PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor MR Amos Israel
No of theses 14
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Dolev Shlomo 1992 PhD Self Stabilization of Dynamic Systems
Jehuda Jair 1998 PhD A Top Layer Design Approach to Complex Real-Time Software
Bar-on David 1994 PhD Modular Design of Robot Controllers
Shirazi Asaf 1995 MSc Efficient Wait-Free Implementations of Atomic Snapshot Memories
Shaham Amnon 1994 MSc Implementation of Multi-Writer Multi-Reader Atomic Register
Pinhasov Meir 1991 MSc A Linear-Time Bounded Concurrent Time-Stamp Scheme
Rinoenau Yael 1991 MSc An Efficient Algorithm for Maximum Dyramis Flow Problem
Jalfon Marc Elie 1990 MSc Self Stabilizing Random Algorithms on Distributed Uniform Sy
Dolev Shlomo 1990 MSc Self Stabilization of Dynamic Systems Assuming Only Read/
Yona Gidon 1990 MSc Verification of Protocols Fur Sharfd Registers Systems by G
Zuniga Gabriel 1992 MSc Multi Processor Controller for Real Time Systems
Nissim Theodor 1991 MSc Simgen a Simulation Generator for Multiprocessor Systems
Bar-on David 1990 MSc Modular Multi Processor Controller of Robots
Cohen Gideon 1989 MSc Resource Allocation Considering Differnt Sgsten Constrains