MSc Theses – Biotechnology

Department Biotechnology
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Student Name Graduation Year Advisors Abstarcts Research Name
Qadi Johara 2024 Arnon Henn Abstracts Uncovering an Association Between the Human Myosin16 Actin-based Motor and the Peroxisome Supporting its Cytoplasmic Role
Shammai Vainer Yael Malka 2023 Avi Schroeder Abstracts Nanotechnology for Treating Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST)
Habib Layan 2021 Havazelet Bianco-Peled Abstracts Design of a Novel Mucoadhesive System based on Freeze- Dried Liposomes for Local Drug Delivery
Shemesh Assaf 2021 Adi Radian Abstracts Interactions of Cyanobacteria with Clay Surfaces and their Impact on Activity, Aggregation, and Sedimentation
Meir Itzhak 2021 Yachin Cohen, Dmitry Rein, Abstracts Evaluation of Encapsulated Lipase Activity within Emulsion Droplets
Kovalev Ekaterina 2018 Lior Gepstein Abstracts In Vivo Immunogenicity Assessment of Mouse Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived Cardiomyocytes
Dozli Lilit 2018 Havazelet Bianco-Peled Abstracts Pectin-Thiol Hydrogels as Mucosa-Mimetic Surfaces to Replace Animals in Mucoadhesion Testing
Nishri Yasmin 2017 Dror Aizenbud Abstracts Autologous Cell-Based Approach for Treating Maxillary Alveolar Bone Defects Caused by Cleft Lip and Palate
Freiman Khaikin Alina 2016 Shulamit Levenberg, Dana Egozi, Abstracts Engineering Tissue Flap Vascularized by Adipose-Derived ECs and MSCs for Deep Tissue Reconstruction Applications
Badinter Felix 2015 Moussa Youdim, Orly Weinreb, Abstracts Neuroprotective Effects of the Anti-Parkinsonian Drug Rasagiline and its Major Metabolite 1-(R)- Aminoindan in Animal Models of Aging
Dvir Liron 2013 Daphne Weihs Abstracts The Cytoskeleton and the Nucleus Role during Initial Stages of Metastatic Invasion
Shapira Katya 2012 Timor Baasov Abstracts Evaluation of Nonsense Mutation Suppression Efficiency of Novel Aminoglycoside Derivatives
Moscovici Alice Maayan 2012 Eyal Shimoni Abstracts Enzymatic Formation of Copolymers and Block-Copolymers based on Derivatized Polysaccharides
Ivanir Eran 2010 Yuval Shoham Abstracts Development of an Efficient Cell-Free Translation System
Aharon Liat 2010 Ido Perlman, Joseph Itskovitz, Abstracts Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells into Retinal Cells
Shner Itzhak 2010 Yuval Shoham Abstracts L-Arabinose Sensing and Utilization Systems in Geobacillus stearothermophilus T-6
Bourdetsky Dmitry 2009 Amram Mor Abstracts Anti-Endotoxin and Immunomodulatory Properties of Host Defense Peptides Mimics
Tzahor Shani 2009 Yael Mandel-Gutfreun, Oded Beja, Abstracts Computational Approaches for Classifying and Predicting Proteins from the Environment
Lior Limor 2009 Erella Livne (Deceased), Anna Weiss, Abstracts Effect of Placenta Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Cultured in Bioreactor, on Engraftment of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells Derived from Umbilical Cord Blood in NOD-
Cherniavsky Marina 2009 Timor Baasov Abstracts Development of Reporter System for High Throughput Screening of Synthetic Libraries for Evaluation of in-vitro Stop Codon Readthrough Activity
Mozesh Oded 2008 Peter Neumann, Shimon Gepstein, Abstracts Toward Production of Salt Tolerant Plants: Identifying Genes Associated with Salt Tolerance in Thellungiella Halophila
Ades-Waksman Hagar 2008 Eyal Shimoni Abstracts V-Amylose Inclusion Complexes as a Controlled Release System of Cyclic Aroma Compounds
Feingold Dana 2008 Dror Seliktar Abstracts Composite Biomaterial Scaffolds Made from Electrospun Nano-Fibers and Biosynthetic Hydrogels for Blood Vessel Tissue Engineering
Tall Asaf 2008 Timor Baasov Abstracts Biochemical Characterization of Aminoglycoside Modifying Enzyme APH(2″)-AAC(6′) with New Synthetic Derivatives of Neomycin B
Estrin Elena 2008 Timor Baasov Abstracts Using Liposomes to Enhance the Antibacterial Activity of Novel Antibiotics
Isakov Elina 2008 Joseph Itskovitz Abstracts Cultivation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells in Microcapsules
Yitzhaki Ofer 2007 Mordechai Choder Abstracts Studying IRES Mediated Translation in MBF1 mRNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Oved Yaara 2007 Shulamit Levenberg Abstracts Tissue Engineering of a Composite Vascularaized Skin Tissue Using Stem Cells
Cohen David 2007 Eyal Shimoni Abstracts Lectins-Biochip Fingerprint Relation to Physicochemical Properties of Gum Arabic
Menasher Avi 2007 Timor Baasov Abstracts Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of New Mechanism-Based Inhibitors of KDO8P Synthase
Leon Maya 2007 Yuval Shoham Abstracts Structure-Function Studies of a Family 43 beta-D-xylosidase from Geobacillus stearothemophilus T-6
Bar on Yudi 2007 Yechezkel Kashi Abstracts Software Development for Whole Genome Comparison between Strains
Bar-Yehuda Tehilla 2007 Ido Perlman Abstracts A Potential Rat Model for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Tirosh Lior 2007 Nathan Karin Abstracts CXCR6 and its Role in Autoimmune Processes
Cohen Lyora 2006 Yechezkel Kashi Abstracts Development of a Method for the Identification and Typing of Vibrio cholerae Based on SSR Variation
Shlafman Emilia 2006 Michal Green Abstracts What is the Substrate for Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria: Ammonia NH3 or Ammonium Ion NH4+?
Navon Osnat 2005 Nathan Karin Abstracts Applying Naked DNA Vaccines Encoding the CXCR6 Chemokine Receptor for the Therapy of T Cell Mediated Autoimmunity
Lipkovsky Esther 2005 Carlos Dosoretz Abstracts Peroxidase Catalayzed Oxidation and Polymerization of Catecholic Derivatives
Koren Mordechai 2005 Eli Sprecher, Reuven Bergman, Abstracts Development of a Comprehensive Approach to the Molecular Diagnosis of Congenitial Recessive Ichthyosis
Benyamini Yael 2005 Shimon Gepstein, Nurit Katzir, Efraim Lwinshon, Abstracts Alcohol Acetyl Transferases and Sesquiterpene Synthases as Biotechnological Tools to Improve Melon’s Aroma
Fishma-Jacob Tali 2005 Shimon Gepstein, Eli Khayat, Abstracts Induction of Chickens Systemaic and Mucosal Responses through Recombinant Components Produced in E. coli and Tobacco
Atar Orna 2005 Doron Melamed Abstracts The Use of RNAi Silence Transcription Factors Essential for the Immune System and the Effect on Cancer Development – PU.1 Proto-oncogene as a Model
Shahar Anat 2005 Noam Adir Abstracts 3D Structure Determination of the Heat Shock Protein Cpn60.2 From Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Vinik Yaron 2005 Shmuel Yannai (Deceased) Abstracts The Effect of the Enzyme Myrosinase Products on the Colon Cancer Cells, and Their Mechanism of Action
Malul Elinor 2005 Asher Schmidt (Deceased), Yuval Shoham, Abstracts Site-Directed Labeling of Proteins via a Cell-Free Translation System
Shani Levi Carmit 2004 Erella Livne (Deceased) Abstracts Use of Growth Factors, Cytokines and Keratinocytes Incorporated into Biodegradable Hydrogel for Enhancement of Wound Healing
Etzion Cohen Yael 2004 Itzhak Shmulevich, Uri Cogan, Abstracts Analysis of Protein Components in Milk by MIR Spectroscopy
Ainey Carmit 2004 Deborah Yablonski Abstracts Overexpression and Purification of SLP-76 for the Purpose of Structure-Function Analysis
Dor Chen 2003 Shimon Gepstein Abstracts Identification and Characterization of Senescence Associated Genes in Arabidopsis Leaves
Bitton Ronit 2003 Havazelet Bianco-Peled Abstracts Utilizing Peptide-Amphiphiles for the Preparation of Models of Biomimetic Systems
Shamai Keren 2003 Havazelet Bianco-Peled, Eyal Shimoni, Abstracts Polymorphism of Resistant Starch
Afek Keren 2003 Abstracts Foxo1 (FKHR) Protein as a Molecular Target for Diabetes Treatment
Etzioni Shulamit 2003 Ishak Neeman (Deceased) Abstracts Lipidic Polyols from Plants as a Natural Source for Phospholipase A2 Inhibitors
Yaniv Orit 2003 Timor Baasov, Yuval Shoham, Abstracts Cloning, Expression, and Biochemical Characterization of the Enzyme KDO8P Synthase from the Hyperthermophilic Bacterium Aquifex Pyrophilus
Kimhi Ohad 2003 Havazelet Bianco-Peled Abstracts Adsorption of Amin-Acids on Temperature Sensitive Hydrogel
Scher Keren 2003 Moshe Gavish Abstracts The Peripheral-Type Benzodiazepine Receptor in MCF-7 Cells as a Model for Breast Cancer and a Potential Target for Gene Therapy
Ben-Eliezer Miri 2002 Raymond Coleman, Moshe Philip, Gila Maor, Abstracts Leptin as a Skeletal Growth Factor
Geron Ifat 2002 Nathan Karin Abstracts Protective Therapy of T Cell Mediated Autoimmunity by Naked DNA Vaccine Encoding IL-17
Avramovich-Tirosh Yael 2002 Moussa Youdim Abstracts The Role of Inflammatory Processes in Neurodegeneration, and Prospects for Neuroprotection with Anti- inflammatory Drugs
Carp Nov Marie Jeanne 2002 Shimon Gepstein Abstracts Global Identification of Senescence-Associated Genes in Arbidopsis Leaves
Zavin Janette 2002 Shoshana Merchav Abstracts Effect of Stromal-Hematopoietic Cell Interactions on Regulation of Hematopoiesis
Tsaba Adili 2002 Shmuel Yannai (Deceased), Tzipora Goldkorn, Fuad Fares, Abstracts Mechanistic Studies of Oxidant/Antioxidant Modulated Apoptosis in Lung Epithelial Cells
Lange Tali 2002 Gera Neufeld Abstracts Characterization of Exon 6b in the VEGF Gene
Pollak Dina 2001 Ahuva Dovrat Abstracts Heat Damage to the Eye Lens
Balaciano Shalechet 2001 Shimon Gepstein, Efraim Lwinshon, Abstracts Production of Transgenic Plants to Improve the Aroma of the Tomato Fruit: Insertion of Linalool Synthase (LIS) and Benzyl Alcohol Acetyl Transferase (BEAT) Genes
Marcovici-Shmulman Oshrit 2001 Yechezkel Kashi Abstracts The Role of the Chaperone CCT in Folding and Assembly of Ty1 Rertrotransposon Proteins in Yeast and its Expression response to Cold Shock
Meiri-Bendek Iris 2001 Yechezkel Kashi Abstracts Development of a Rapid Method for the Detection of Streptococcus agalactiae in Milk
Gidron Eliav 2001 Michal Green Abstracts Extensive Treatment of Liquid Dairy Manure by Vertical Bed With Passive Aeration
Navot Noy 2001 Eitan Kimmel, Abstracts Enhanced Uptake of BSA in Fish External Epithelia Using Ultrasound
Merom-Jacov Osnat 2000 Abstracts Growth Hormone Receptor in Lncap Human Prostate Cancer Cell, Characterization, Expression and Effects of The Hormone
Zolotnitsky Gennady 2000 Yuval Shoham Abstracts Cloning and Characterization of the Hemicellulose- Utilization Genes from Bacillus Stearothermophilus T-6
Yogev-Falach Merav 2000 Ronnie Barkey Abstracts Mechanism and Regulation of Generation/secretion of Prolactin-Binding Protein by Mammary Gland
Denekamp Nadav 2000 Michal Green Abstracts Nitrogen Transformations in a Combined System of Ion Exchange and Nitrification
Akiri Gal 1999 Abstracts The Role of the 5′-Utr of Vegf in the Regulation of Its Expression
Dror Tali 1998 Yechezkel Kashi Abstracts The Expression of the Eukrayotic Gene, Cct, in Response To Environmental Stresses in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Kotlar Ella 1997 Moshe Sheintuch, Yerachmiel Argaman (Deceased), Abstracts Co-Immobilization of Nitrifying and Denitrifying Microorganisms
Wachtel Galor Sissi 1997 Ishak Neeman (Deceased) Abstracts The Influence of a New Antioxidant from Microbiological Source and Known Antioxidants on the Synthesis Of Collagen in Fibroblasts
Ori-Pesach Efrat 1996 Noah Lotan, Abstracts Molecular Engineering of Proteins – Computer Assisted Molecular Design and Chemical Synthesis
Yirme Galia 1996 Moshe Sheintuch, Yuval Shoham, Abstracts Extracellular Protein Production in Hollow Fiber Reactor