PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor ASSOCIATE PROF. Aaron Sprecher
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 9
Department Architecture and Town Planning
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Mann Kanowitz Eytan Michael 2024 PhD Abstracts Built Heritage Preservation in the Age of Mixed Reality
Bar-Sinai Karen Lee 2022 PhD Abstracts Territorial-Based Robotic Fabrication
Shaked Tom 2021 PhD Abstracts Technical Uncertainty: Toward A Sensible Architectural Tool Research and Development of Craft- Oriented Robotic Middleware
Levinger Tamar 2024 MSc Abstracts Before It was Digital: Exhibitions as a Prism of Digital Ideas in Architecture Between 1968 and 1970
Boim Anna 2023 MSc Abstracts Forming the Informal: Machine Learning as a Method to Integrate Traditional Knowledge into Urban Design Practices in Non-Planned Settlements
Engelhart Yael 2022 MSc Abstracts The Flatwriter, Yona, and Beyond: Reenacting a Cybernetic Experiment
Bogorov Esther 2022 MSc Abstracts A Landscape Analysis of Videogame Levels
Leibovich Elizabeth 2021 MSc Abstracts A Retrospective Analysis of the Reciprocity between Architectural and Cybernetic Systems: The Fun Palace and the Pattern Language as a Case Study
Ben Avraham Hadar 2021 MSc Abstracts n-Visions- Towards a New Instrument of Perception in Architecure: Augmented Reality and Physical Computing Mediators Between the…