PhD Theses – Mathematics

Department Mathematics
Department Web Site
Student Name Graduation Year Advisors Abstarcts Research Name
Hamud Suleiman 2024 Abraham Berman Abstracts Contributions to Spectral Graph Theory
Rosenfeld Rauch Itamar 2024 Michael Khanevsky Abstracts On Hofer Girth and Poisson Brackets Invariants
Rakita Vsevolod 2023 Johann Makowsky Abstracts On Generating and Harary Polynomials of Graphs
Barshad Kay 2023 Simeon Reich Abstracts Applications of the Generic Approach to Selected Optimization Problems
Rosenberg Shai 2022 Danny Neftin Abstracts Local and Global Value Sets
Lew Alan 2022 Roy Meshulam Abstracts Studies in Topological Combinatorics
Bersudsky Michael 2022 Uri Shapira Abstracts Equidistribution of Some Expanding Sets in Homogeneous Spaces
Hase Antonius Carl 2021 Michah Sageev, Tobias Hartnick, Abstracts Quaternion-Kahler Symmetric Spaces
Versano Idan 2021 Yehuda Pinchover Abstracts On Positive Solutions and Families of Optimal Hardy-Weights for Elliptic Equations
Gath Yoav Avraham 2021 Amos Nevo Abstracts Counting Lattice Points on H-Type Groups
Alon Lior 2020 Ram Band Abstracts Quantum Graghs – Generic Eigenfunctions and their Nodal Count and Neumann Count Statistics
Gover Shlomi 2020 Gershon Wolansky Abstracts Duality Theorems and Vector Measures in Optimal Transportation Theory
Horesh Tal 2019 Amos Nevo Abstracts Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Counting Problems
Prokhorova Marina 2020 Simeon Reich Abstracts Spectral Flow and Family Index for Self-Adjoint Elliptic Local Boundary Value Problems on Compact Surfaces
Cohen Itai 2019 Shai Haran Abstracts Some Theorems on the Arithmetic Plane
Calderon Eran 2019 Emanuel Milman Abstracts Functional Inequalities on Weighted Riemannian Manifolds Subject to Curvature-Dimension Conditions
Nachum Ido 2019 Amir Yehudayoff Abstracts On the Information Complexity of Learning
Wolf Adi 2018 Eli Aljadeff Abstracts Galois Descent and Forms of Path Algebras
Salomon Guy 2018 Orr Moshe Shalit Abstracts Operator Algebras of Directed Graphs and Noncommutative Varieties
Sebbag Daniel 2017 Shlomo Gelaki Abstracts On the Structure and Properties of Supergroup-Theoretical Categories
Gorelik Irina 2017 Ron Aharoni Abstracts Weighted Parameters of Matchings
Maayan Yohai 2017 Eddy Mayer-Wolf Abstracts Fractional Brownian Motion
Kemarsky Alexander 2016 Omer Offen, Ehud Moshe Baruch, Abstracts Distinguished Representations of GLn(c)
Gurevich Maxim 2016 Omer Offen Abstracts On Distinguished Repesentations of P-Adic General Linear Groups
Geva Elimelekh 2016 Eli Aljadeff Abstracts On the Structure of Projective Schur Algebras
Lavy Omer 2016 Uri Bader Abstracts Groups Actions on Banach Spaces
Spector Oren 2016 Raphael Loewy Abstracts The Symmetric Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem
David Ofir 2016 Eli Aljadeff Abstracts The Center of the Generic G-Crossed Product
Karasik Igor 2016 Eli Aljadeff Abstracts On Graded and H-module Algebras Satisfying a PI
Beit-Aharon Or 2015 Ehud Moshe Baruch, Omer Offen, Abstracts A Voronoi Summation Formula for the Fourier Coefficients of Maass Forms on the Three Dimensional Hyperbolic Space
Sambonet Nicola 2015 Eli Aljadeff, Yuval Ginosar, Abstracts On the Exponent of The Schur Multiplier
Shpigelman Yuval 2015 Eli Aljadeff Abstracts On the Codimension Growth of G-Graded Algebras
Lazarovich Nir 2015 Michah Sageev Abstracts Non-Positively Curved Regular Complexes
Appleboim Eliezer 2014 Yoav Moriyah Abstracts Quasi Normality of Least Area Incompressible Surfaces in 3-Manifolds
Helmer Leonid 2014 Baruch Solel Abstracts Factorizations and Reflexivity in Non Commutative Hardy Algebras
Zerbib-Gelaki Shira 2014 Rom Pinchasi, Ron Aharoni, Abstracts Problems in Combinatorial Geometry
Ben David Nir 2013 Eli Aljadeff, Yuval Ginosar, Abstracts On Groups of Central Type and Involutive Yang-Baxter Groups: a Cohomological Approach
Subag Eyal 2013 Ehud Moshe Baruch, Ady Mann, Abstracts Contraction of Representations of the Three Dimentional Lie Algebras as Direct Limit
Bartz Seadia 2013 Simeon Reich Abstracts On Abstract Convex Antiderivatives in Analysis and Geometry
Rabayev Daniel 2013 Jack Sonn Abstracts Upper Bound on the Minimal Number of Ramified Primes for Solvable Groups over the Rationals
Pinsky Tali 2012 Amos Nevo Abstracts Knotted Geodesics on Hecke Triangles
Oppenheim Izhar 2012 Uri Bader Abstracts Groups Acting on Simplicial Complexes
Lanzat Sergei 2012 Michael Polyak Abstracts Symplectic Quasi-Morphisms and Quasi-States for Non-Compact Symplectic Manifolds
Sabach Shoham 2012 Simeon Reich Abstracts Iterative Methods for Solving Optimization Problems
Gibali Aviv 2012 Simeon Reich, Yair Censor, Abstracts Algorithms for Solving Monotone Variational Inequalities and Applications
Neftin Danny 2011 Jack Sonn Abstracts Admissibility and Finite Groups over Number Fields
Dmitriyuk Alon 2011 Yehoram Gordon (Deceased) Abstracts Asymptotic and Probabilistic Estimates on Distortions of Linear Mappings between Convex Bodies
Meir Ben Efraim Ehud 2010 Eli Aljadeff, Shlomo Gelaki, Abstracts On Certain Cohomological Properties of a Group and their Reflection in a Finite Index Subgroup
Weiss Uri 2010 Arie Juhasz Abstracts From Combinatorial Plane Geometry to Word and Conjugacy Problems
Reem Daniel 2010 Simeon Reich Abstracts Voronoi and Zone Diagrams
Kozdoba Mark 2010 Shahar Mendelson Abstracts How Much is Typical Better than Worse in High Dimensions
Dokow Elad 2010 Ron Holzman Abstracts Aggregation of Opinions on Interrelated Issues
Goldberg Felix 2010 Abraham Berman Abstracts The Colin de Verdiere Number of a Graph
Brandenbursky Michael 2010 Michael Polyak, Michael Entov, Abstracts Knot Invariants and their Applications to Constructions of Quasi-Morphisms on Groups
Levenshtein Marina 2009 Simeon Reich, David Shoikhet, Abstracts Rigidity Theory for Holomorphic Mappings
Ben-Dan Itay 2010 Rom Pinchasi Abstracts Topics in Combinatorial Geometry and Combinatorics
Chouraqui Fabienne 2009 Arie Juhasz Abstracts Decision Problems in Tableau-Groups and Tableau-Semigroups
Shalit Orr 2009 Baruch Solel Abstracts Product Systems, Subproduct Systems and Dilation Theory of Completely Positive Semigroups
Aleyner Arkady 2009 Simeon Reich Abstracts Iterative Methods for Solving Convex Feasibility Problems
Perlstein Amitai 2008 Rom Pinchasi Abstracts Topics in Combinatorial Geometry and Combinatorics
Wallach Nathan Shimon 2008 Roy Meshulam Abstracts Topological and Combinatorial Properties of Random Simplicial Complexes
Masad Eyal 2008 Simeon Reich Abstracts Skew Products of Topological Flows and Applications to Nonlinear Analysis
Censor Aviv 2007 Eli Aljadeff, Baruch Solel, Abstracts Taking Groupoid C*-Algebras to the Limit
Mangoubi Dan 2006 Michael Entov, Leonid Polterovich, Abstracts Topics in the Geometry of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator
Olvovsky Elena 2006 Alexander Ioffe, Arkadi Nemirovski, Abstracts Novel Gradient-Type Optimization Algorithms for Extremely Large-Scale Nonsmooth Convex Optimization
Klebanov Anna 2006 Michael Polyak, Yoav Moriyah, Abstracts Heegaard and Gauss Diagrams of 3-Manifolds
Guralnik Dan 2005 Bronislaw Wajnryb, Michah Sageev, Abstracts Coarse Decompositions of Boundaries for CAT(0) Groups
Bader Uri 2005 Amos Nevo Abstracts Simple Lie-Group Actions on a Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds
Saucan Emil 2005 Uri Srebro (Deceased) Abstracts The Existence of Quasimeromorphic Mappings
Poliakovsky Arkady 2005 Itai Shafrir Abstracts Lifting in BV Spaces and Related Problems
Asinowski Andrei 2005 Meir Katchalski Abstracts Geometric Permutations in the Plane and in Euclidean Spaces of Higher Dimension
Feler Yoel 2005 Vladimir Lin, Michael Entov, Abstracts Some Analytic Properties of Configuration Spaces
Ben-Ari Iddo 2005 Ross Pinsky Abstracts Topics in Diffusion Processes
Natapov Michael 2005 Eli Aljadeff Abstracts Central Simple Algebras with a Projective Basis
Cohen Joseph 2004 Jack Sonn, Zeev Rudnick, Abstracts Primitive Roots in Algebraic Number Fields
Onn Uri 2003 Shai Haran Abstracts On the Grassmann Representation of GL(n)
Vestfrid Igor 2002 Yoav Benyamini Abstracts Affine Properties of Almost Isometries and of Almost Jensen Functions
Zelenko Igor 2002 Alexander Ioffe, Andrei Agrachev, Abstracts Invariants of Curves in Lagrangian Grassmannian and Differential Geometry of Smooth Control Systems
Saadon Tiferet 2001 Yehuda Pinchover Abstracts On the Generalized Principal Eigenvalue of Degenerate Boundary Value Problems for Second-Order Elliptic Equations
Porat Hadar 2001 Shai Haran Abstracts Riemann Zeta Function and Q-Deformation of Multi-Dimensional Markov Processes
Karelin Irina 2000 Leonid Lerer (Deceased) Abstracts Factorizations of Rational Matrix Functions, Generalized Bezoutians and Matrix Quadratic Equations
Levy Eliahu 2000 Yoav Benyamini Abstracts Kac’s Formula, Vertices of Chains, Infinitesimal Measures, And Equidecomposability of Functions and Enhanced Functions
Begun Boris 2000 Yoav Benyamini, Vitaly Bergelson, Abstracts Weakly Wandering Vectors for Mixing Actions of Countable Abelian Groups
Shwartz Robert 1999 Arie Juhasz Abstracts The Freiheitssatz over Certain Free Products with a Single Relator of Length 4
Levy Avraham 1999 Jacob Rubinstein Abstracts Optimal Low Dimensional Approximation – Theoretical and Computational Aspects
Brenner Alexander 1999 Boris Paneah (Deceased) Abstracts The Mixed and Cauchy-Goursat Problems in Several Time Variables
Katriel Haggay 1999 Alexander Ioffe Abstracts On the Number of Solutions of Nonlinear Equations
Gelbord Boaz 1999 Roy Meshulam Abstracts Extremal Problems on Matrices and Tensors
Kozlov Inna 1998 Yuri Brudnyi, Michael Cwikel, Abstracts Interpolation and Approximation in Banach Spaces With a Cone
Radwan Nizar 1997 Raphael Loewy Abstracts Inequalities for Matrices and Matrix Spaces
Gomez Graciela 1997 Leonid Lerer (Deceased) Abstracts Bezout Operators for Analytic Operator Functions And Inversion of Structured Operators
Faragy Eyal 1997 Jack Sonn Abstracts Relative Brauer Groups of Local Fields
Englander Janos 1997 Ross Pinsky Abstracts Applications of Criticality Theory
Spiegel Miron 1997 Baruch Solel Abstracts Ideals in Analytic Crossed Products
Ginosar Yuval 1996 Eli Aljadeff Abstracts Projective Representations of Finite Groups
Nashtir David 1996 Meir Katchalski Abstracts Helly Type Problems
Brudnyi Alexander 1996 Vladimir Lin Abstracts e-Equations on Compact Kahler Manifolds and Representations of Fundamental Groups
Falikman Dmitry 1996 Raphael Loewy Abstracts Inequalities for the Permanent Function
Mayberg Sara 1995 Zvi Ziegler Abstracts Multivariate Monotonicity Preserving Interpolations
Saleh Fathi 1995 Daniel Hershkowitz, Irith Hartman, Abstracts Duality Between Partitions and Packings in Graphs
Leibman Alexandr 1995 Vitaly Bergelson Abstracts Multiple Recurrence Theorems for Nilpotent Group Actions
Fulman Igor 1995 Baruch Solel Abstracts Coordinates in Operator Algebras
Ben Natan Yaakov 1995 Yoav Benyamini, Abstracts Wiener’s Tauberian Theorem on G/K and Harmonic Functions on G/K
Abboud Elias 1994 Arie Juhasz Abstracts Topics in Combinatorial Group Theory
Agha Nader 1994 Daniel Hershkowitz Abstracts Ranks of Matrices with a Given Pattern
Karlin Boris 1994 Moshe Marcus Abstracts Hyperbolic Equations which Depend on the History of the Solution
Kogan Nataly 1994 Abraham Berman, Daniel Hershkowitz, Abstracts Relationship Between Spectral and Combinatorial Properties of a Matrix
Korman Vladimir 1993 Ron Aharoni Abstracts Problems in Infinite Matching Theory
Karp Lavi 1992 Dov Aharonov Abstracts Genenalized Newton Potential and Quadiatune Identities for
Shaked-Monderer Naomi 1992 Abraham Berman Abstracts Nonvegative Matrices
Beigelman Mireille 1992 Jacob Shtienberg (Deceased) Abstracts Numerical Solution of the Laplace Eqution in a Slit Domain
Abramovici Buma 1992 Jacob Shtienberg (Deceased) Abstracts Numerical Solutions of Integral Equations of the First Kind
Ioffe Dmitry 1991 Ross Pinsky Abstracts Probabilistic Methods in Partial Differential Equations
Ziv Ran 1991 Meir Katchalski, Ron Aharoni, Abstracts Intersection of Infinite Matroids
Haimovici Iulian 1991 Leonid Lerer (Deceased) Abstracts Dperator Equations and Bezout Operators for Analytic Operat
Shafrir Itai 1990 Simeon Reich Abstracts Operators in Myperbolic Spaces
Peretz Ronen 1989 Dov Aharonov Abstracts Maximal Domains for Families of Transformations
Kessler Ophra 1989 Ron Aharoni Abstracts Extensions of Theorems of Hall Koing