PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Dan Zilberstein
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No of theses 37
Department Biology
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Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Fischer-Weinberger Renana 2018 PhD Abstracts A Divergent Regulatory Subunit of PKA has a Role in Leishmania Development
Tsigankov Polina 2014 PhD Abstracts Phosphoproteomic and Molecular Analysis of Leishmania donovani Development
Goldman Adele 2014 PhD Abstracts Arginine Availability Pathway in Leishmania Donovani
Inbar Ehud 2010 PhD Abstracts Functional Genomics of Amino Acid Permeases in Leishmania donovani: The Story of Proline and Lysine
Schlisselberg Doreen 2015 PhD Abstracts Assessment of the Regulatory Role of LdAAP24 N-terminus in Proline and Alanine Transport
Lahav Tamar 2008 PhD Abstracts Multiple Level of Gene Regulation Mediate Differenitation of the Intracellular Pathogen Leishmania donovani
Rosenzweig Doron 2008 PhD Abstracts Proteomic Analysis of Leishmania donovani Differentiation
Shaked-Mishan Pninit 2004 PhD Abstracts Functional Genomics of Amino Acid Permeases in Leishmania: Gene Cloning and Functional Characterization
Mazareb Salam 2002 PhD Abstracts Developmentally Regulated Proline Transporters in leishmania donovani
Barak Efrat 2002 PhD Abstracts Assessment of the Promastigote to Amastigote Differentiation Process in the Protozoan Leishmania donovani
Amin Sigal 1999 PhD Assessment of Differentiation Processes in Axenic Culture of the Intracellular Parasite Leishmania Donovani
Saar Yehoshua 1995 PhD Differentiation of Leishmania Donovani Promastigotes to Amastigotes in Culture: Physiological and Biochemical Characterization
Levi Lily 1994 PhD Identification and Characterization of a Protein Whose Expression Is Affected by Conditions That Induce Differentiation in Leishmania Parasites
Sagy Ornit 2012 PhD Abstracts Designing a Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment to Encourage an Internal-Value-Based Culture of Learning in Higher Education
Bar Avraham Yael 2019 MSc Abstracts Investigating the Role of Protein Kinase A in Differentiation and Identifying Members of the Arginine Deprivation Response Pathway Pathway Leishmania Parasites
Iancovici Liat 2019 MSc Abstracts The Hydrophilic N-Terminus of the Proline-Alanine Transporter in the Human Pathogen Leishmania Regulates Substrate Specificity
Liburkin Dan Tatyana 2016 MSc Abstracts Expression of the Leishmania Proline/Alanine Transporter during Differentiation
Balno Caitlin 2016 MSc Abstracts Characterization of homeostatic response of arginine transport in Leishmania donovani
Mazarib Eldar 2016 MSc Abstracts Assessment of the role of long N-termini on amino-acid transport and Isolation of mutants defective in differentiation of Leishmania donovani
Witztum Ronit 2012 MSc Abstracts Amastigote to Promastigote Differentiation in the Human Pathogen Leishmania
Saadon Ilona 2008 MSc Abstracts Molecular Characterization of Arginine Transport Regulation in the Parasitic Protozoan Leishmania donovani
Ronen Mordechai 2006 MSc Abstracts Analysis of Protein Translation during Leishmania donovani Differentiation
Gerliak Elena 2005 MSc Abstracts Microarray Analysis of Genes Expression during Leishmania donovani Differentiation
Maoz-Katz Michal 2005 MSc Abstracts Cloning of eIF2alpha from Leishmania donovani and Partial Assessment of its Role in Differentiation
Akerman Martin 2004 MSc Abstracts Sequence Analysis of Amino Acid Permease Genes from Leishmania donovani
Gildor Tsvia 2002 MSc Primary Characterization of Heavy Metal Resistant Mutants and a Clinical Isolate of Leishmania donovani
Shaked-Mishan Pninit 2000 MSc Antimony Activity in Promastigotes and Axenic Amastigotes of Leishmanua Donovani
Amin Sigal 1995 MSc Purification and Characterization of Hsp09 from L.
Mazareb Salam 1995 MSc Physiological Analysis of Proline Transport in Promastigotes Of Leishmania Donovavni
Cukierman Edna 1993 MSc Purification and Characterization of a Membrane
Asamoah Ransford 1993 MSc Role of Ph/temperature on Leishmania Morphology and Actv
Dahan Aviva 1991 MSc Assessment of the Role of Phosphoinsitides in Signal Transd
Shoaby Sigalit 1991 MSc Fharacterization of G Protein Like Antigfns in Leishmania
Patkin Orna 1991 MSc Characterization of the H+-Atp Ase from Leishmania Donovani
Blumenfeld Nava 1990 MSc Characterization of Leis Hmantaproteins Affected by Growthph
Philosof Chava 1989 MSc Regulation of Intracelluiav Calcium in Promastigotes of
Lavi Yakoub 1988 MSc Stimulation of Acid Phosphatase Secretion and Phosphoinositi