PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Eran Sher
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 13
Department Aerospace Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Druker Nir 2021 PhD Abstracts Theoretical Study of Flame Initiation by Electrical Discharge
Moshkovich Yahav 2019 PhD Abstracts Study of Liquid Atomization by Homogeneous Flash Boiling Mechanism
Lidor Alon 2017 PhD Abstracts Theoretical Study of the 3-Branched Explosion Limits of a Flammable System
Levy Moti 2016 PhD Abstracts Spray Formation by Homogeneous Flash Boiling
Loktev Dina 2022 MSc Abstracts Study of the Deflagration Regime along the Hugoniot Curve
Karsenty Kadmiel 2021 MSc Abstracts A Diesel Engine with a Catalytic Piston Surface for Small Aircrafts Propulsion at High Altitudes – Theoretical Study
Moshkovich Makarenko Irena 2020 MSc Abstracts Study of the Physical Feasibility and Stability of the Chapman-Jouget Points in a Homogeneous Combustible Mixture
Feldman Matan 2020 MSc Abstracts Rate Limiting Constraints in Phase-Change-Materials (PCM) for Miniature Aircraft Propulsion Systems
Lidor Alon 2013 MSc Abstracts Alternative Energy Sources for Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Kadosh Netanel 2022 MSc Abstracts Investigation of the Performance Characteristics of a Cylindrical Catalyst in the Process of Steam Reforming
Avni Orr 2021 MSc Abstracts A Theoretical Study of Flash-Boiling under Intense Radiation Constraints
Druker Nir 2017 MSc Abstracts Study of Voltage-Current Characteristics across the Ignition Gap of Internal Combustion Engines
Fuchs Jonathan 2017 MSc Abstracts Phase Change Material Engine for Micro Air Vehicle