MSc Theses – Design and Manufacturing Management

Department Design and Manufacturing Management
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Student Name Graduation Year Advisors Abstarcts Research Name
Rabinovich Alex 2023 Noy Cohen Abstracts Experiment and Modeling of Thermosetting Polymers under Tension and Compression
Haller Ofek 2023 Oksana Stalnov Abstracts Sound Source Localization, using Acoustic Intensity Measurement Techniques
Freedman Dror 2022 Shmuel Osovski Abstracts Roughness Toughnees Correlation and the Effect of Particle Size and Spacing on Ductile Fracture of Metal Matrix Composite
Buzaglo Yogev 2022 Eli Altus Abstracts Stress-Moduli Monotonicity in Heterogeneous Structures for Improved Design
Haikin Arkadiy 2022 Yefim Haim Michlin, Eitan Naveh, Abstracts Pipe Tightness Testing in Fuel Storage Facilities
Avin Or 2022 Daniella Raveh Abstracts An Experimental Aeroelastic Benchmark of a Very Flexible Wing
Angel Yahav 2022 Josef Givli Abstracts Mechanics of 2-D Arrays of Curved-Beam Bistable Elements
Vilyatser Daniel 2021 Daniel Rittel, Ofir Shor, Abstracts The Effects of Fiber Orientation and Ply Architecture on Crack Propagation Under Mode-I and Mode-II Loading Conditions in Unidirectional and Woven Carbon-Epoxy Laminates
Margul Boris 2021 Eitan Naveh Abstracts Developing a Management Philosophy for Industry 4.0 Implementation
Mayo Liran 2019 Haim Abramovich Abstracts Research in Reduction of Vibroacoustic Vibration on a Payload in an Airborne Body
Kolontero Naftali 2019 Eitan Naveh Abstracts The Relationships between Innovation and Quality: Managerial Risk Taking and Paradoxical Leadership Behaviour
Meshali Omri 2020 Haim Abramovich, Emanuel Ore, Abstracts Examination of the Safety Factor in Solid Propellant Grain under Pressure Loads during Ignition
Privman Neta 2019 Yuli Starosvetsky Abstracts Dynamics of the 2D Oscillator with Internal Rotatory Attachment: Effect of Geometric Nonlinearity
Ariel Netanel 2019 Izhak Bucher, Eyal Setter, Abstracts Auto-Resonance Based Model Identification of Rotating Structures
Tavlovich Benny 2018 Reuven Katz, Amnon Shirizly, Abstracts Electron Beam Welding and Laser Beam Welding of Additive Manufactured Titanium Products
Kantor Etay 2018 Daniella Raveh Abstracts Nonlinear Structural and Aerodynamic Modeling for Static Aeroelastic Analysis
Heller Uria 2018 Doron Shilo, Eilon Faran, Abstracts A novel Experimental System Based on Shape Memory Alloys for Studying the Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Materials at the Millisecond Time-Scale
Shaltieli Hila 2018 Alon Gany Abstracts Parametric Investigation of Aluminum, Tungsten and Fluoropolymer Mixtures
Adelsberg Nehara 2017 Doron Shilo Abstracts Wireless Thin Layer Force Sensors Based on Magnetostrictive Composite Material
Avriel Eyal 2017 Daniel Rittel, Zev Lovinger, Abstracts Investigating Strength Characteristics of Materials at Very high strain rates using magnetically driven Expanding Cylinders
Ronen Shai 2017 Izhak Etsion, Roman Goltsberg, Abstracts Elastic-plastic model for a coated sphere compressed by a rigid flat under full stick contact conditions
Korchevnik Oleg 2017 Izhak Etsion, Roman Goltsberg, Abstracts Electrical Resistance Model of a Bi-Layer Coated Spherical Contact
Bracha Ido 2016 David Durban, Baruch Karp, Abstracts Health Monitoring of Airborne Bolted Joints by Local Dynamic Effects
Hen Adi 2016 Moshe Shoham Abstracts Development of a minimally invasive, brain-tumor removing robot
Fadida Refael 2015 Daniel Rittel, Amnon Shirizly, Abstracts Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Additively Manufactured Ti6A14V with Controlled Voids
Broitman Noam 2015 Haim Abramovich, Amnon Shirizly, Abstracts Fatigue Investigation on Additive Manufacturing Products
Yakhnis Alexander 2015 Michael Varenberg, Abstracts Mechano-Chenical Modification of Friction Surfaces Using Microshot Peening
Farbman Ido 2015 Ehud Kroll Abstracts Parameter Analysis as a Methodology for Innovative Aerospace Design
Cristal Asher 2014 Moshe Shpitalni, Gila Molcho, Abstracts Part Cost Estimation at Early Design Phase
Nishri Yosef 2009 Ronie Navon Abstracts Automated Identification of Workers on Construction Site
Ptashnik Idan 2012 David Durban, Daniel Rittel, Abstracts Experimental Research of Aluminum Plate Cutting by Flexible Linear Shaped Charge