PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor ASSOCIATE PROF. Netanel Lindner
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 11
Department Physics
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Katzir Barak Ariel 2023 PhD Abstracts Fractional Topological Superconductivity on Quantum Hall Edges
Bairey Eyal 2023 PhD Abstracts Scalable Learning of Local Quantum Many-Body Dynamics
Jarach Yaron 2022 PhD Abstracts Toward Advanced Photodetectors: Exploring Long-Ranged Proximity Effect in Bi2-xSbxTe3/Fe1-xSe Bilayers and an Electrically Induced Phase Transition in 1T-TaS2
Kalnitsky Vladimir 2021 PhD Abstracts Vortex Core Structure and Hall Effect in d-wave Superconductors
Esin Iliya 2020 PhD Abstracts Inducing Non-Equilibrium Phases of Matter in Semiconductors using Time-Periodic Fields
Cohen Vered 2020 MSc Abstracts A Numerical Study of Counter-Propagating FQH Edge States
Watad Tasneem 2019 MSc Abstracts Studing Many-Body Localization in Disordered Fermi-Hubbard Models using Spin-Echoes
Diringer Asaf Avraham 2019 MSc Abstracts Many Body Localized Systems Subjected to Two-tone Drives
Bairey Eyal 2018 MSc Abstracts Inducing Many-Body Localization with a Periodic Drive
Nahshony Alon 2017 MSc Abstracts Anomalous Weyl Points In Three-Dimensional Topological Quantum Pumps
Streltsin Vladislav 2016 MSc Abstracts Braiding Majoranas away From the Adiabatic Regime