Completion of courses

Students in the Graduate School must complete all of the courses in which they are registered. The following are the options for the completion of a course:

  • A grade of “incomplete” will be provided when a student does not take the exam for a justified reason or has received permission to complete the requirements of the course in the subsequent semester. This grade is only valid for one semester. If the course is not completed during the semester, the grade will become “did not participate.”
  • A grade of “did not participate” will be received by a student who is registered for a course and does not cancel the registration, or does not receive an “incomplete” grade by the course’s lecturer, or has not completed the requirements of the course within a semester. A “did not participate” grade (0) is considered a fail in the course.
  •  A student may improve a failing grade in a course only once, by registering and studying the same course again Graduate School Regulations – Article 26.04.
  • As of the 2018-19 academic year a student may take the exam in either the first or the second examinations term in all course levels, accept in cases where the exam is held according to international regulations that do not allow it. A student who failed in the first term (a grade lower than 65) or wishes to improve his grade, may repeat the exam in the second term (“MOED B”). Should a student fail a course (in the first and/or the second examinations term) he will be allowed to repeat the course and the examination, but if he fails it again (in the first and/or second examinations term) – his studies will be discontinued.