PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Michael Poreh (Deceased)
No of theses 7
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Hadad Avichay 1993 PhD Fractal Aspects of Tubulent Concentrtion Fluctuations
Mezhibovski Vadim 1993 MSc Effect of Wind on the Flow at the Entrance Region of Stacks.
Gurevich Tatiana 2001 MSc Using Smoke Control in High Rise Buildings by Stairway Pressurization
Regev Amir 2001 MSc Smoke Movement in Horizontal Channels
Kaner Yan 1997 MSc Wind Tunnel Simulation of Flows and Pressures in Energy Towers
Salomon Yoseph 1992 MSc Simulation of Smoke and Heat Movement Using Physical Model
Tal Ameer 1992 MSc Natural Ventilation of a Parked Vehicle