2008 |
Shulamit Levenberg, Uri Dinnar (Deceased), |
Abstracts |
Micro-Bioreactors for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Culture and Manipulation |
Bransky Avishay |
2007 |
Uri Dinnar (Deceased), Yael Nemirovsky, |
Abstracts |
A Study of Erythrocytes Mechanical and Rheological Properties, Using an Automated Rheoscope based on a Microfabricated Flow Cell |
Kennedy John Anthony |
2007 |
Haim Azhari, Ora Israel, |
Abstracts |
An Investigation of Methods for Data and Image Fusion in a Hybrid PET/CT Imaging System |
Yaniv Yael |
2007 |
Amir Landesberg |
Abstracts |
Identification of the Mechanoelectric Feedback in the Cardiac Muscle |
Rappaport Dan |
2007 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
Reconstruction of the Electrical Activation Sequence in the Left Ventricle Based on Motion Analysis Computed from B-mode Echocardiograms Patterns |
Langzam Eran |
2007 |
Joseph Mizrahi, Yael Nemirovsky, |
Abstracts |
Electro-Mechanical Studies of Muscle Activity Enhanced by External Stimulation |
Golan Saar |
2007 |
Uri Dinnar (Deceased), David Elata, |
Abstracts |
Differentiation of Multi Species Biofluids by Dielectrophoretic Field Flow Fractionation |
Levy Yoav |
2007 |
Haim Azhari, Yehuda Agnon, |
Abstracts |
Investigation of New Techniques for Ultrasonic Imaging |
Tzor Omer |
2007 |
Noah Lotan |
Abstracts |
Integrated Biochemical Systems: Spatial Arrangement and Biochemical Function |
Herbet-Grinfeld Anat |
2006 |
Moshe Gur, Hillel Pratt, |
Abstracts |
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)and Evoked Response Potentials: Complementary Approaches to Study Visual Object Recognition |
Razansky Daniel |
2006 |
Dan Adam, Pinchas Einziger, |
Abstracts |
Analysis and Synthesis of Acoustic and Electromagnetic Power Deposition Models |
Litvak Vladimir |
2006 |
Hillel Pratt, Menashe Zaaroor, |
Abstracts |
Analysis of the Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Functional States and Connectivity of the Human Cerebral Cortex Using Electroencephalography |
Ben-Zaken Cohen Sigal |
2005 |
Eitan Kimmel, Abraham Marmur, Zalman Weintraub, |
Abstracts |
The Role of Lung Surfactant in Lung Stability and Alveolar Functioning |
Lorber Dana |
2005 |
Eitan Kimmel, Uri Shavit, |
Abstracts |
The Flow Field in a Stenosis Model of a Coronary Artery and its Influence on the Permeability of Endothelial Cells |
Furman Moran |
2004 |
Moshe Gur |
Abstracts |
A Neural Model for Motion Processing in the Visual Cortex During Pursuit Eye Movements |
Levy Carmit |
2004 |
Amir Landesberg |
Abstracts |
Regulation of Cross-Bridge Recruitment in the Cardiac Muscle: Identification of the Cooperativity Mechanism |
Nimer Emad |
2004 |
Alice Maroudas (Deceased) |
Abstracts |
Solute Transport and Kinetics of Binding in Cartilage with and without Applied Static Compression |
Kagan Igor |
2003 |
Moshe Gur |
Abstracts |
Responses of Cells in Striate Cortex of Alert Monkeys: Neuronal Properties and Effects of Eye Movements |
Michailovich Oleg |
2003 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
A Novel Approach to 2-D Blind Deconvolution of Ultrasound Images Using Projections into Complex Compactly Supported Orthonormal Bases |
Steinberg-Shapira Shirley |
2003 |
Yoram Palti |
Abstracts |
Deciphering of the Origin and Spread of the Activity that Leads to Insulin Secretion in Islet of Langerhans |
Livshits Leonid |
2002 |
Joseph Mizrahi, Pinchas Einziger, |
Abstracts |
Skeletal Muscle Response to Externally Applied Electric Field |
Petrank Yael |
2002 |
Rafael Beyar, Shimon Reisner, |
Abstracts |
Echocardiographic Methods for Evaluation of Left Ventricular Function and Perfusion during Coronary Intervention |
Segal Vardit |
2002 |
Noah Lotan, Uri Dinnar (Deceased), |
Abstracts |
Processes at the Interface between Biomaterials and Physiological Systems |
Goldberg-Zimring Daniel |
2002 |
Haim Azhari, Ron Achiron, |
Abstracts |
Quantitative Characterization of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Geometry in the 3-D Space |
Jakobson Claudio Gabrie |
2001 |
Yael Nemirovsky, Uri Dinnar (Deceased), |
Abstracts |
Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistors in Standard CMOS for Brain Monitoring |
Berdugo Barooch |
2001 |
Haim Azhari, |
Abstracts |
Implementation of Directional Hearing Mechanisms in Automatic Systems for Speaker Localization and Acoustic Imaging |
Burstein Pablo |
2001 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
A Method of 3D Reconstruction of Flow Velocity Fields from Color-Doppler Ultrasound |
Sivan Sarit |
2000 |
Noah Lotan, Rafael Beyar, |
Abstracts |
Molecular Engineering of Bioactive Materials with Defined Specificity: Design and Synthesis of Hemoglobin Derivatives |
Moulin Mark |
2000 |
Gideon Inbar (Deceased), Raphael Sivan (Deceased), |
Abstracts |
Development of Closed-Loop Robust Controller for FNS Assisted Walking of Paraplegics |
Kimchy Yoav |
2000 |
Hillel Pratt, Yehoshua Zeevi, |
Abstracts |
Estimation of Single Trial Evoked Potentials by Adaptive Techniques |
Shapira Yair |
1999 |
Isak Gath, |
Abstracts |
Effects of Mental Stress on Human Voice Detecting Lies from the Speech Signal |
Vaserman-Palti Daphna |
1999 |
Rafael Beyar, Nahum Kiryati, Alfred Bruckstein, |
Abstracts |
Identifying and Tracking the Guide-Wire in the Coronary Arteries from X-Ray Images During PTCA |
Rispler Shmuel |
1999 |
Rafael Beyar |
Abstracts |
Experimental Model of Phasic Coronary Blood Flow in Aortic Valve Disease: Aortic Stenosis or Aortic Regurgitation |
Beylin Aleksandr |
1998 |
Moshe Gur |
Abstracts |
Inhibitory Mechanisms in the Primary Visual Cortex (V1) of the Alert Monkey |
Levin Oron |
1998 |
Joseph Mizrahi |
Abstracts |
Characterization of Force Dynamics of a Paralyzed Muscle Activated by Electrical Stimulation |
Lavner Yizhar |
1997 |
Isak Gath, |
Abstracts |
Voice Parameters for Speaker Recognition by a Human Listener |
Akri Vered |
1997 |
Moshe Gur |
Abstracts |
A Model of Color Processing Mechanism in the Visual System |
Levy Shai |
1997 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
Improvement of Electrical Impedance Tomography by Using Magnetic Field Measurements |
Filo Orna |
1997 |
Noah Lotan |
Abstracts |
Molecular Systems for Information Processing: Basic Enzymic Systems and Biochemical Neural Networks |
Setter Peerly |
1997 |
Moshe Gur |
Abstracts |
Binocular Depth Perception as a Multi-Channel System |
Denisov Olga |
1997 |
Haim Azhari |
Abstracts |
Rapid Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Tagging for Assessment of Myocardial Geometry and Function |
Imanuel Ofer |
1996 |
Yoram Lanir, Izhak Sheinman, |
Abstracts |
Stress Analysis in the Left Ventricle of the Heart |
Syrkin Gil |
1996 |
Moshe Gur |
Abstracts |
Spatial Vision: Physiological Responses in the Visual Cortex of Normal and Amblyopic Cats |
Landesberg Giora |
1996 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Variability as Properties of the Cardiovascular Dynamics and Its Baroreflex Regulation |
Harel Tamar |
1996 |
Isak Gath, Shlomo Ben-Haim, |
Abstracts |
Analysis of the Heart Rate Variability Signal as a Predictor of Lethal Arrhythmias |
Glukhovsky Arkady |
1995 |
Dan Adam, Samuel Sideman (Deceased), |
Abstracts |
Mechanisms Regulating Intracellular Calcium Availability and Their Effects on Alternans |
Seltzer Daniel |
1995 |
Gideon Ishai, Shraga Hocherman, |
Abstracts |
Control Strategies in Human Gait |
Yadid-Pecht Orly |
1995 |
Moshe Gur |
Abstracts |
Biologically Inspired Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition |
Liu Chen |
1995 |
Samuel Sideman (Deceased) |
Abstracts |
Speech Enhancement for Hearing in the “”Cocktail Party” Environment |
Geva Amir |
1994 |
Hillel Pratt, Yehoshua Zeevi, |
Abstracts |
Spatio-Temporal Source Estimation of Human Evoked Potentials |
Halmann Menachem |
1994 |
Rafael Beyar, Samuel Sideman (Deceased), |
Abstracts |
Three Dimensional Analysis of the Heart and the Coronary Arteries |
Tuchman Samuel |
1994 |
Noah Lotan |
Abstracts |
Biochemical Systems for Molecular Logic Elements |
Landesberg Amir |
1994 |
Samuel Sideman (Deceased), Rafael Beyar, |
Abstracts |
Electro-Mechanical Coupling in the Cardiac Muscle |
Herman Maayana |
1993 |
Samuel Sideman (Deceased), Uri Dinnar (Deceased), Rafael Beyar, |
Abstracts |
Hemodynamics of Congenital Heart Diseases |
Manor Dan |
1993 |
Rafael Beyar, Samuel Sideman (Deceased), |
Abstracts |
Bio Electronics |
Vitsnudel Ilia |
1991 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
Reconstruction of Potential Maps from Level – Crossings |
Lessick Sonathan |
1991 |
Samuel Sideman (Deceased), Rafael Beyar, |
Abstracts |
Characterisation of Regional Geometry Function of the |
Lichtenstein Oscar |
1991 |
Uri Dinnar (Deceased), Shlomo Ben-Haim, |
Abstracts |
Physics Teaching |
Levy Mark |
1991 |
Joseph Mizrahi |
Abstracts |
Fatigue Analysis of Human Paralyzed Skeletal Muscles Activat |
Ziv Israel |
1990 |
Alice Maroudas (Deceased) |
Abstracts |
The Changes in the Properties of the Intervertebral Disc |
Ben Aim Hanoch Eri |
1989 |
Joseph Mizrahi |
Abstracts |
Bio-Mechnic |
Gilat Shlomo |
1989 |
Dan Adam |
Abstracts |
Cal Electronids |
Hatwell Michael |
1989 |
Gideon Inbar (Deceased) |
Abstracts |
Development of Closed Loop Controllers for Fns Assisted |
Enden Giora |
1988 |
Uri Dinnar (Deceased), Moshe Israeli (Deceased), |
Abstracts |
The Solution of Three Dimensional Flow Problem in the Cv Sys |