The Interdisciplinary Program for Marine Engineering

Currently the following Technion Academic Units participate in this interdisciplinary program:

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Architecture and Town Planning, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Biology


TOP – Technion Ocean engineering Program seeks to educate engineering students with regard to products and infrastructures designed to function within ocean environments, and imparting interdisciplinary knowledge for the management, exploration and protection of the sea. It includes but is not limited to the engineering of marine vehicles (surface or submarine), structures, systems and instruments.

TOP aims to advance the knowledge of engineering sciences (such as: civil, mechanical, electrical, computer, architecture and planning, engineering – marine-biology interfaces)) as these relate to the ocean environment.

The following list presents suitable aspects of research for TOP students, however many other ideas may be acceptable:

  • New concepts (e.g. of vessels, structures) for the utilization of the ocean
  • Marine spatial planning
  • Integrated coastal zone management
  • Design aspects of marine vehicles, structures, installations and instruments
  • Sensing and data processing methods applicable for ocean engineering and exploration
  • Hydrodynamics of the marine environments and flow-body interaction
  • Applied mechanics (solids, structures, dynamics) for marine products
  • Materials and processes applicable for ocean engineering
  • Numerical methods and models for ocean engineering
  • Analytical methods and applied mathematics for ocean engineering
  • Aquaculture system (for growing fish or algae) at open sea

Degrees awarded

Master of Science in Marine Engineering – MSc. M.E.

Master of Engineering in Marine Engineering – ME. M.E.

Doctor of Philosophy – PhD

Master Degree

Admission requirements

Admission to the MSc and Masters of Engineering programs is open for graduates of engineering or three year science programs such as Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics, with a GPA of at least 80 (and high ranking from candidates who did not study at the Technion).

Candidates for the MSc degree will have to find an advisor before registration.

The graduate Studies committee will consider admission, based on the grades in prior degrees (Bachelor or Master), recommendation letters, other supporting documents that the candidate may supply, and an interview if necessary. The committee may set requirements for supplementary courses.

List of potential advisors

Study requirements

Four-year degree graduates in engineering who will study toward a research / project track degree (MSc) will be required to take at least 20 credits in courses. Four-year degree graduates in engineering who will study toward a non-thesis track degree (ME) will be required to earn 40 credits in courses. Gradates of three-year degrees in relevant scientific areas will be required take 20 credits in supplementary courses. During that time, their academic status will be that of a “qualifying student”.

There may be additional requirements for acceptance depending on the academic background of the candidate.

  • Each MSc or ME student will have to take at least 11 credits from List A, of which: at least one course from Classification A-1, at least one course from each of two Classifications from A-2, A-3, A4 and at least one course from Classification A-5. Additional courses to complete the requirements of credits will be selected from lists A and B.
  • For MSc students: A research proposal, approved by the advisor, will be submitted to the program committee, within three months of the beginning of the first semester.
  • ME students will include a seminar or a project from list A-ME.

List of Courses

PhD Studies

Securing an advisor is a prerequisite for submitting an application to the PhD degree.

Ordinarily, admission to PhD is open for graduates of a research track Master degrees in exact sciences and engineering, with a GPA of at least 85 in courses and in the thesis. In exceptional cases admission may be possible subject to the Committee approval. In all cases, meeting the minimum criteria under the Graduate School regulations is required.

List of potential advisors

Study requirements

PhD Students are required to study at least 3 courses (9 credits) to be determined in accordance with the recommendation of the advisor, the student’s background, and approved by the Committee of the program.

A research proposal, approved by the advisor, will be submitted to the program committee and will be submitted to the Graduate School within eleven months of the beginning of studies. The Candidacy Exam will take place within 12 months of the beginning of studies.

List of Courses

For further information

The Technion Marine Engineering Program

Graduate Studies secretary: Ms. Keren Shteger Email
