The following are the procedures and guidelines for writing and editing the thesis.
Please note that the instructions are updated and due to potential changes to the instructions, do not use copies and files of theses located in the library as examples for the form, editing and style.
Quote or Copy of Another’s thesis
Generally, the copyright holder is the publishing company of the books and journals and there is no need to contact the authors of the theses.
- As a rule, the quoting or copying of another’s thesis, even if marginal and not substantial, is only permitted after the receipt of permission of the copyright holder of the thesis cited.
- If you are requesting to quote and/or copy and/or present textual changes and/or summarize parts of other theses without receiving the prior written approval from the author copyright holder of the original thesis, the following practical guidelines should be used:
- It is recommended to reference each copy as a copy from the original thesis and only use it for a necessary quote. In cases where it is clear that the copy was marginal and not substantial there is no need for approval.
- The copy must be focused in a way that will emphasize its permitted goal, meaning – review, research or criticism or alternatively, personal study of the author. A comparable quote and use of a number of various sources, adding a discussion, explanation, criticism, clarification or reference to another source, all of these may testify that the copy is permitted.
- If the copy is not literal (summary, translation from another language, etc.). It must maintain the original intention of the creator.
- In any event the name of the author and source of the quote should be noted.
- If the copyright has expired, after 70 years after the death of the last author and there is no longer any right to prohibit using the thesis.
More details can be found on the Main Library website under “Copyright and Fair Use”
You may use a font of your choice as well as a desired space between the lines as long as the thesis is readable.
The thesis will be edited in the following manner:
Binding (duplication and numbering)
- The copies will be printed on A4 high-quality paper.
- The thesis should preferably be printed on both sides of the page.
- Faulty printing or copies that make reading difficult may disqualify the thesis.
- The binding will be soft and blue, on which the title of the research and name of the student alone will appear.
- On the right side of the thesis – the Hebrew name, and on the left side – in English.
- Slides will not be added to the binding.
- Margins must be left that are sufficient for binding (about 3 cm).
- Only black tape may be used in the binding. theses will not be accepted that are not bound or are bound differently (such as with spiral binding).
The examiners are not required to return the copy to the student.
Page Numbering
The first page of the summary will have the number 1. The numbering of the pages will continue until the end of the thesis, except for the chapter in English. In this chapter, the numbering of the first page of the summary will be performed with Roman numerals.
For those writing the thesis in English:
The first page of the summary will have the number 1. The numbering of the pages will continue until the end of the thesis, except for the chapter in Hebrew. In this chapter, the numbering of the first page of the summary will be performed with Roman numerals.
Opening Page
The thesis name will be written based on the complete Hebrew writing rules.
The opening page will not be numbered.
Example for English opening page
Example for Hebrew opening page
For your convenience, here are the names of the Hebrew months in English: Tishrei, Heshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shvat, Adar, (aleph, bet), Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul
Instruction, Ethical statement, financial aid and list of publications
On the second page of the thesis in the Hebrew section, the following shall be written (Translation of the English instruction statement)::
” … המחקר / פרויקט / עבודת הגמר נעשה / נעשתה בפקולטה / מחלקה ל … או במסגרת התכנית הבין – יחידתית ל… בהנחיית ”
On the second page of the thesis, in the English section, the following shall be written:
“The Research Thesis or Project Thesis or Final Paper Was Done in the Faculty / Department of… or In the Interdepartmental Program of… Under the Supervision of…”
Ethical statement
On the second page of the thesis in the Hebrew section, the following shall be written (Translation of the English ethical statement):
מחבר/ת חיבור זה מצהיר/ה כי המחקר, כולל איסוף הנתונים, עיבודם והצגתם, התייחסות והשוואה למחקרים
קודמים וכו’, נעשה כולו בצורה ישרה, כמצופה ממחקר מדעי המבוצע לפי אמות המידה האתיות של העולם
האקדמי. כמו כן, הדיווח על המחקר ותוצאותיו בחיבור זה נעשה בצורה ישרה ומלאה, לפי אותן אמות מידה.
On the second page of the thesis, in the English section, the following shall be written:
The author of this thesis states that the research, including the collection, processing and presentation of data, addressing and comparing to previous research, etc., was done entirely in an honest way, as expected from scientific research that is conducted according to the ethical standards of the academic world. Also, reporting the research and its results in this thesis was done in an honest and complete manner, according to the same standards.
No personal thanks shall be added in the copies submitted to the School before the final examination, and designated for the members of the examination committee (including the advisor), except for the ones noted above. In the final file submitted to the libraries after the final examination, the author may add any acknowledgements as he sees fit.
Financial Aid
Students who received scholarships via the School shall note the source of the financial aid.
In Hebrew (Translation of the English financial aid statement): “אני מודה ל … על התמיכה הכספית הנדיבה בהשתלמותי”.
And in English: “The generous financial help of … is gratefully acknowledged.”
List of publications
A list of journal papers and conference papers of the thesis should be included. The list will be written in accordance with the quotation rules (including the title and names of the participants) stating the status of the paper (published, accepted for publication, under review, in preparation, etc.). In the event of collaboration between researchers, the student will detail their contribution. It is recommended to specify for each publication to which chapter/s of the thesis it is related. It is recommended to attach the publications as an appendix to the thesis. Please insert the list on the page in which the information regarding instruction and financial aid is mentioned.
Table of Contents
The table of contents will begin on the third page. If the table of contents will extend to another page, the additional page will be titled: Table of Contents (Cont.) without a page number. The table of contents will include a list of chapters and the appendix , noting the page number on which the chapter or appendix begins.
List of tables and figures
Immediately after the table of contents will be the list of tables, figures, etc. The list of tables and figures will include the number of the table, its title and the page number upon which it appears in the body of the thesis.
Formulas and equations
The equations should be numbered in one of the following ways:
- Continuous numbering in the entire thesis.
- Continuous numbering in each chapter.
Figures, pictures, diagrams, maps
Figures, pictures, diagrams, maps, etc. will be noted with continuous number and under a joint name. For example: “Figure number ….” and thereafter the appropriate description. The description will be written in Hebrew and English.
The number of the figures will be performed in the same manner as the equations and the description will be written such that the figures will be understood without dependency on the text of the thesis.
The tables will be noted with numbers in the same manner as the equations were numbered (the continuous numbering throughout the entire thesis or continuous numbering in each chapter). If the table extends to an additional page the number and title should be repeated with the addition of the word “cont..” In a thesis written in Hebrew – the titles of the tables, figures, etc. (in the text of the thesis) will be in Hebrew and English. In a thesis written in English the titles in the body of the thesis will be written in English only.
After the table of contents and the list of tables and figures, a summary will follow in the language of the thesis, in a scope of 200-500 words. The summary will be separate from the rest of the thesis and will be understandable to someone who is not knowledgeable in the field. The summary will be written in complete sentences, but does not require literary sources or quotations. There is no need to reference the number of a chapter, section, formula, figure or table in the body of the thesis, and abbreviations, symbols or unaccepted terms should not be used unless the summary has enough room to identify them.
List of symbols and abbreviations
After the summary will be a list of symbols and abbreviations appearing in the thesis, with a short explanation as to the meaning of each of them. In addition, each symbol will be briefly identified in the body of the thesis after its mentioning.
The symbols for units of measurement or mathematical equations will be written according to the international standard and symbols for units of measurement in Hebrew will be written according to the Israeli standard.
Body of the thesis (will be comprised several chapters as necessary)
The student must reference the following topics:
- A critical review of methods or knowledge existing at the time of writing the thesis (literary review).
- Detailed explanation of the purposes of the research.
- Description of the methodology.
- Description of the research and its results.
- Discussion of the research and conclusions or concluding remarks.
The bibliography will list the names of the authors alphabetically, or in accordance with the order of mentioning the sources in the body of the thesis. The nature of quotation will be as accepted in scientific papers.
Language of thesis
For thesis written in Hebrew
Tables’/graphs’/illustrations’ titles in a thesis written in English will be in Hebrew and in English.
A chapter in English should be added at the end of the thesis, on the English side of the thesis in the following order: cover, cover page, acknowledgements page, table of contents, list of tables and figures and an expanded summary in English. The summary in this chapter will be expanded and will include at least 500 words, but no more than 2,000.
The purpose of the summary is to summarize the thesis in a manner that the reader who is not an expert in English may understand the background of the thesis, its goals, the research method and the main results and conclusions. For this chapter the first page of the summary should be numbered, in Roman numerals.
For thesis written in English
Tables’/graphs’/illustrations’ titles in a thesis written in English will be in English only.
The thesis will include a chapter in Hebrew that will include the following sections translated to Hebrew, in the following order, on the Hebrew side of the thesis:
- Opening page
- Information regarding instruction, ethical statement, acknowledgements and financial Aid
- Summary in Hebrew in a scope of 500-2000 words.
A thesis written in English does not require a table of contents, list of tables/illustrations/graphs – translated into Hebrew. The summary in English will be in a scope of 200-500 words.
*In exceptional cases when the student is unable to write an abstract in Hebrew, the student should submit a declaration and request an exemption from writing the abstract. The advisor’s approval must be attached to this request.
*International Students (whose Technion student number begins with an “8” or “9”) are exempt from sections 2 and 3 above.