PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROF. Mark Silberstein
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No of theses 23
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Bergman Shai Aviram 2023 PhD Abstracts Memory Management for Emerging Memory Technologies in Future Data-Centers
Orenbach Meni 2022 PhD Abstracts Operating Systems Abstractions for Trusted Execution Environments
Eran Haggai 2022 PhD Abstracts SmartNIC Inline Processing
Khashab Sajy 2024 MSc Abstracts Multitenant In-Network Acceleration
Brokhman Tanya 2019 MSc Abstracts An OS Page Cache for Heterogeneous Systems
Minkin Marina 2019 MSc Abstracts Improving Performance and Security of Intel SGX
Hamilis Matan 2017 MSc Abstracts Parallel Additive Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms
Peretz Iftah 2017 MSc Abstracts GPU Based Parallelization of the Chu-Liu-Edmonds Algorithm, for the Dependency Parsing Problem
De Paula Igor 2023 MSc Abstracts NeuroLPM – Scaling Longest Prefix Match Hardware with Neural Networks
Rosenblit Lev 2023 MSc Abstracts GPUknock: Convert GPU-Timing Channel
Marcus Ron 2024 MSc Abstracts Space-Efficient FTL for Mobile Storage via Tiny Neural Nets
Adelman Menachem 2021 MSc Abstracts Faster Neural Neworks Training with Approximate Tensor Operations
Maudlej Lina 2022 MSc Abstracts Accelerators Management In Disaggregated Computing System
Berkenstadt Alon 2022 MSc Abstracts Improving Speculative Execution Attack Mitigations via Mitigation-Aware Compliation
Tork Maroun 2020 MSc Abstracts SmartNIC-Driven Accelerator-Centric Architecture for Network Servers
Zeno Lior 2019 MSc Abstracts I/O-Intensive Workloads on Accelerators
Schwartz Arie 2019 MSc Medical Monitoring Using Multi-Modal Cameras
Bergman Shai Aviram 2018 MSc Abstracts High Performance Disk I/O on GPUs
Dimitsas Vasileios 2018 MSc Abstracts A Readahead Prefetcher for GPU File System Layer
Shahar Sagi 2017 MSc Abstracts Efficient I/O operations on GPGPU devices
Daoud Feras 2017 MSc Abstracts High Performance Low Latency Network Over GPU
Wattad Ameer 2017 MSc Abstracts Scalable Multi-GPU Network Servers
Ierushalmi Oren 2016 MSc Abstracts File System Aware FPGA