PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor DR. Iris Cohen-Kaner
No of theses 5
Department Data and Decision Sciences
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Boker Faran Limor 2007 MSc Abstracts Are Customers Satisfied when Employees are Satisfied? Links between Employee Satisfaction and Commitment and Customer Satisfaction
Sidi Maya 2007 MSc Abstracts Stress and Burnout among Family Business Owners in Comparison to Non-Family Business Owners
Karniel Einat 2007 MSc Abstracts “Technological Slavery” The Correlation between Receiving Workpace Owned Cell-Phone and Work-Family “Boundary Blurring”
Tsidon Iris 2007 MSc Abstracts The Relationship between ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System and Orgaizational Culture, Employee’s Commitment and Employee’s Satisfaction
Kop Anat 2007 MSc Abstracts “Mentoring” at Work: Its Influence on the Obligation to the Organization, Retaining the employees and Work Satisfaction