PhD Theses – Architecture and Town Planning

Department Architecture and Town Planning
Department Web Site
Student Name Graduation Year Advisors Abstarcts Research Name
Gershon Coneal Ori 2024 Efrat Eizenberg, Yosef Jabareen, Abstracts Vertical Virtual Communities: Emerging Vertical Dwelling Experience
Zaban Roy 2024 Pnina Plaut Abstracts The Influence of the Physical-Digital Nexus on Activity Spaces and Accessibility in Cities
Litwin Anat 2024 Rachel Kallus Abstracts The Agency of Art in the City – Examining the Urban Situatedness of Artistic Hosting through the Case Study of the HomeBase Project
Limor Sagiv Galia 2024 Nurit Lissovsky Abstracts Hiriya: Place and Symbol
Yossef Ravid Batel 2024 Meirav Aharon Abstracts The Smart Agora Designing a New Space for Civic Co-Production in the Smart City Era
Berman Ofer 2024 Ezri Tarazi, Nadav Shashar, Abstracts Reef Formation using Clay Additive Manufacturing and Parametric Design
Mann Kanowitz Eytan Michael 2024 Aaron Sprecher, Alona Nitzan-Shiftan, Abstracts Built Heritage Preservation in the Age of Mixed Reality
Ruckrich Stefanie 2024 Yasha Jacob Grobman, Galit Agranati, Abstracts Earth-based Materials in Architecture and Design: Developing 3D-Printing Methods and Materials for the Building Industry
Sagi Alon 2023 Dani Broitman, Avigdor Gal, Abstracts Analyzing and Forecasting Changes in Neighborhoods’ Demand using Data Science Tools
Pellach Cygal 2023 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts Flexibility in Statutory Urban Plans: An International Comparative Analysis of Plan Amendments in Law and Practice
Nabwani Kawass Sally 2023 Yosef Jabareen, Efrat Eizenberg, Abstracts The Emerging Virtual Spaces among Arab Druze Women in Israel Amidst COVID-19 Crisis: Bargaining with the Patriarch in Real and Virtual Public Spaces
Abramzon Brosh Dvora 2023 Meirav Aharon, Itai Beeri, Abstracts “The National Priority” as the Glass Ceiling of the Inclusive Regional Development in the Peripheral Space
Trossman Haifler Yaala 2023 Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzm Abstracts Urban Wellbeing in Dense Cities, the Influence of Spatial Parameters & Densification Strategies Virtual Reality Experiments
Denneboom Dror 2023 Assaf Shwartz, Avi Bar-Massada, Abstracts Effective Planning of Wildlife Crossing Structures and Roads to Mitigate Habitat Fragmentation and Reduce Roadkill
Gets Salomon Rachel 2023 Ezri Tarazi, Tamar El-Or, Abstracts The Skirt Matter, Form and Self Experience Fashion and Memory
Perez De La Sala Safira Celeste 2023 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts Property Rights and Planning Law in the Climate Change Era: Comparative Responses to Sea-Level Rise in Florida and the Netherlands
Segal Ramuel Ram 2023 Isaac Guedi Capeluto, Efrat Eizenberg, Abstracts Light Experience Characterization and its Relation to Different Artificial Lighting Environments
Yoffe Hatzav 2022 Yasha Jacob Grobman Abstracts Sustainable Urban Landscapes Computer-Aided Sustainability Evaluation for Landscape Designs
Rubinstein Cher Yuval 2022 Pnina Plaut Abstracts A Framework for Analyzing the Dynamic and Complex Structure of Urban Plans
Levine Daphna 2022 Meirav Aharon Abstracts The Fragmentation of Planning as an Opportunity for Social Mobility of the Lower Middle Class: A Critical Perspective on Urban Renewal Processes
Bar-Sinai Karen Lee 2022 Aaron Sprecher Abstracts Territorial-Based Robotic Fabrication
Soh Yongxu 2022 Karel Martens Abstracts Public Values in the Sociotechnical Construction of Autonomous Vehicle Futures
Greenberg Eliyahu 2022 Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzm Abstracts The Effect of Topography on Pedestrian Movement in Urban Environments: Developing an Analytical Model
Buda Erez 2022 Dani Broitman Abstracts Dynamics in the Urban Space: The Interaction between Players and the Playground
Shemesh Avishag 2021 Yasha Jacob Grobman, Abstracts Space and Human Perception – Examining the Influence of Space Geometry on Users’ Emotional and Cognitive Reactions
Switat Orwa 2021 Yosef Jabareen Abstracts The Relations between States and Minorities in Planning
Hadar Ben Asher Liat 2021 Daniel Eli Orenstein, Yohay Carmel, Abstracts Visualization Models as Predictive, Data-Based Tools for Assessing Future Ecological Landscapes and Supporting Management Decisions
Hirsh Helly 2021 Yosef Jabareen, Efrat Eizenberg, Abstracts Ontological (In)Security in the Face of Displacement: The Case of the Ejipura Demolition
Israel Fabian 2021 Pnina Plaut Abstracts A New Mobility System Based on Technological Change and Societal Transition – The Case of Autonomous Vehicle
Attias Noam 2021 Yasha Jacob Grobman, Ezri Tarazi, Abstracts Bio Fabricated Materials in Design: Utilizing Bio- Bio-Mechanisms to Develop Novel Mycelium Composites in Industrial Design
Bashan Danielle 2021 Assaf Shwartz Abstracts Design for Urban Nature that Promotes Biophilic Cities and Mitigates the Extinction of Experience
Shachnai Ran Idit 2021 Iris Aravot, Dafna Hirsch, Abstracts “A World of Reality on Hold”: Dynamics of the Kibbutz Space in the 1970s
Shaked Tom 2021 Aaron Sprecher Abstracts Technical Uncertainty: Toward A Sensible Architectural Tool Research and Development of Craft- Oriented Robotic Middleware
Mendelson Shwartz Eynat 2021 Nir Mualam Abstracts Murals and the City A Comparative Study of Mural Practices, Policies and Regulations in Urban Environments
Weizmann Michael 2021 Yasha Jacob Grobman, Oded Amir, Abstracts Structural Systems Based on Topological Interlocking Units
Arbel Lior 2020 Yoav Schechner, Noam Amir, Abstracts Symbaline – an Active Wine Glass Musical Instrument
Klingbil-Shiloh Shani 2020 Alona Nitzan-Shiftan Abstracts Austerity Villas: Architecture, Interior Design and Social Class in Israel (1948-1967)
Segre Hila 2020 Assaf Shwartz, Yohay Carmel, Abstracts Modeling Alternatives for Planning and Management of Ecological Corridors in Agricultural Environments
Buchnik Tsipy 2024 Amnon Frenkel Abstracts The Ecosystem of Coworking Spaces in Tel-Aviv and the Coworkers’ Preferences in Choosing a Coworking Space
Shoham Keren 2024 Efrat Eizenberg Abstracts Visual Reflection in Architectural Pedagogy
Sagie Hila 2023 Daniel Eli Orenstein Abstracts The Proliferation of a Scientific Idea: Diffusion and Implementation of the Ecosystem Services Concept-an Investigation at the Regional, National, and Glob..
Melamed Rachel 2019 Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzm Abstracts The Balance Between Physical Closure and Openness in Office Workspaces and the Connection to Interaction Between Workers and Their Need for Privacy
Ben Dror Maya 2019 Pnina Plaut Abstracts The Role of Social Media in Transportation Policy
Levi Hagit 2023 Yael Allweil Abstracts The (Un)protected Housing The Role of Architecture in Inclusion or Exclusion of the Elderly Population in Israel
Shalom Efrat 2019 Nurit Lissovsky, Nurit Yaari, Abstracts Fiction-Reality Relations: Affinities between Urban-Scape in Theatre and the Contemporaneous Surrounding Space. Tel-Aviv as Case Study
Schwartz Belkin Inbar 2023 Michelle Portman Abstracts Advancing Integration of Geospatial Technologies in Marine Spatial Planning
Leibu Ziv 2022 Alona Nitzan-Shiftan, Roy Kozlovsky, Abstracts The Zionist Economic Diameter: Yarkon-Negev Infrastructure and the Settlement of the Lachish Region,1948-1956
Garfunkel Dorit 2021 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts New Challenges in High-Rise Condominium Governance: Cross-National Analysis of Legislation and Practices
Drori Daphna 2019 Edna Shaviv, Abraham Yezioro, Abstracts A Green Retrofit of Existing Residential Building in Israel
Pilosof Nirit 2019 Yehuda Kalay Abstracts Planning for Change: Evaluation of Hospital Design Strategies
Golan Lihi 2021 Daniel Eli Orenstein, Pnina Plaut, Abstracts Development of a Framework for Evaluating Biosphere Reserve Planning and Assessment of the Impact of Planning on Implementation
Eidelman Ronen 2021 David Behar, Karel Martens, Abstracts Community Surveillance in the Public Sphere
Carmon-Popper Irit 2019 Alona Nitzan-Shiftan Abstracts Art as Preservation: Interventions in Sites-in-Conflict, Israel,1948-2008
Sopher Hadas 2020 Yehuda Kalay Abstracts The Notion of Place In Design Education A Situated Learning Model, using an Immersive Virtual Environment
Holzer Sadeh Jennifer Merri 2020 Daniel Eli Orenstein Abstracts Evaluating Activities and Impacts of Socio-Ecological Research in the Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research Network
Ayalon Sharon 2019 Tal Alon-Mozes, Meirav Aharon, Abstracts Staging Urbanism The intersection of Art, Space and the Public
Abreek-Zubiedat Fatina 2018 Alona Nitzan-Shiftan Abstracts Architecture in Conflict beyond the Green Line Gaza and Yamit Cities 1967-1982
Hindi Tali Noy 2018 Amnon Frenkel Abstracts Synergies in Science-Based Regional Innovation Systems (RIS)
Blonder Arielle 2019 Yasha Jacob Grobman Abstracts Introducing Fabric Materiality in Architectural Fibre Reinforced Polymers
Belferman Ehud 2018 Iris Aravot, Orit Nuttman-Shwartz, Abstracts Architecture and Anxiety – The Physical Changes in Schools as an Expression of Tendency Toward Real and Symbolized Withdrawal and Self-Defense of Society in Israel
Tzuk Ido 2020 Rachel Kallus Abstracts Planning the Home Front: An Urban Reading of Civil Defense Mechanisms
Goldberg Sarah 2020 Naomi Carmon, Deborah Shmueli, Abstracts And They Took to the Streets: The 2011 Social Protests in Tel Aviv and New York
Austern Guy 2019 Yasha Jacob Grobman, Isaac Guedi Capeluto, Abstracts Rationalization of Molds for Complex Architectural Geometries
Armon-Zur Zurit 2018 Pnina Plaut Abstracts The Public Interest in Transportation Infrastructure Development through Public-Private-Partnerships: A Case Study of the Jerusalem Rail Transit
Schaumann Davide 2018 Yehuda Kalay Abstracts An Event-Based Model for Simulating Human Behavior Patterns in Not Yet Built Environments
Herrmann Marnina Eden 2019 Gabriela Goldschmidt, Ella Miron-Spektor, Abstracts The Dynamic Relationship Between Constraints and Creativity: The Effect of Timing
Hagiladi Na’amah 2018 Pnina Plaut Abstracts Social Networks and Travel Behaviour in the Urban Environment
Drori Micha 2018 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts Property Rights in the Rural-Agricultural Sector in Israel from a Cross-National Comparative Perspective
Cotlier Gabriel 2018 Abraham Yezioro, Isaac Guedi Capeluto, Abstracts A GIS-Based Approach to Urban Bioclimatic Design and Human Use of Open Public Spaces
Shabtay Ateret 2018 Michelle Portman, Yohay Carmel, Abstracts Enclosed Marine Areas and Infrastructures Along the Israeli Mediterranean Coast: Burden or Benefit to the Marine Environment?
Abramovich Talia 2018 Marina Pliouchtch, Iris Aravot, Abstracts First “Moshavot” Settlements in Eretz Israel, 1878-1918 Public Space
Sahly Amin 2018 Yosef Jabareen Abstracts Impacts of Globalization and Neo-Liberalism on Spatial and Social Spaces in Developing Cities
Shilon Mor 2017 Rachel Kallus Abstracts Planning in the Global Era: A Socio-Relational Analysis of Ben-Gurion International Airport
Kay Zivia 2017 Iris Aravot Abstracts The “Signature of Appearance” at the Contemporary Urban Space
Handel Dan 2017 Alona Nitzan-Shiftan Abstracts Isotropic Universe and Modular Grid: Economy and Space in the Tefen Model, 1979-1991
Ringel Gal 2017 Isaac Guedi Capeluto Abstracts An Energetic Profile for Existing office Buildings
Kainer-Persov Nava 2017 Naomi Carmon Abstracts Housing Regeneration Strategies Evaluation from a Social Equity Point of View
Gilad Shirily 2016 Tal Alon-Mozes Abstracts Perceptions of Nature in the Landscape of Tel Aviv: The Environmental and Planning History of the Yarkon Park
Oren Michelle 2017 Rachelle Alterman, Yaffa Zilbershats, Abstracts The Constitutional Right to housing: a public Policy Approach
Feniger Neta 2016 Rachel Kallus Abstracts Building a “New Middle East”: Israeli Architects in Iran 1962-1979
Frankel-Cohen Iris 2016 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts Gated Communities – between Regulation and Exclusion A Cross-National Comparative Analysis
Milo-Shussman Yael 2016 Rachel Sebba Abstracts The Mutual Relationship between the Design of the Physical Surround of the Learning Space, and the Realization of the Pedagogic Objectives in the Primary School
Golan Roni 2016 Danny Ben-Shahar Abstracts Three Essays on Real Estate Prices in an Imperfect Market
Toger Marina 2016 Daniel Czamanski, Itzhak Benenson, Abstracts Urban Open Spaces: Network Morphology, Dynamics and Influence on Wildlife Foraging in Haifa
Banna-Jeries Enaya 2016 Arza Churchman Abstracts Implementation of Procedural Justice in Planning Decision Making Process Case Study: Arab Townships
Yizhar Dikla 2016 Rachel Kallus Abstracts Build Your Own Home: A Socio-Cultural Reading of the productive user
Natapov Asya 2016 Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzm, Daniel Czamanski, Abstracts Cities as Visuospatial Networks: Linking Visibility of Urban Activities and Pedestrian Movement
Eldar Ranit 2016 Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzm Abstracts Towards an Ergonomic Design Assessment Tool: Visualizing Postural Comfort
Elhyani Zvi 2015 Rivka Oxman, Robertmaurice Oxman, Abstracts Multi-Contextual Approaches to Architectural Archiving: Knowledge Restoration for the Historiography of Israeli Architecture
Warszawski Jacob 2015 Danny Ben-Shahar Abstracts Studies on Housing Affordability
Shevah Dana 2017 Rachel Kallus Abstracts Social Dynamics, Urban Civility and Spatial Capacity in a Newly-Mixed Town: The Case of Karmiel
Shapira Yehotal 2016 Rachel Kallus Abstracts Non-Structural Knowledge and Practice: Architectural Testimony in East Jerusalem
Nir Chen 2016 Tal Alon-Mozes, Shaul Amir, Abstracts Landscape as a Discourse: Environmental Concepts, Policy and Agricultural Landscape – Bikat HaNadiv Region as a Case study 1882-1918
Troupin David 2015 Yohay Carmel Abstracts Incorporating Dynamic Scenarios of Anthropogenic and Natural Land Cover Change Processes into Systematic Conservation Planning
Shmueli Orit 2016 Iris Aravot Abstracts Thick City – A Phenomenoloical Research of the Experienced Urban Space
Orni Nira 2014 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts The Time Factor in Land Expropriation A Comparative Analysis of Israel and Victoria (Australia)
Modai-Snir Tal 2015 Pnina Plaut Abstracts Residential Mobility – Analysis of Intra-Metropolitan Flows and Sorting Dynamics
Israel Emil 2013 Amnon Frenkel Abstracts Social Justice and Equal Opportunities in an Era of Urban Suburbanization
Fainholtz Tzafrir 2015 Marina Pliouchtch, Iris Aravot, Abstracts Le Corbusier and the Zionist Movement
Hazan Gilad 2013 Pnina Plaut Abstracts Evaluation of Sustainable Development in Plans: Theory, Practice, Method
Moran Mika 2013 Pnina Plaut Abstracts The Relationship between the Built Environment and Active Living
Broitman Dani 2012 Daniel Czamanski, Itzhak Benenson, Abstracts Dynamics of Polycentric Urban Structure
Mualam Nir 2012 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts Conflicts over Preservation of the Built Heritage A Cross-National Comparative Analysis of the Decisions of Planning Tribunals
Bendit Edward 2012 Amnon Frenkel Abstracts Housing Preferences and Residential Location Choice of Knowledge Workers in the Tel-Aviv Metropolitan Region
Salinger Eyal 2011 Daniel Shefer Abstracts The Economics of Conservation of Buildings with Cultural Heritage Value: The White City Tel Aviv
Barlach Yotam 2011 Daniel Shefer, Yoram Shiftan, Abstracts The Existence of Hedonic(Emotional) Preference in Choosing Public Transit Modes
Kolodney Ziva 2011 Rachel Kallus Abstracts The Politics of the Landscape Landscape Production in Transition between Mandate and Sovereign Haifa
Molin Elvira 2010 Naomi Carmon Abstracts Development of the Culture Strategies in Cities and their Implications for Local Population
Bar-Eli Shoshana 2010 Gabriela Goldschmidt Abstracts Design Behavior Profiles: Similarities and Differences in Design Students’ Processes
Behar David 2009 Michael Levin, Isaac Guedi Capeluto, Abstracts Light in the Museum of Art
Porat Idan 2008 Amnon Frenkel, Maxim Shoshany, Abstracts Spatiotemporal Polycentricity Analysis of Re-urbanization: The Case Study of the Built Area in the City of Tel Aviv
Leck Eran 2008 Shlomo Bekhor, Daniel Gat, Abstracts Efficiency and Equity Impacts of Transportation Improvements: The Case of Greater Beer-Sheva
Elias Wafa 2008 Tomer Toledo, Yoram Shiftan, Abstracts The Effect of Activity Patterns on Road Accidents: Case Studies of Bypassed Towns
Roth Rafael 2008 Daniel Czamanski, Lucien Ben-Guigui, Abstracts The Spatial Dynamics of High-Rise Buildings: The Case of Tel-Aviv
Amoyal Einat 2012 Naomi Carmon Abstracts Social Capital in the Contexts of Urban Planning and Immigrant Integration
Grobman Jacob 2008 Abraham Yezioro, Isaac Guedi Capeluto, Abstracts Building the Digital World – Architectural Design Methods Based on the Use of Digital Tools – Performance Based from Generation and Optimization
Rosen-Kremer Osnat 2011 Iris Aravot Abstracts The RegionCity Motion, Experience, Interpretation
Rechtman Orly 2006 Shaul Amir Abstracts A Model for Visual Evaluation of Mediterranean Open Landscapes in Israel
Eilam Efrat 2010 Tamar Trop Abstracts Evaluation of Environmental Schools’ Influence on their Communities
Hananel Ravit 2006 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts Decision-Making in Israel’s Land Council: Analysis of the Ideological Changes in Israel’s Public Land Policy
Cory Joseph 2008 Michael Levin Abstracts Attempts to Transform the Surrealist Dream into an Architectural Reality
Nir Eyal 2005 Isaac Guedi Capeluto Abstracts Smart Cloud of Points as Digital Media and Tools for Building Envelope Design
Shach-Pinsly Dalit 2007 Michael Burt, Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzm, Abstracts The Development of a Model for Analyzing Visual Openness and Visual Exposure in Residendential Clusters
Shashua-Bar Limor 2005 Milo-Emil Hoffman, Igal Tzamir, Abstracts Development of an Integrative Model for Evaluation of Vegetation Effects on the Climate of an Urban Space
Blumenfeld Efrat 2005 Daniel Czamanski, Lucien Ben-Guigui, Abstracts Dynamics of Urban Morphology in the Tel-Aviv Metropolitan Area
Erlich-Roginsky Hava 2014 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts Agreements between Local Government and Private Developers: A Cross National Perspective
Austerlitz Noam 2005 Iris Aravot, Aaron Ben-Ze’ev, Abstracts Emotions and Student-Instructor Relationship: Their Educational Role in the Architectural Design Studio
Byran Eyal 2013 Issachar Gilad, Rivka Oxman, Abstracts Ergonomic Design Based on Operator’s Efficiency of Multitask Vehicles
Bleiberg Tamar 2004 Edna Shaviv Abstracts A Model for Enhancing the Collaboration among the Design Participants in the Process of Computer Aided Collaborative Design
Shachar Oryan 2012 Alona Nitzan-Shiftan, Rachel Sebba, Abstracts ” A Circular World – A Right Angle World” Modern Architectures and Urban Communities at Hatzor Ha’Glilit 1950-1976
Fershtman Dorit 2011 Alona Nitzan-Shiftan Abstracts The Making of an Architectural Canon Mies Van Der Rohe in America
Ziflinger Yulia 2005 Naomi Carmon Abstracts Promoting Social Justice through Urban Regeneration
Richter Liliane 2003 Gilbert Herbert (Deceased) Abstracts Different Patterns of the Adaptation as Architects, of Two Jewish European Immigrants: Alexander Baerwald and Benjamin Chaikin in Eretz Israel
Ochoa Carlos 2009 Isaac Guedi Capeluto Abstracts Design of Intelligent Building Skins for Hot Climates
Carmon Dafna 2008 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts The Public’s Right to be Heard in Planning Procedures: The Case of Israel from a Cross-National Perspective
Trop Tamar 2002 Shaul Amir Abstracts Nature Conservation Policy in Israel: Formation Process, Trends and Future Directions
Klevitsky Ekaterina 2004 Gabriela Goldschmidt Abstracts Shifts in Architectural Graphic Representation in the Postmodern Era
Pearlmutter David 2006 Pedro Berliner, Edna Shaviv, Abstracts The Microclimatic Influences of Urban Surface Geometry: A Physical Modeling Study in Hot-Arid Conditions
Mitrany Michal 2002 Arza Churchman Abstracts Subjective Housing Density and the Housing Context
Simonovich Javier 2002 Daniel Gat Abstracts The Role of Social Networking and Spatial Location in the Success of High-Tech Firms
Hatuka Revital 2005 Rachel Kallus Abstracts Spatial Conflicts: Architecture and Everyday Life in Tel Aviv of the 1990’s
Marinov Maria 2004 Daniel Czamanski, Lucien Ben-Guigui, Abstracts Spatial Dynamics of the Retail Sector in Israel
Shadar Hadas 2001 Robertmaurice Oxman Abstracts The History of the Public Housing in the State of Israel 1948-1999: The Influence of the Ministry of Housing on the Urban Development of Beer-Sheva
Stav Tamy 2004 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts The Language of Planning: Conveying and Obscuring Messages in Plans
Gabaren Yousef 2002 Naomi Carmon Abstracts Culturally Sustainable Housing. Case Study: The City of Gaza
Korren Amram 2003 Michael Burt Abstracts Identical Dual Lattices and Subdivision of Space
Karni Atalia 2001 Gilbert Herbert (Deceased) Abstracts Parallels between Modern Architecture and its Concepts, and Traditional Japanese Architecture and its Concepts: European Architecture between the World Wars
Kleinmann Menachem 2001 Avraham Wachman (Deceased) Abstracts Semiregular Polyhedra in Four Dimensions
Alon Mozes Tal 2002 Shaul Amir Abstracts The Hebrew Vernacular Garden in the Land of Israel – Text, Culture and Meaning
Benchetrit Gilat 2001 Daniel Czamanski Abstracts Housing Prices in Israel: The Causes and Affects
Aviram Haim 2001 Daniel Shefer Abstracts Evaluating the Impact of Urban Transportation Projects on Land Values
Lobovikov-Katz Anna 2001 Avraham Wachman (Deceased), M. Turner, Abstracts The “Stone Regulation” and Stone Building Conservation in Jerusalem (The Role of Building Material – Stone – in Urban Conservation)
Buras Nir Haim 2000 Gilbert Herbert (Deceased) Abstracts Josef Neufeld in Eretz Israel: Romanticism in Modernism
Hershcovich Arye 2000 Hubert Law-Yone (Deceased) Abstracts The Influence of Interest Groups on the Plans for Population Dispersal in Israel
Billig Miriam 2000 Arza Churchman Abstracts Dwelling Proximity between Different Socio-Economic Groups Following Urban Revitalization
Shteinbok Arkady 1999 Giora Rosenhouse Abstracts Simulation of Sound Fields in Urban Environment
Michalak Yosiphia 1999 Giora Rosenhouse Abstracts The Influence of Change in Hearing Ability through Age on the Acoustic Component in Buildings for the Elderly
Hochman Ziva 1999 Daniel Czamanski Abstracts Willingness to Pay for the Educational Program for Parents “”Parents Studying and Teaching”
Fisher Gewir Dafna 1999 Igal Tzamir, Michael Burt, Abstracts A Method for Density Measurements in Dense Urban Environments
Bar-on David 1999 Rivka Oxman Abstracts Representation of Building Technology Knowledge in Computerized Libraries
Schwartz Hava 1998 Arie Peled (Deceased), Abstracts Human Attachment Styles, Home Attachment and the Spatial Configuration of the Desired Home
Cohen Mordehai 1998 Daniel Shefer Abstracts Spatial Diffusion of Innovations in Agriculture and Regional Development. The Case of the Greenhouse Tomatoes in Israel
Casakin Hernan 1998 Gabriela Goldschmidt Abstracts The Role of Analogy and Visual Displays in Architectural Design
Wertheim Irith 1998 Nitsa Movshovitz-Hada, Avraham Wachman (Deceased), Yehudit Dori, Abstracts A Morphological Approach to the Study of Geometry, as a Way to Improve Spatial Ability
Amir Eyal 1998 Arza Churchman, Avraham Wachman (Deceased), Abstracts Room – Home: the Kibbutz Apartment – Ideology and Planning
Roziner Marina 1998 Gilbert Herbert (Deceased) Abstracts The Conquest of the Architectural World: The Spread of Le Corbusier’s Mythology in Europe between 1918-1939
Maharshak Arie 1998 Daniel Czamanski Abstracts Industrial Parks – Competitive Strategic Marketing
Soker Joseph 1998 Giora Rosenhouse Abstracts A Conceptual and Practical Approach to Architectural- Acoustic Design of Neighborhoods in Israel
Mosseri Avi 1997 Avraham Wachman (Deceased) Abstracts Strategic Spatial Planning and National Strategy in Israel
Corren Nurit 1997 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts Design Control Instruments: Their Legal Bases and Consequences for Architectural Practice
Franklin Unkind Raquel 1997 Robertmaurice Oxman Abstracts Hannes Meyer in Mexico (1939-1949)
Tibi Ariel 1997 Elisha Tatsa (Deceased), Michael Burt, Abstracts Mega Structures as a Stage of Urban Evolution
Ianco Vicki 1997 Rachel Sebba Abstracts The Scale of Blocks as a Factor which Effects the Environmental Representation of the Child
Segal Corina 1997 Giora Rosenhouse, Michael Burt, Abstracts Urban Environments on Floating Platforms in Protected Water Zones and Open Sea
Frenkel Amnon 1997 Daniel Shefer Abstracts Spatial Diffusion of Industrial Technological Innovation and Regional Development
Davidouici Ronit 1996 Arza Churchman Abstracts The Event and the Context – a Theoretical Approach to Person-Environment-Planning
Vranesky Ariela 1995 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts Conflict Management in Urban and Regional Planning: the Applicability of Alternative Dispute Resolution Approaches with Specific Reference to National Highway Planning
Sofer Michal 1995 Rachelle Alterman Abstracts The Time Dimension in Statutory Planning in Israel
Engelhardt Livna 1994 Michael Burt, Oren Vilnay, Abstracts Sparse Plate Trusses – Morphological Approach and Structural Analysis
Misgav Ayala 1994 Shaul Amir Abstracts A Method for Evaluation of the Visual Characteristics of Vegetation Groups in Israel
Sadan Elisheva 1994 Arza Churchman Abstracts Empowerment in the Context of Community Planning: A Theoretical Development
Raviv Noga 1993 Daniel Gat, Milo-Emil Hoffman, Abstracts Architectural Content in Climate-Conscious Design: The Case of the 1970’s and the 1980’s in the Usa
Taylor Thomas 1993 Daniel Czamanski Abstracts Spatial Aspects of Entrepreneurial Behaviour
Riklis Yuri 1993 Daniel Gat Abstracts Argumentative Bass of Conceptual Decisions in Architectural
Fuchs Aharon-Ron 1993 Gilbert Herbert (Deceased), David Best, Abstracts Austenst Barbe Harrison a British Architect in the Holy
Francis Mourice 1993 Michael Burt Abstracts Interactive Develoament of Structural-Morphological Solutions for Space Trusses based on Infinite Polyhedral Lattices (IPL)
Gur Yehoyahin 1993 Gilbert Herbert (Deceased), David Best, Abstracts Concepts of Public Housing in Israel (the Formative Years 1920-1948)
Shmueli Deborah 1992 Daniel Shefer Abstracts Comparative Analysis of Travel Patterns of Men and Women
Yom-Tov Tirza 1991 Avraham Wachman (Deceased) Abstracts Educational Buildings in the Kibutz Ideas and Physical Solut
Zohar Ruth 1990 Edna Shaviv Abstracts Mathematical Model for Decision Making for Energetic Retrof
Oxman Rivka 1989 Edna Shaviv Abstracts Expert Systems for Generation and Evaluation in Architectura
Shrestha Shiva 1988 Daniel Shefer Abstracts Measuring the Economic Impacts of Regional Iraigation Projec
Capeluto Isaac 1996 Edna Shaviv Abstracts Architecture and Environment: Modeling a Sustainable Architecture
Yezioro Abraham 1994 Edna Shaviv Abstracts Form and Performance in Intelligent CAAD Systems for Early Stages in Solar Building Design
Bar-Am Shahal Liora 1993 Gilbert Herbert (Deceased), Aharon Kashtan (Deceased), Abstracts Constancy and Variability in the Evolution of Basilican Spac
Kallus Rachel 1992 Hubert Law-Yone (Deceased) Abstracts The Idea of Neighborhood: a Study in Conceptual Dynamics
Karni Eyal 1989 Michael Burt, Daniel Czamanski, Abstracts An Approach to Comparative Evaluation of Constroction