PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Peter Bamberger
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 28
Department Data and Decision Sciences
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Segel Karpas Dikla 2013 PhD Abstracts Adjustment to Retirement: Attachment Avoidance and Anxiety as Boundary Conditions for the Effects of Changes in Income and Activities on Well-being
Belogolovsky Elena 2012 PhD Abstracts Pay Secrecy and Task Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model of Perceived Instrumentality and Performance-Based Pay System Characteristics
Golan Maya 2009 PhD Abstracts The Choreography of Organizational Helping: The Dynamics and Consequences of Co-Worker Helping Interactions over Time
Nahum-Shani Inbal 2008 PhD Abstracts Explaining the Variable Effects of Social Support on Work- Based Stressor-Strain Relations: The Role of Perceived Imbalance in Support Exchange
Vashdi Dana 2007 PhD Abstracts Team Reflexivity in the Operating Room: Theory, Intervention and Outcomes
Biron-Ben-Gera Michal 2007 PhD Abstracts Social-Structural Empowerment: Dimensionality and Effects on Individual Wellbeing and Performance in a Service Context
Kimmel Michal 2003 PhD Abstracts Attachment Patterns and Social Support Processes in Work-Teams
Admati-Dvir Michal 2002 PhD Abstracts The Reputation of Nonprofit Professional Service Organizations: A Multi Level Analysis of Israeli Hospitals
Chen-Hirschfield Pazit 2009 MSc Abstracts The Interactive Effects of Performance Evaluation and Pay Grade Promotion on Voluntary Turnover
Horowitz Mickey 2009 MSc Abstracts Interdependence and Helping Behavior: The moderating Effects of Attachment Types
Kram-Gliklich Danit 2007 MSc Abstracts Buffering and Reversed Buffering: The Role of Support Source and Type among Blue-Collar Workers
Levite Michal 2006 MSc Abstracts Attachment Theory and Helping Processes: The Association between Attachment Anxiety and Avoidance, and Instrumental Help-Giving Behaviors in Teams
Verech Tamar 2006 MSc Abstracts The Impact of Pay Secrecy on Emoloyee Equity and Performance
Bronshtain Tzachi 2005 MSc Abstracts Effects of Team Social Integration on Member’s Performance and Satisfaction, and the Moderating Role of Virtual Communication
Avital Dana 2005 MSc Abstracts The Impact of Peer-Evaluation on Relational and Task Focused Team Processes in Hospital Wards
Levy Racheli 2005 MSc Abstracts The Impact of Pay for Performance Structure on Help-Giving
Kohn Ela 2005 MSc Abstracts To File a Grievance or Not to File a Grievance: The Demographic Explenation behaind Employee Grievnace Filing Behavior
Noyman Tamir 2005 MSc Abstracts Work-Related Risk Factors of Employee Substance Abuse in the Israeli Workplace
Biron-Ben-Gera Michal 2004 MSc Abstracts Group Norms and Absenteeism: How Social Information Processing Affect Employee Attendance
Halperin Idit 2004 MSc Abstracts The Effect of Supervisor Behavior on Subordinate Drinking Behavior: The Impact of Subordinate Personality Characteristics
Meirovitch Carmit 2004 MSc Abstracts The Impact of the Dyadic Attachment on Social Support in Work-Teams
Bar-Niv Orly 2004 MSc Abstracts Defection in Peer Assessment – the Influence of Personality and Personality Dissimilarity
Berdichevsky Evgenia 2003 MSc Abstracts Sexual Harassment as a Function of Male Coworkers’ Economic Insecurity and Drinking Behavior: A multi-Level Analysis
Bar-Niv Tamar 2003 MSc Abstracts The Impact of Peer Assessment on Group Processes: The Moderating Role of Individualism/Collectivism
Vashdi Dana 2002 MSc Abstracts Beyond Simple Headcounts in Diversity Management: Explaining the Prevalence of Supportive Relations with Dissimilar Others
Oref-Hen Tal 2002 MSc Abstracts The Social Consequences of Peer Assessment: the Impact of Anonymity
Liberman Yifat 2000 MSc The Sociometry as a Parivate Case of “Peer Evaluation” The Impact of Experience on Tool-Acceptance
Kimmel Anneli Maria 1997 MSc Social Integration Versus Instrumentality: Determinants of Israeli Faculty Members’ Union Commitment