PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor PROFESSOR EMERITUS Bilha Mannheim (Deceased)
No of theses 19
Department Data and Decision Sciences
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Hofshtater Hila 1993 PhD The Relation Oh P Between Organigational and Lndividnal
Rosenblatt Zehava 1991 PhD Cutback Strategies and Organisational Proceses in
Budescu Gila 1991 PhD A Cult -Ecol Anal of Service & Quality Cont in Orgs
Savyon Maram Pazit 2009 MSc Abstracts Choosing a Male Specialty: Women Surgeons
Frohner Shlomit 2002 MSc Differences between Women and Men Engineers in Their Attitudes toward the Engineering Profession and Their Organization
Halamish (Ben-Shahar Hila 2001 MSc The Model of Full Range of Leadership as Related to Group and Individual Variables among Cadets
Dagan-Apt Ronit 2000 MSc Cultural Aspects and Types of Considerations Related to Internal and External Service Quality
Dvash Anat 1997 MSc Technological Coupling, Individual Differences and Psychological Well Being of Amt Workers
Dagan )Nissim( Dina 1997 MSc Substantive and Political Considerations in the Provision Of Intra-Organizational Service
Rihani Khawla 1996 MSc Family Business: Family Ownership and Culture Within The Arab Business Sector in Israel
Papo Marinstrauss Etty 1995 MSc Personal and Organizational Factors in the Role of Occupational Welfare Workers and Their Impact on Organizational and Professional Commitment
Axelrad Bar-Ratson Edna 1995 MSc Test of Theoretical Models for Comparing Differencesin Influence, Organizational Commitment and Involvement of Male and Female Hospital Physicans
Weiner Chaim 1991 MSc Environmental Change as a Factor in the Change from a
Hoffman Haya 1991 MSc The Proces of Tramition and Adaptation to a Nes
Mezi Tamar 1991 MSc Comparing the Organizational and Professional Commitment
Seger Tal 1990 MSc Infcuences of Motheris Charactoustics on Work Values of
Bergman Yaron 1989 MSc Is There Ethnic Discriminatign in Hiring Managers?
Maisis Eliahu 1989 MSc Social & Orgaimpacts of the Vse&imtrodution of Advanced Thch