PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

Advisor ASSOCIATE PROF. Shai Shen-Orr
Advisor’s Email
No of theses 8
Department Medicine
Department Web Site
Student’s Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Briller Mayan 2023 PhD Abstracts Baseline Matters: How Immune Age Affects Response
Maimon Naama 2021 PhD Abstracts High-Dimensional Characterization of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Tissue and its Reflection in the Periphery Yields New Approaches for Disease Management
Dubovik Tatyana 2020 PhD Abstracts Drivers of Variation in Immunity, an Environmentally Sensitive Complex System
Alpert Ayelet 2020 PhD Abstracts Characterization of Dynamical Processes through High-Dimensional Profiling Yields Meaningful Comparative Metrics
Normand Rachelly 2020 PhD Abstracts Harnessing Machine Learning to Bridge the Cross-Species Gap between Mice and Humans
Kveler Ksenya 2019 PhD Abstracts Text Mining of a Computational Model of the Inter-Cellular Immune Network to Reval Novel Signaling Targets
Admon Yasmin 2020 MSc Abstracts Computational Methods for Addressing Obstacles In Single Cell Data Analysis Caused by High Heterogeneity
Chait Berman Karen 2019 MSc Abstracts Global Architecture of the Neural-Immune Network in the Periphery