MSc Theses – Computer Science

Department Computer Science
Department Web Site
Student Name Graduation Year Advisors Abstarcts Research Name
Navon Dan 2024 Ehud Rivlin, Hector Rotstein, Abstracts A Robust Approach to Vision-Based Terrain Aided Localization
Smagloy Ilya 2024 Eitan Yaakobi Abstracts Constructions and Bounds of Codes Correcting Combinations of Deletion Errors
Katz Shachar 2024 Yonatan Belinkov Abstracts Visualizing and Interpreting the Semantic Information Flow of Transformers
Cohen Tomer 2024 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Improved Approximation for Two-Dimensional Vector Multiple Knapsack
Hirszowicz Ortal 2024 Dvir Aran Abstracts Using Transformers based Architecture to Model Electronic Health Records of ICU for Blood Stream Infection Prediction
Levy Idan 2024 Assaf Schuster Abstracts A Deep Learning Platform for Diagnosing ECG Tests
Ben-Moshe Noam 2024 Joachim Behar Abstracts Machine Learning for Atrial Fibrillation Analysis from the Raw ECG Waveform
Shahla Robert 2024 Reuven Cohen, Roy Friedman, Abstracts A 0-RTT-Aware QUIC Load Balancer
Dachbash Amir 2024 Roy Friedman Abstracts The Altru-Egoistic Approach to Collaborative Caching
Adir Yarden 2024 Roy Schwartz Abstracts Approximating Hierarchical Clustering
Adraithibaut Theo Joseph 2024 Michael Elad, Tomer Michaeli, Abstracts Deep Optimal Transport: A Practical Algorithm for Photorealistic Image Restoration
Amuzig Adi 2024 Sarah )Eisen Keren Abstracts Value of Assistance for Mobile Robots
Avineri Gal 2024 Aviv Tamar, Shie Mannor, Abstracts Offline Meta-RL: Practical Algorithmic Improvements
Khashab Sajy 2024 Mark Silberstein Abstracts Multitenant In-Network Acceleration
Abboud Rani 2024 Roy Friedman Abstracts Practical Heavy-Hitter Detection Algorithms for Programmable Switches
Aaronson Dan 2024 Reuven Cohen Abstracts PB-FS: Postcard based Fast Start
Masarwy Mohammad 2024 Sarah )Eisen Keren Abstracts Value of Assistance for Grasping
Tsachor Tomer 2024 Joseph Naor Abstracts Online Weighted Paging With Distributions
Makhervaks Dave 2024 Kira Radinsky Abstracts Clinical Contradiction Detection
Friedman Neta 2024 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts Stable Tuple Embeddings for Dynamic Databases
Barel Emil 2024 Roy Schwartz Abstracts Correlation Clustering and Ratio Steiner Cuts in Hypergraphs
Larey Ariel 2023 Yonatan Savir, Keren Yizhak, Abstracts Develop Novel Computer Vision and Deep Learning Techniques in the Digital Pathology Field
Schiller Noa 2023 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Efficient and Resilient Algorithms for Asynchronous Mixed Models and Decentralized Optimization
Voronov Tomer 2023 Ori Rottenstreich, Dan Raz, Abstracts Scalable Blockchain Anomaly Detection with Sketches
Farhi Liran 2023 Sagi Dalyot, Shaul Markovitch, Abstracts Movement as a Language: Unleashing the Power of Indoor Movement Analysis for Semantic Place Prediction
Nassar Shafik 2023 Ron Rothblum Abstracts Succinct Interactive Oracle Proofs
Benjamin Roy 2023 Kira Radinsky Abstracts Graph Neural Networks Pretraining through Inherent Supervision for Molecular Property Prediction
Gilo Daniel 2023 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts A General Search-based Framework for Generating Textual Counterfactual Explanations
Azran Guy 2023 Sarah )Eisen Keren Abstracts Contextual Pre-Planning on Reward Machine Abstractions for Enhanced Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning
Horowitz Guy 2023 Nir Rosenfeld Abstracts Causal Strategic Classification
Hirshberg Tom 2023 Alexander Bronstein Abstracts Sound Source Modeling of Multi-Rotor in Free Space and Indoors Towards Acoustics-Based Indoor Localization
Vainshtein David 2023 Oren Salzman Abstracts Terraforming – Environment Manipulation during Disruptions for Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery
Simhi Adi 2023 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Interpreting Embedding Spaces by Conceptualization
Choshen Era 2023 Aviv Tamar Abstracts Contrastive Bayes-Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning
Chase Gilad 2023 Yuval Filmus Abstracts Generalized Polymorphisms
Yechieli Matan 2023 Ittay Eyal Abstracts Low-Latency Blockchains with DAG Holography
Kaminsky Natan 2023 Kira Radinsky Abstracts Lead Optimization For Drug Discovery with Limited Data
Huberman Saar 2023 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Accurate Deep Solver for Computing Geodesic Distances on Surfaces
Ackerman Schraier Lynore 2023 Michael Zibulevsky, Alexander Bronstein, Abstracts A Machine Learning Exploration of Relations between Protein Structures and their Genetic Coding
Khoury Majd 2023 Keren Censor-Hillel Abstracts Distributed Distance Approximation of Graph Properties
Shamshoum Yara 2023 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Solving Graph Problems using Differentiable Neural Computers
Kimel Liam Bernard 2023 Tom Shemesh Abstracts Computational Models for Homeostasis and Development of the Epidermis and Spherical Organoids
Eldar Idan 2023 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts Direct Access to Answers of Conjunctive Queries with Aggregation
Zur Almog 2023 Erez Petrank Abstracts RELAX: Recovering Lazily From Failed Execution With Persistent Memory
Eilat Itay 2023 Nir Rosenfeld Abstracts Strategic Classification with Inter-Dependent Strategic Responses
Zats Roded 2023 Roy Schwartz Abstracts Fair Correlation Clustering in General Graphs
Gavril Eli 2023 Eli Biham, Sara Bitan, Abstracts TCAN: Authentication without Cryptography on a CAN Bus based on Nodes Location on the Bus
Guendelman Shai 2023 Shaull Almagor Abstracts Concurrent Games with Multiple Topologies
Fadila Haitham 2023 Gershon Elber Abstracts Kernel-based Construction Operators for Boolean Sum and Ruled Geometry
Mor Roee 2023 Vadim Indelman Abstracts Probabilistic Qualitative Localization and Mapping
Marcovich Ron 2023 Orna Grumberg, Gabi Nakibly, Abstracts Protocol Inference from Program Executable using Symbolic Execution and Automata Learning
Shats Daniel 2023 Moti Freiman Abstracts Improved Whole Slide Image Classification by Leveraging Deep Embeddings for High Resolution Slide Patches
Avrech Tom 2023 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts GoToNet: Fast Monocular Scene Exposure and Exploration
Gad Raphael 2023 Assaf Schuster, Ilya Kolchinsky, Abstracts Only Real Friends Matter – A clusters Based Deep Learning Paradigm for High Dimension Multivariate Forecasting
Mor Alon 2023 Benny Kimelfeld, Yonatan Belinkov, Abstracts Accelerating the Global Aggregation of Local Explanations in Natural Language Processing
Hay Yaron Barak 2023 Roy Friedman Abstracts Deterministic Concurrent Scheduling- Execution of Transactions and Smart Contracts in Blockchain Systems using Coloring
Cohen Rimon Avigail 2023 Ronen Talmon, Jackie Schiller, Abstracts Geometry-Based Dynamic Connectivity Analysis of Biological Neural Networks
Sheory Ella 2023 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts Exploring Advanced Cache Algorithms for the TLB
Igbaria Reda 2023 Yonatan Belinkov Abstracts Similarity-based Regularization for Mitigating Dataset Artifacts
Vinciguerra Antoine 2023 Gill Barequet Abstracts On the Structure of Heilbronn’s Configurations
Yankovitch Maor 2022 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Hypersonic: A Hybrid Parallelization Approach for Scalable Complex Event Processing
Bachrach Nir 2022 Talgam-Cohen Inbal Abstracts Distributional Robustness: From Pricing to Auctions
Eliad Saar 2022 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Scalable Distributed Deep Learning with Model Parallelism
Rafael Ido 2022 Yuval Emek, Shay Kutten, Abstracts Efficient Distributed Construction of Small k-Dominating Sets
Mauda Assaf 2022 Michael Elad Abstracts Poisson Denoising of Images using Deep Neural Networks Inspired by Classical Dictionary based Algorithms
Barsky Maxim 2022 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts PartTLB: Dynamic TLB Partitioning for SMT Processors
Kuznichov Dmitry 2022 Irad Yavneh, Ron Kimmel, Abstracts Learning Relaxation for Multigrid
Dabbah Mohammed 2022 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Using Fictitious Class Representations to Boost Discriminative Zero-Shot Learners
Zadok Dean 2022 Alon Wolf, Alexander Bronstein, Abstracts Towards Predicting Fine Finger Motions from Ultrasound Images via Kinematic Representation
Mesika Adi 2022 Ayellet Tal Abstracts CloudWalker: 3D Point Cloud Learning by Random Walks for Shape Analysis
Nachmias Elad 2022 Eran Yahav Abstracts Hierarchical Code Representations
Amir Adar 2022 Assaf Schuster, Ilya Kolchinsky, Abstracts DLACEP: A Deep-Learning Based Framework for Approximate Complex Event Processing
Yassin Asharf 2022 Eli Biham, Amichai Shulman, Abstracts Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts: Attacking Smart Homes
Kolikant Ariel 2022 Gala Yadgar Abstracts ILP Based Load Balancing in Deduplicated Storage Systems
Shapira Guy 2022 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Unsupervised Frequent Pattern Mining for CEP
Mizrachi Eyal 2022 Roy Schwartz Abstracts Submodular Maximization with Mixed Packing and Covering Constraints
Kisous Roei 2022 Gala Yadgar Abstracts Clustering based Data Migration in Deduplicated Storage
Zheltonozhskii Evgenii 2022 Avi Mendelson, Alexander Bronstein, Abstracts Reducing Supervision in Visual Recognition Tasks
Feldman Or 2022 Avi Mendelson Abstracts Improving Graph Neural Network Expressivity via Spectral and Combinatorial Pre-Colorings
Leibovitch Omer 2022 Nir Ailon Abstracts Sparse Neural Networks: Theory and Practice
Chapnik Koral 2022 Assaf Schuster, Ilya Kolchinsky, Abstracts DALRING: Data-Aware Load Shedding in Complex Event Processing Systems
Dankner Alon 2022 Eli Biham, Sara Bitan, Abstracts Attacking and Securing ICS Protocols
Amer Ameer 2022 Talgam-Cohen Inbal Abstracts Auctions with Interdependence and SOS: Improved Approximation
Botach Adam 2022 Alexander Bronstein Abstracts End-to-End Referring Video Object Segmentation with Multimodal Transformers
Eyn Avi Matan 2022 Gill Barequet Abstracts An New Lower Bound on the Growth Constant Polycubes in Three Dimensions
Endrawis Shadi 2022 Aviv Tamar Abstracts Efficient Self-Supervised Data Collection for Offline Robot Learning
Finkelshtein Ben 2022 Alexander Bronstein Abstracts Robustness and Rotation Equivariance in Geometric Deep Learning
Kosman Eitan 2022 Assaf Schuster, Ilya Kolchinsky, Abstracts Complex Pattern Mining
Shalom Gal 2022 Irad Yavneh, Eran Treister, Abstracts pISTA: Preconditioned Iterative Soft Thresholding Algorithm for Graphical LASSO
Raz Idan 2022 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts Model-Based Simulation for SMT Cores
Avnat Or 2022 Irad Yavneh Abstracts On the Recursive Structure of Multigrid Cycles
Cohen Haviv 2022 Roy Friedman, Nethanel Gelernter, Abstracts Advanced UXSS Analysis
Ben-Dov Boaz 2022 Roi Reichart Abstracts Predicting the Success of Domain Adaptation, a Casual Model Interpretation Approach
Cohen Refael 2022 Assaf Schuster Abstracts SMEGA2: Distributed Deep Learning using a Single Momentum Buffer
Antverg Omer 2022 Yonatan Belinkov Abstracts Investigating the Importance of Individual Neurons in Language Models
Shapira Roman 2022 Tal Mor Abstracts Quantum Candies and Quantum Cryptography
Livne Amir 2022 Ron Kimmel, Alexander Bronstein, Abstracts How to Avoid Depth Reconstruction in 3D Vision Tasks: Do We Need Depth in State-Of-The-Art Face Authentication
Dahary Omer 2022 Alexander Bronstein Abstracts Digital Gimbal: End-to-End Deep Image Stabilization with Learnable Exposure Times
Brand Tom 2022 Yuval Ishai, Eliyahu Ben Sasson, Abstracts Bribery Attack on Nakamoto Consensus Proof of Stake Protocols
Schmidt Maria 2022 Alexander Bronstein Abstracts From Image Completion with Untrained Learning Towards Matrix Completion with Geometric Learning
Abu Nassar Antonio 2022 Shaull Almagor Abstracts Semantic Symmetry in Transducers
Sharoni Yotam 2022 Roy Schwartz Abstracts Approximation Algorithm for Requirement Cut
Khalil Majd 2022 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts The Complexity of the Shapley Value for Path Queries over Graphs
Sidi Gal 2022 Assaf Schuster, Ilya Kolchinsky, Abstracts DELETE: Using Deep Learning to Minimize Latency in CEP Systems
Shhadi Amani 2022 Gill Barequet Abstracts Topology-Controlled Reconstruction from Partial Planar Cross-Sections
Dafni Neta 2022 Yuval Filmus Abstracts Complexity Measures on the Symmetric Group and Beyond
Diamant Nir 2022 Ehud Rivlin, Alexander Bronstein, Abstracts Improving Real-World Data Generation using Adversarial Sim2Real Models
Imanuel Ido 2022 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Neural Algorithms for Precise Shape Completion
Ben Yamin Lior 2022 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Maximizing Throughput in Flow Shop Real-Time Scheduling
Haviv Hakimi Shunit 2021 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Deep Neural Models for Jazz Improvisations
Sayah Qasem 2021 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Hardware Schemes for Routing HTTP Connections and Protecting Against SYN Attacks
Sztyglic Ori 2021 Vadim Indelman Abstracts Online Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Planning via Simplification
Elbaz Dolev Michael 2021 Assaf Schuster, Ilya Kolchinsky, Abstracts Complex Pattern Forecasting on Multivaruate Time-Series
Levanon Sagi 2022 Nir Rosenfeld Abstracts Generalized Strategic Classification and the Case of Aligned Incentives
Bar-Zur Roi 2021 Ittay Eyal, Aviv Tamar, Abstracts Finding Optimal Strategies in Blockchain Protocols with Reinforcement Learning
Nassar Mohammad 2021 Eitan Yaakobi Abstracts Array Constructions for Functional PIR and Batch Codes
Khatib Rajaei 2021 Michael Elad Abstracts Learned Greedy Method (LGM): A Novel Neural Architecture for Sparse Coding and Beyond
Kushilevitz Guy 2021 Shaul Markovitch, Yoav Goldberg, Abstracts Pattern and Distributional Based Hybrid Methods for Semantic Extraction Tasks
Maien Dor-David 2021 Joseph Gil Abstracts Better Prediction of Mutation Score
Ben Assayag Shai 2021 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Train on Small ,Play the Large: Scaling Up Board Games with AlphaZero and GNN
Kalifa Dan 2021 Kira Radinsky Abstracts Leveraging World Events to Predict E-Commerce Consumer Demand under Anomaly
Magal Bar 2021 Gill Barequet Abstracts Enumerating Reduced Polyominoes with Fixed Perimeter Defect
Bronfman Liron 2021 Ron Rothblum Abstracts PCPs and Cryptography: New Limitations and Opportunities
Tur Nitzan 2021 Roy Schwartz Abstracts The Metric Relaxation for 0-Extension Admits an Omega(log (2/3)k) Gap
Peretz Gal 2021 Kira Radinsky Abstracts What If: Generating Code to Answer Simulation Questions
Sebag Moshe 2021 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts The Shapley Value of Tuples in Query Answering
Margulis Igor 2021 Ran El-Yaniv, Yuval Filmus, Abstracts On Anomaly Detection in Tabular Data
Cohen Lior 2021 Nahum Shimkin, Shie Mannor, Abstracts Reinforcement Learning Based Flow Control for Real-Time Video over Cellular Channels
Hovav Dor 2021 Roy Friedman Abstracts Limited Associativity Caching in the Data Plane
Elias Nadav 2021 Gala Yadgar Abstracts Keywords Search in Deduplicated Storage Systems
Ezra Michael 2021 Ron Rothblum Abstracts Small Circuits Imply Efficient Arthur- Merlin Protocols
Ben-David Aviv 2021 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts Investigating the Difference between Emulated and Paravirtual Network I/O: The Strange, Untold Story
Polosukhin Volodymyr 2021 Keren Censor-Hillel Abstracts Distributed Computations with Global Edges of Limited Bandwidth
Leybovich Michael 2021 Oded Shmueli Abstracts ML Based Lineage in Databases
Romem Peled Shahar 2021 Keren Censor-Hillel Abstracts Batched Vertex Cover Reconfiguration
Goudsmid Ohad 2021 Orna Grumberg, Sarai Sheinvald, Abstracts Compositional Model-Checking of Multi-Properties
Nabwani Najeeb 2021 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Learning by Sampling: A Deep Learning Approach to the Plannted Clique Problem with Unlimited Sampling
Masalha Ramy 2021 Gershon Elber Abstracts Heterogeneous Parametric Trivariate Fillets
Kaslasi Inbar 2021 Ron Rothblum Abstracts Batch Verification for Statistical Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Bagrov Natan 2021 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Ranking and Trading Execution of Mean-Reverting Portfolios
Mendelson Michael 2021 Yonatan Belinkov Abstracts How Debiasing Affects Internal Representations in Natural Language Understanding Models
Sokolik Yaakov 2021 Ori Rottenstreich Abstracts Age-Aware Fairness in Blockchain Transaction Ordering
Gordon Ofir 2021 Oren Salzman Abstracts Toward Understanding the Hardness of Multi-Agent Path Finding
Asael Dimion 2021 Yonatan Belinkov Abstracts A Generative Approach for Mitigating Structural Biases in Natural Language Inference
Barshatski Guy 2021 Kira Radinsky Abstracts Deep Generative Models for Molecular Optimization
Shinkar Tal 2021 Eitan Yaakobi Abstracts Clustering-Correcting Codes for DNA-based Storage Systems
Barta Ohad 2021 Yuval Ishai Abstracts On Succinct Arguments and Witness Encryption from Groups
Benmocha Gal 2021 Eli Biham Abstracts New Techniques for Symmetric Cryptanalysis
Yefet Noam 2021 Eran Yahav Abstracts Adversarial Examples for Models of Code and Defending Against Them
Lekhtman Entony 2021 Roi Reichart Abstracts Domain Adaptation on Structured Output Tasks
Yeshurun Asaf 2021 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts Extracting Bible Quotes from Historical Commentary
Isaacs Or 2021 Michael Lindenbaum Abstracts Boundaries and Region Representation Fusion
Marelly Noa 2021 Keren Censor-Hillel, Roy Schwartz, Abstracts Fault Tolerant Max-Cut
Reshef Alon 2021 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts Computing the Shapley Value of Tuples in Conjunctive Queries with Negation
Samuel Lior 2021 Joseph Gil Abstracts Domsago- a Spoken Programming Language as a Step Towards Personal Assistant Programming
Barshatz Schneor Yamit 2021 Roy Friedman Abstracts Accelerating Big-Data Sorting through Programmable Switches
Turner Elia 2021 Omri Barak Abstracts Charting and Navigating the Space of Solutions for Recurrent Neural Networks
Kravi Ayelet 2021 Roy Schwartz, Joseph Naor, Abstracts Correlation Clustering With Overlaps
Goaz Or 2021 Roy Friedman, Ori Rottenstreich, Abstracts Clustering in the Network Data Plane
Sade Gal 2021 Orna Grumberg Abstracts On-the-Fly Model Checking with Guided Abstraction
Bridger Dov 2020 Ayellet Tal Abstracts Solving Jigsaw Puzzles with Eroded Boundaries using GAN Inpainting
Ringel Dor 2020 Shaul Markovitch, Kira Radinsky, Abstracts Cross-Cultural Transfer Learning for Text Classification
Sela Gal 2020 Erez Petrank Abstracts BQ: A Lock-Free Queue with Batching
Dages Thomas 2020 Abstracts Seeing Things in Random Dot Videos
Vedula Sai Sanketh 2020 Abstracts Learning-Based Design of Ultrasound Imaging Systems
Mataev Gary 2020 Michael Elad Abstracts Deep Image Prior Powered by RED
Abutbul Amram 2020 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Deep Neural Network Architecture for Tabular Data
Nemcovsky Yaniv 2020 Tamir Hazan Abstracts On the Generalization of Gaussian Dropout using PAC-Bayesian Bounds and Log-Sobolev Inequalities
Sabary Omer 2020 Eitan Yaakobi Abstracts Reconstruction Algorithms for DNA-Based Storage Systems
Shomroni Uri 2020 Avi Mendelson Abstracts Performance Prediction of Programs on Heterogeneous and Massively-Parallel Architectures
Hadar Sean 2020 Shachar Itzhaky Abstracts Incremental Computation of Spreadsheet Formulas
Reani Yair 2020 Mirela Ben-Chen Abstracts Functional Tracing of Discrete Vector Fields
Peled Matan 2020 Joseph Gil, David Lorenz, Abstracts Thapl – A Theatrical Programming Language
Ron Yuval 2020 Eli Biham Abstracts On The Security of Voice Assistants on Lock Screens
Novich Gal 2020 Roy Kishony, Zohar Yakhini, Abstracts Tree-Test: an association test for observation on a directed tree
Elul Yonatan 2020 Alexander Bronstein, Yael Yaniv, Assaf Schuster, Abstracts Applied Artificial Intelligence for Medicine – A Deep Learning Framework for Diagnosis of Cardiac Arrhythmia
Gabay Roi 2020 Shachar Itzhaky Abstracts Synthesis with Granular Interactive Model
Rubin Yehonatan 2020 Dan Raz Abstracts Quantifying the Impact of Latency on High Frequwncy Trading
Berman Rachel Nirit 2020 Ronny Roth Abstracts On the Number of Factorizations of Polynomials with Application to Rank-Metric Codes
Vedula Sai Sanketh 2020 Alexander Bronstein, Michael Zibulevsky, Abstracts Learning-Based Design of Ultrasound Imaging Systems
Smadja Uzi 2020 Shaul Markovitch, Abstracts Text Readability and its Relationship with Backtracking Actions
Nachman Aviv 2020 Gala Yadgar Abstracts Managing Capacity in Deduplicated Storage Systems
Zeevi Shai 2020 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts Answering (Unions of) Join Queries using Random Access and Random-Order Enumeration
Hayek Rojeh 2020 Oded Shmueli Abstracts Machine Learning of SQL Queries Containment Rate and Result Cardinality
Zuriel Yoav 2020 Erez Petrank, Nachshon Cohen, Abstracts Efficient Lock-Free Durable Sets
Feldman Yair 2020 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Multi-Hop Paragraph Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering
Efron Yuval 2020 Keren Censor-Hillel Abstracts New Advances in Distributed Optimization and Distance Computation
Bhonker Nadav 2020 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Neural Models for Personalized Jazz Improvisations
Dages Thomas 2020 Alfred Bruckstein, Michael Lindenbaum, Abstracts Seeing Things in Random Dot Videos
Ghelber Tomer 2020 Shachar Itzhaky Abstracts Worst Case Resource Analysis in Program Synthesis
Tibi Muhammad 2020 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts Query Evaluation in Election Databases
Horesh Yinon 2020 Yuval Ishai, Eliyahu Ben Sasson, Abstracts Arithmetization for Probabilistically Checkable and Interactive Oracle Proofs
Raz Saar 2020 Mirela Ben-Chen Abstracts Real-Time Simulation of Viscous Thin-Films
Elad Guy 2020 Benny Kimelfeld, Kira Radinsky, Abstracts Generating Personalized Product Descriptions from User Reviews
Neumann Lior 2020 Eli Biham Abstracts Security Analysis of the Bluetooth Pairing Protocol
Agmon Shunit 2020 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Preventing Collusion in Cloud Computing Auctions
Yeheskel Ran 2020 Roy Schwartz Abstracts Graph Balancing with Orientation Costs
Harel Shahar 2019 Shaul Markovitch, Kira Radinsky, Abstracts Prototype-Based Chemical Design using Diversity-Driven Generative Models
Zamir Nitzan 2019 Yoram Moses Abstracts Belief Requirements in Probabilistic Systems
Kreimer Alexander 2019 Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts Algorithms for Visual Odometry
Nezri Yuval 2019 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Cardinality Estimation In a Virtualized Network Device Using Online Machine Learning
Shtaierman Alon 2019 Yuval Ishai, Eliyahu Ben Sasson, Abstracts Decentralized Monetary Policy for Cryptocurrencies
Buchnik Yehonatan 2019 Roy Friedman Abstracts TOY: a Total Ordering Optimistic System for Permissioned Blockchains
Lichtenstein Moshe 2019 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Deep Eikonal Solvers
Evron Itay 2019 Daniel Soudry, Yacov Crammer, Abstracts Efficient Loss-Based Decoding on Graphs for Extreme Classification
Zur Yochai 2019 Alexander Bronstein Abstracts Differentiable Neural Architecture Search with an Arithmetic Complexity Constraint
Zarecki Jonathan 2019 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Textual Membership Queries
Elizarov Avner 2019 Erez Petrank Abstracts LOFT: Lock-Free Transactional Data Structures
Magen Aviram 2019 Kira Radinsky Abstracts Find A Cure: Learning to Rank Articles for Molecular Queries
Golan Izhak 2019 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Deep Anomaly Detection using Geometric Transformations
Zohar Dor 2019 Roi Reichart Abstracts Label Expansio – Integrating Prior Knowledge to Large Label Set Tasks
Derech Niv 2019 Ayellet Tal, Abstracts Solving Archaeological Puzzles
Hasson Idan 2019 Alexander Bronstein Abstracts Acquisition and Prediction of Gestures’ Surface EMG Data Using Sequential Deep Learning Methods
Brokhman Tanya 2019 Mark Silberstein Abstracts An OS Page Cache for Heterogeneous Systems
Brifman Alon 2019 Michael Elad Abstracts Novel Image and Video Super-Resolution Relying on Denoising Algorithms
Fidelman Zuphit 2019 Roy Friedman Abstracts A Generic Sharding Scheme for Blockchain Protocols
Cohen David 2019 Mirela Ben-Chen Abstracts Generalized Volumetric Foliation from Inverted Viscous Flow
Devir Nurit 2019 Orna Grumberg, Shaul Markovitch, Abstracts Applying Machine Learning for Identifying Attacks at Run-Time
Eshel Yotam 2019 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts An Attention-RNN Based Approach for Named Entity Disambiguation with Noisy Texts
Givoli Ofer 2019 Roi Reichart Abstracts Zero-Shot Semantic Parsing for Instructions
Badian Michal 2019 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Knowledge-Based Learning through Feature Generation
Dukhan Dvir 2019 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts Effective Enumeration of Tree Decompositions for Solver Optimization
Cohen Amir 2019 Ran El-Yaniv, Eytan Z Blumenthal, Abstracts Bayesian Algorithms for Vision Acuity Exams
Minkin Marina 2019 Mark Silberstein Abstracts Improving Performance and Security of Intel SGX
Agbarya Mohammad 2019 Gala Yadgar Abstracts Estimating Application Runtimes Using TLB Performance Metrics
Rosenbaum Assaf 2019 Eli Biham, Sara Bitan, Abstracts Trusted Execution Environments
Bonne Matthias 2019 Keren Censor-Hillel Abstracts Distributed Detection of Cliques in Dynamics Networks
Shoshan Eylon 2019 Kira Radinsky Abstracts Latent Entities Extraction: How to Extract Entities that Do Not Appear in the Text?
Shor Tal 2018 Dan Geiger Abstracts SciLMM: Computing Heritability with Millions of Individuals
Kupfer Gil 2018 Dan Tsafrir, Nadav Amit, Abstracts IOMMU-Resistant DMA Attacks
Asi Hilal 2018 Eitan Yaakobi Abstracts Constructions of PIR and Batch Codes for Distributed Storage
Carmeli Tamir 2018 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Detection of BGP Hijacking Using TTL Analysis
Ravid Noam 2018 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts Ranked Enumeration of Tree Decompositions
Kligler Netanel 2018 Ayellet Tal Abstracts On Visibility and Image Processing
Cohen Uzi 2018 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts Query Engine System for Probabilistic Preferences
Pat Barak 2018 Joseph Gil, Yaron Kanza, Abstracts Geosocial Search: Finding Places based on Geotagged Social-Media Posts
Omari Majd 2018 Yuval Ishai Abstracts The Complexity of Identifying Cheaters
Gross Amit 2018 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Usages of Selective Regression
Cohen Snir 2018 Shie Mannor Abstracts Restricted Optimism
Talmi Itamar 2018 Lihi Zelnik-Manor Abstracts Template Matching with Deformable Diversity Smiliarity
Hooker Niv 2018 Tuvi Etzion Abstracts On the Existence of the q-Fano Planes
Saig Eden 2018 Eliyahu Ben Sasson Abstracts Modeling Collaborative Discovery
Levy Maya 2018 Eitan Yaakobi Abstracts Mutually Uncorrelated Codes for DNA Storage
Malca Rivka 2018 Roi Reichart Abstracts Neural Transition Based Parsing of Web Queries: An Entity Based Approach
Duek Sarai 2018 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Automatic Generation of Language-Independent Features for Cross-Lingual Classification
Dagan Yuval 2018 Yuval Filmus Abstracts Twenty Questions Game Using Restricted Sets of Questions
Fuchs Amit 2018 Avi Mendelson Abstracts Fault-Tolerant Operanting System for Many-Core Processors
Makhoul Waseem 2018 Nader Bshouty Abstracts On Polynomial Time Constructions of Minimum Height Decision Tree
Gelbhart Roei 2018 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts The Relationship Between Agnostic Selective Classification Active Learning and the Disagreement Coefficient
Farchi Nahum 2018 Mirela Ben-Chen Abstracts Integer-Only Cross Field Computation
Elbaz Dan 2018 Michael Zibulevsky Abstracts Speech Signals Frequency Modulation Decoding via Deep Neural Networks
Moscovici Nurit 2018 Erez Petrank Abstracts A GPU-Friendly Skiplist Algorithm
Rasin Dan 2018 Orna Grumberg, Sharon Shoham-Buchbind, Abstracts Modular Verification of Concurrent Programs via Sequential Model Checking
Zehavi Sa’ar 2018 Eyal Kushilevitz Abstracts On the Gap Between Deterministic Communication Complexity and the Partition Number
Nahshon Yoav 2018 Benny Kimelfeld Abstracts Relational Framework for information Extraction
Yavneh Gili 2018 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Remote Memory References at Block Granularity
Kiyanovski Arthur 2018 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts The Real Difference Between Emulation and Paravirtualization of High-Throughput I/0 Devices
Moroshko Evgeny 2018 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Sampling-on-Demand in SDN
Khoury Seri 2018 Keren Censor-Hillel Abstracts New Lower Bounds for the CONGEST Model
Zarivach Igor 2018 Shlomo Moran, Yossi Shiloach, Abstracts The Cruncher: A solver for Large-Scale MIP Problems
Rabinovich Dmitry 2018 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Gathering of Agents on a Line
Shor Roman 2018 Eitan Yaakobi, Gala Yadgar, Assaf Schuster, Abstracts Efficiently Combining Confidentiality and Availability in Distributed Storage Systems
Zheng Yufei 2018 Gill Barequet Abstracts Two Researches on Lattice Animals
Tabaja Ali 2018 Reuven Cohen Abstracts A Network Layer Attack for the Price of a Physical Layer Attack in a Wireless Mesh Network with Application to RPL
Alperovich Dalia 2018 Zohar Yakhini, Yael Mandel-Gutfreun, Abstracts Efficient Search for Optimally Enriched Combination of Ranked Lists
Amir Michael 2018 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Probabilistic Pursuits on Graphs
Trostanetski Anna 2018 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Modular Demand-Driven Analysis of Semantic Difference for Program Versions
Marcovitch Ori 2018 Joseph Gil Abstracts A Nano Patterns Language for Java
Mour Tamer 2018 Eyal Kushilevitz Abstracts New Efficient Constructions for Distributed Oblivious RAM
Levy Tomer 2017 Joseph Gil Abstracts Fajita – a Fluent API for Automatic Generation of Fluent APIs in Java
Friedman Lior 2017 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Recursive Feature Generation for Knowledge-Based Induction
Liss Rotem 2017 Tal Mor Abstracts Entanglement and Geometrical Distances in Quantum Information and Quantum Cryptography
Pismenny Boris 2017 Assaf Schuster, Orna Agmon Ben-Yehud, Abstracts Market Driven Queueing
Balber Michael 2017 Tomer Shlomi Abstracts Constraint-Based Isotope Tracing (CBIT): Inferring Flux Constraints from Isotopic Tracing Data
Richardson Elad 2017 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Learning to Reconstruct Face Geometries
Ren Yi 2017 Michael Elad Abstracts Example-Based Image Synthesis via Randomized Patch-Matching
Pergament Evgenya 2017 Eliyahu Ben Sasson Abstracts Algebraic RAM
Bernstein Ran 2017 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Laban Movement Analysis and LDA Distributed Monitoring
Hazan Itay 2017 Eyal Kushilevitz Abstracts Two-Party Direct-Sum Questions through the Lens of Multiparty Communication Complexity
Maor Gal 2017 Eliyahu Ben Sasson Abstracts Information Theory and Privacy Related Questions in Communication Comlexity
Cohen Gal 2017 Dan Raz Abstracts On routing schemes that are robust to changes in bandwidth demand
Costa Areej 2017 Nader Bshouty Abstracts Exact Learning of Juntas from Membership Queries
Levy Rina 2017 Keren Censor-Hillel, Hadas Shachnai, Abstracts Fast Distributed Approximation for Max-Cut
Liram Matan 2017 Gala Yadgar, Assaf Schuster, Eitan Yaakobi, Abstracts Evaluating Zigzag Code in a Distributed Storage System
Kaplan Avi 2017 Michael Lindenbaum, Tamar Avraham, Abstracts Interpreting the Ratio Criterion for Matching SIFT Descriptors
Mayzels Tehila 2017 Yoav Etsion Abstracts Software Management of Hardware Memory Versioning
Koretzki Ran 2017 Assaf Schuster, Eitan Yaakobi, Abstracts Improving SSD-based Caches Lifetime with Write-Once Memory Codes
Damti Yanir 2017 Shlomo Moran, Ilan Gronau, Irad Yavneh, Abstracts Adaptive Methods for Computing and Comparing Evolutionary Distances
Haramaty Krasne Naama 2017 Eyal Kushilevitz, Yuval Ishai, Abstracts Low-Complexity Cryptographic Hash Functions
Choukroun Yoni 2017 Ron Kimmel Abstracts On Elliptic Operators and Non-Rigid Shapes
Sheffi Gal 2017 Erez Petrank Abstracts A Scalable Linearizable Multi-Index Table
Moscovici Eyal 2017 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts Towards Sidecore Management for Virtualized Environments
Licher Roni 2017 Roy Friedman Abstracts Hardening Cassandra Against Byzantine Failures
Breuer Ran 2017 Ron Kimmel Abstracts A Deep Learning Perspective on the Origine of Facial Expressions
Hamilis Matan 2017 Eliyahu Ben Sasson, Mark Silberstein, Abstracts Parallel Additive Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms
Regev Tal 2017 Vadim Indelman Abstracts Multi- Robot Decentralized Belief Space Planning in Unknown Environments
Wagner Jonathan Andre 2016 Elad Hazan Abstracts Multiplicative Approximation Algorithms for Generalized Covering and Packing Problems
Moraney Jalil 2016 Dan Raz Abstracts Efficient Detection of Flow Anomalies with Limited Monitoring Resources
Segall Aviv 2016 Mirela Ben-Chen Abstracts 2D Simulation and Mapping using the Cauchy-Green Complex Barycentric Coordinates
Djerbetian Alexandre 2016 Mirela Ben-Chen Abstracts Tangent Vector Fields on Triangulated Surfaces – An Edge-Based Approach
Abdelkader Karam 2016 Sharon Shoham-Buchbind, Orna Grumberg, Abstracts Automated Circular Assume-Guarantee Reasoning
Hershko Nir 2016 Gershon Elber Abstracts 3D Augmentations of 2D Maps
Rond Arie 2016 Michael Elad Abstracts Handling poisson Inverse Problems by the Plug-and-Play Priors Scheme
Abramovich Evgeny 2016 Eran Yahav Abstracts Static Mining of Common Concurrency Patterns
Stiefel Avi 2016 Gill Barequet Abstracts Motion Planning in the Presence of Mobile Obstacles
Grabovitch-Zuyev Irena 2016 Ziv Bar-Yossef, Yaron Kanza, Abstracts Entity search in Facebook
Yadid Shir 2016 Eran Yahav Abstracts Extracting Code from Programming Tutorial Videos
Berkman Anat 2016 David Harel, Eran Yahav, Abstracts Scenario based programming for Mobile Applications
Zmiry Iddo 2016 Joseph Gil Abstracts Lola – A Programming Language for Augmenting Programming Languages
Geiger Omer 2016 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Algorithmic Exam Generation
Segev Noam 2016 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Transfer Learning using Decision Forests
Chrizman Cherkassky Nitsan 2016 Alon Itai Abstracts How to Construct Multilingual Domain Ontologies
Mordechai Yael 2016 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Optimization and Reoptimization in Scheduling Problems
Timnat Erez 2016 Joseph Naor Abstracts The List Update Problem
Lesokhin Ilya 2016 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts I/O Page Faults
Nus Alexander 2015 Dan Raz Abstracts Migration Plans with Minimum Overall Migration Time
Toukan Tariq 2015 Keren Censor-Hillel Abstracts Fault-Tolerant Information Spreading Algorithms
Jioussy Rami 2015 Avi Mendelson, Ran Wolff, Abstracts Enhancing Energy-Performance for Power Constrained SoC Systems
Ben-Yehuda Shmuel 2015 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts The nom Profit-Maximizing Operating System
Elad Noa 2015 Joseph Naor Abstracts Online Semidefinite Programming
Malka Moshe 2015 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts Rethinking the I/O Memory Management Unit (IOMMU)
Ben Bassat Ran 2015 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Parameterized Automata Constructions and Their Applications
Zilberstein Meital 2015 Eran Yahav Abstracts Code Similarity via Natural Language Descriptions
Labai Nadia 2015 Johann Makowsky Abstracts Definability and Hankel Matrices
Gonen Ido 2015 Roy Friedman Abstracts Defending against Eclipse Attacks in Unstructured Overlays
Peleg Omer 2015 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts Utilizing the IOMMU Scalably
Yudin Eric 2015 Ron Kimmel, Eran Yahav, Abstracts Improving Facial Expression Analysis via Intrinsic Normalization of Surfaces
Peterfreund Liat 2015 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Closure under Reversal of Languages over Infinite Alphabets: A Case Study
Aharoni Eldar 2015 Eyal Kushilevitz Abstracts Direct Sum Related Problems in Communication Complexity
Sennesh Eli 2015 Joseph Gil Abstracts Unstructured Jumps and Compressed Size as Defect-Prediction Metrics
Briskin Gil 2015 Ehud Rivlin, Hector Rotstein, Abstracts Estimating Pose and Motion Using Bundle Adjustment and Digital Elevation Model Consraints
Rosenfeld Eitan 2015 Dan Tsafrir, Michael Factor, Abstracts RAIDP: Replication with Intra-Disk Parity
Bolshinsky Ella 2015 Roy Friedman Abstracts Towards an Autonomous Sailing Trainer
Borodin Gregory 2015 Shaul Markovitch, Yaron Kanza, Abstracts Efficient Query Recommendation
Has Green Raziel David 2015 Reuven Cohen Abstracts When a Router Tells Different Stories to Different Neighbors: A New Partition Attack on Link-State Routing Protocols
Kuperman Yossi 2015 Dan Tsafrir Abstracts vRio: Efficient Paravirtual Remote I/O
Zlotnik Alexander 2014 Dan Raz Abstracts Efficient Use of Geographically Spread Cloud Resources
Abasi Hassan 2014 Nader Bshouty Abstracts On r-Simple k-Path
Kibar Eyal 2014 Roy Friedman Abstracts E-Wolf: A Distributed Online Social Network
Wajc David 2014 Nir Ailon, Hadas Shachnai, Joseph Naor, Abstracts Parameterizing P: Proximity to Easy Variants
Ghanayim Alaa 2014 Dan Geiger Abstracts Iterative Referencing for Improving the Interpretation of DNA Sequence Data
Cherevatsky Boris 2014 Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts Estimating Epipolar Geometry for Mobile Robots
Jacobs Kayla 2014 Alon Itai, Shalom Wintner, Abstracts Hebrew Acronym: Identification; Expansion and Disambiguation
Elenbogen Dima 2014 Ofer Strichman, Shmuel Katz, Abstracts Proving Mutual Termination of Programs
Goldman Yehonatan 2014 Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts Robust Epipolar Geometry Estimation Using Noisy Pose Priors
Shapira Nitzan 2014 Mirela Ben-Chen Abstracts Cross-Collection Map Inference by Intrinsic Alignment Shape Spaces
Volk Ben Lee 2014 Amir Shpilka Abstracts On the Structure of Boolean Functions with Small Spectral Norm
Malul Elior 2014 Joseph Gil, Opher Etzion, Abstracts Towards Temporal Correctness of Event Processing
Hauser Nir Shmuel 2014 Roy Friedman Abstracts COARA: Code Offloading on Android with RMI and Aspects
Baltaxe Michael 2014 Michael Lindenbaum Abstracts Probabilistic Local Variation Segmentation
Kantor Yoav 2014 Roy Friedman Abstracts Combining Erasure-Code and Replication Redundancy Schemes for Increased Storage and Repair Efficiency in P2P Storage Systems
Strauss Rouven 2014 Gershon Elber Abstracts Geometric Multi-Covering
Rybnikov Denis 2014 Mirela Ben-Chen, Chaim Craig Gotsman, Abstracts A Semi-Automatic System for Non-Rigid Matching and Temporally Coherent 3D Shading of Animation Sequences
Grinberg Maor 2014 Gershon Elber Abstracts Comprehensive Free Handed 3D User Interface for Geometric Design Systems
Flur Shaked 2013 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Weak Omega Automata
Rappaport Assaf 2013 Dan Raz Abstracts Approximation Algorithms for Soft-Capacitated Connected Facility Location Problems
Geva Amir 2013 Michael Heymann Abstracts Far Field Surveillance Target Classification
Even Karine 2013 Eran Yahav, Hana Chockler, Abstracts Finding Rate Numerical Stability Errors in Concurrent Computations
Shragai Nadav 2013 Gershon Elber Abstracts Geometric Covering
Gretz Avishai 2013 Alon Itai, Shalom Wintner, Abstracts Syntactic Annotation of Hebrew CHILDES Corpora
Strulovich Omer 2013 Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, Abstracts Lossy Chains and Fractional Secret Sharing
Gurevich Pavel 2013 Meir Orenstein, Tal Mor, Abstracts Experimental Quantum Key Distribution with Classical Alice
Porat Mordechai 2013 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased) Abstracts A Semantic Approach to User Interface Design
Gabel Moshe 2013 Assaf Schuster, Ran Gilad-Bachrach, Abstracts Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Large Datacenters
Haimovitch Yoav 2013 Yacov Crammer, Shie Mannor, Abstracts Large-Scale Semi-Supervised Sentiment Analysis
Ben-Elazar Shay 2013 Zohar Yakhini Abstracts Computational Methods for Analyzing Gene Regulation in Model Organisms
Mishne Alon 2013 Eran Yahav Abstracts Programming with Millions of Examples – Scalable Static Specification Mining
Paz Ami 2013 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Counting-Based Impossibility Proofs for Distributed Tasks
Posener Eyal 2013 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Dynamic Memory Allocation in Cloud Computers Using Progressive Second Price Auction
Zeyde Roman 2013 Irad Yavneh Abstracts Computational Electrokinetics
Toledano Haggai 2013 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Coverage-Driven Refinement of Conceptual Representations
Pidan Dmitry 2013 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Selective Prediction with Hidden Markov Models
Beder Michael 2013 Reuven Bar-Yehuda Abstracts Approximation Algorithms for Resource Scheduling and Allocation Problems
Druk Erez 2013 Yuval Ishai Abstracts Linear Time Encodable Codes and Cryptography
Naamneh Raeda 2013 Gill Barequet Abstracts Fair Multi-Label Reconstruction from Cross-Sections
Gotsman Ranit 2013 Yaron Kanza Abstracts Generating Map-based Routes from GPS Trajectories and their Compact Representation
Raviv Netanel 2013 Eyal Kushilevitz Abstracts Truth Table Minimization of Computational Models
Israel Assaf 2013 Dan Raz Abstracts Cost Aware Fault Recovery in Clouds
Fadida Hanna 2013 Alon Itai, Shalom Wintner, Abstracts Automatic Extraction of Subcategorization Frames for Hebrew
Agbaria Sabih 2013 Joseph Gil Abstracts On Incomplete Bug Fixes and Programmers’ Intuition on These
Atia Yosi 2013 Tal Mor Abstracts Algorithmic Cooling of Spins by Optimal Control
Levy Omer 2012 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Teaching Machines to Learn by Metaphor
Magadla Muhammad 2012 Roy Friedman Abstracts Accelerating CIFS over Satellite Networks
Bar Pavel 2012 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Resource Management in Grid Environments
Raviv Ariel 2012 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Concept-Based Approach to Word-Sense Disambiguation
Faynburd Alexandra 2012 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Autoregressive Short-Term Prediction of Turning Points Using Support Vector Regression
Avraham Uri 2012 Eli Biham, Orr Dunkelman, Abstracts ABC – A New Framework for Symmetric Block Ciphers
Kuperstein Michael 2012 Eran Yahav, Martin Wechev, Abstracts Preserving Correctness Under Relaxed Memory Models
Abboud Amir 2012 Assaf Schuster, Daniel Keren, Abstracts Monitoring General Functions in Distributed Systems with Minimal Communication
Shimron Yuval 2012 Joseph Gil Abstracts Smaller Footprint for Java Collections
Grushko Carmi 2012 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Continuous Symmetries of Non-rigid Shapes
Regev Eyal 2012 Alfred Bruckstein, Yaniv Altshuler, Abstracts Multi Agent Systems in Stochastic Dynamic Environments
Hurwitz Daniel 2012 Alon Itai Abstracts Morphological and Lexical Decomposition as a Basis for Identifying Multiword Expressions
Portnoy Amit 2012 Roy Friedman Abstracts TrustPack: a Decentralized Trust Management Framework
Kraus Naama 2012 Ziv Bar-Yossef, Shaul Markovitch, Abstracts Context-Aware Query Suggestion
Gidron Elad 2012 Idit Keidar Abstracts Exploiting Locality and NUMA in Scalable Conncurrent Libraries
Ben-David David 2012 Assaf Schuster, Daniel Keren, Abstracts Violation Resolution in Distributed Stream Networks
Eran Haggai 2012 Erez Petrank Abstracts A Study of Data Structures with a Deep Heap Shape
Garber Dan 2012 Elad Hazan Abstracts Approximating Semidefinite Programs in Sublinear Time
Koren Tomer 2012 Elad Hazan Abstracts Learning Linear Support Vector Machines in Sublinear Time
Mejer Avihai 2012 Yacov Crammer Abstracts Confidence Estimation in Structured Predicition
Zemach Ran 2012 Irad Yavneh Abstracts Algebraic Collocation Coarse Approximation (ACCA) in Multigrid
Eisenberg Vadim 2012 Yaron Kanza Abstracts Programming Applications over the Semantic-Web
Kviatkovsky Igor 2012 Michael Heymann, Ehud Rivlin, Amit Adam, Abstracts Color Invariants for Person Re-Identification
Hartstein Itamar 2012 Shmuel Zaks, Mordohay Salom, Abstracts On the Complexity of the Regenerator Location Problem – Treewidth and Other Parameters
Tal Avishay 2012 Amir Shpilka Abstracts On The Minimal Fourier Degree of Symmetric Boolean Functions
Vornovitsky Kolman 2012 Carmel Domshlak Abstracts Abstractions for Devising Compact Controllers for MDPs
Brickner Boaz 2011 Assaf Schuster, Daniel Keren, Abstracts Methods for Recognition by Graphical Style and Style Synthesis Using Local Analysis
Kulik Ariel 2011 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Submodular and Linear Maximization with Knapsack Constraints
Yaniv Jonathan 2011 Joseph Naor Abstracts Truthful Mechanisms for Value-Based Scheduling in Cloud Computing
Weissbrod Omer 2011 Dan Geiger Abstracts Genetic Linkage Analysis in the Presence of Germline Mosaicism
Nudelman Ilia 2011 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Dependent UFP On a Shared Channel With Application to a Network Centric Operation
Shem-Tov Shachar 2011 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Topics in Over-Parametrization Variational Methods
Adadi Roi 2011 Tomer Shlomi Abstracts Prediction of Microbial Growth Rate versus Biomass Yield by a Metabolic Network with Kinetic Parameters
Kutiel Gilad 2011 Dan Raz, David Brietgand, Abstracts Cost-Aware Live Migration of Services in the Cloud
Yanay David 2011 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Supervised Learning of Semantic Relatedness
Shalom Israel 2011 Joseph Naor Abstracts Online Load-Distance Balancing
Polevoy Gleb 2011 Reuven Bar-Yehuda Abstracts Bandwidth Allocation in Cellular Networks with Multiple Interferences
Bermano Amit 2011 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Online Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Arbitrary Cross- Section Data
Vitkin Edward 2011 Tomer Shlomi Abstracts Functional Genomics Based Approach for Reconstruction of Genome Scale Metabolic Network Models
Chernoy Viacheslav 2011 Shmuel Zaks, Mordohay Salom, Abstracts On the Performance of Dijkstra’s Third Self-Stabilizing Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion and Related Algorithms
Shulman Anna 2011 Roy Friedman Abstracts A Density Driven Publish Subscribe Service for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Roggel Neer 2011 Roy Friedman Abstracts Anonymous Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Hashavit Anat 2011 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Unbiased Rational Decision Making in Multiple-Adversary Environments
Zinenko Dmitry 2011 Shay Kutten Abstracts Communication-Efficient Self-Stabilization
Barabash Katherine 2011 Erez Petrank Abstracts Scalable Garbage Collection on Highly Parallel Platforms
Genkin Daniel 2011 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Radical Lexicalization of Mildly Context-Sensitive Languages
Kolan Tom 2011 Ronny Roth Abstracts Coding Techiques for Burst Errors
Bendersky Anna 2011 Erez Petrank Abstracts On the Limits of Partial Compaction
Alperin Yevgenia 2010 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Property Analysis and Automatic Detection of Aspect Categories
Elazar Raviv 2010 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Algorithms for Two-Tier Scalable Data Upload
Nisenson Mordechai 2010 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts On the Foundations of Adversarial Single-Class Classification
Carmi Adam 2010 Michael Kaminski, Ron Pinter, Abstracts Adaptive Multi-Pass Parsing
Albocher Dan 2010 Gershon Elber Abstracts Real-Time Haptic Simulation for Surgical Procedures
Livne Avishay 2010 Assaf Schuster, Daniel Keren, Abstracts Monitoring Distributed Data Streams
Egozi Ofer 2010 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Concept-Based Information Retrieval Using Explicit Semantic Analysis
Peles David 2010 Michael Lindenbaum Abstracts Segmentation by Classification
Myaskouvskey Artiom 2010 Michael Lindenbaum Abstracts Using A Contrario Methology for Part-Based Object Detection
Cohen Gil 2010 Amir Shpilka Abstracts On the Degree of Symmetric Functions on the Boolean Cube
Vainsencher Daniel 2010 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts 2D Digital Balls
Ben-Israel Shir 2010 Eliyahu Ben Sasson Abstracts Symmetry Breaking Can Dramatically Reduce the Length of Propositional Refutations
Sharov Artyom 2010 Ronny Roth Abstracts Coding Techniques for Multidimensional Constrained Channels
Ben Moshe Sagi 2010 Eldar Fischer Abstracts Using Property Testing for Efficient Detection of Nearly-Sorted relations
Bentov Iddo 2010 Nader Bshouty Abstracts On Exact Learning from Random Walk
Liberman Sofia 2010 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Wikipedia-Based Compact Hierarchical Semantics for Natural Language Processing
Kerem Nir 2010 Alon Itai Abstracts Effects of Typicality on the Interpretation of Reciprocal Expressions
Belchich Masha 2010 Gershon Elber Abstracts Sketch Based Design of 2D and 3D Freeform Geometry
Rybnikov Silvina 2010 Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts Building a Non-Euclidean Roadmap from a Small Set of Images
Meller Yael 2010 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Multi Valued Abstraction and Compositional Model Checking
Ron-Zewi Noga 2010 Joseph Naor, Ron Aharoni, Abstracts Vector Representation of Graph Domination
Gelles Ran 2009 Tal Mor Abstracts On the Security of Theoretical and Realistic Quantum Key Distribution Schemes
Shaphir Evgeny 2009 Ron Pinter, Shmuel Wimer, Abstracts Interconnect-Driven Cell-Based Migration of Integrated Circuit Layout
Tzur Yochay 2009 Ayellet Tal Abstracts Photogrammetric Texture Mapping Using Casual Images
Shnaiderman Lila 2009 Oded Shmueli Abstracts Incermental Reclustering of Augmented XML Trees
Tal Asenath 2009 Gill Barequet Abstracts Algorithms for Heilbronn’s Triangle Problem
Skolozub Alexandra 2009 Ron Pinter Abstracts Conditional Integration of Biological Pathways
Tzemach Anna 2009 Dan Geiger Abstracts Preparing SNP Data For Genetic Linkage Analysis
Devir Yohai 2009 Yuval Rabani Abstracts Intrinsic Regularization of Inverse Problems Involving Non-Rigid Shapes
Karmon Kfir 2009 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Enforcing a Global Resource Quota in a grid Environment
Shragai Tali 2009 Joseph Gil Abstracts Empiric Evaluation of the Usability of Virtual Function Calls within Constructors
Mori Noam 2009 Roy Friedman Abstracts 3DLS:Density-Driven Data Location Service for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Mhameed Aezalden 2009 Dan Raz, Reuven Cohen, Abstracts Locally vs. Globally Optimized Flow-Based Content Distribution to Mobile Nodes
Ryabtsev Michael 2009 Ofer Strichman Abstracts Translation Validation: from Simulink to C
Giryes Raja 2009 Michael Elad, Yonina Eldar, Abstracts Automatic Parameter Tuning for Inverse Problems
Bar-Aviv Ezer 2009 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts Function Based Object Categorization Using Simulation of an Agent
Shemy Nir 2009 Roy Friedman Abstracts QoS Enforcement for Web Services in Dynamic Networks
Godlin Benny 2008 Ofer Strichman Abstracts Regression Verification: Theoretical and Implementation Aspects
Marie Anan 2008 Carmel Domshlak, Avigdor Gal, Abstracts Second Line Schema Matchers
Aboud Amjad 2008 Yuval Rabani Abstracts Correlation Clustering with Penalties and Approximating the Recordering Buffer Management Problem
Klinger Andrey 2008 Moshe Tennenholtz Abstracts Stability against Group Deviations in Non-Cooperative Computation
Massarwa Fady 2008 Chaim Craig Gotsman, Gershon Elber, Abstracts Papercrafts from 3D Polygonal Models
Goldin Ishay 2008 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Vesicles and Amoebae: On Globally Constrained Shape Deformation
Oshman Rotem 2008 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Bounded Model – Checking for Branching-Time Logic
Gross Ron 2008 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Invariance under Stuttering in Branching-Time Temporal Logic
Mano Adi 2008 Ron Pinter Abstracts Building Phylogenetic Trees Based on Biochemical Pathways
Dubov Yulia 2008 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Infinite Alphabet Pushdown Automata: Various Approaches and Comparison of Their Consequences
Zarivach Evelina 2008 Joseph Gil Abstracts Evaluating Datalog Programs over Infinite and Founded Databases
Zamir Tal 2008 Assaf Schuster, Michael Factor, Abstracts Speculative Lock Acquisition for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems
Flysher Guy 2008 Reuven Bar-Yehuda Abstracts Approximation Algorithms for Partial Capacitated Covering Problems
Raviv Dan 2008 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Symmetries of Non-rigid Shapes
Mashiach Li-Tal 2008 Ziv Bar-Yossef Abstracts Local Approximation of PageRank and Reverse PageRank
Itamar Einav 2008 Alon Itai Abstracts Using Movie Subtitles for Creating Statistical Alignment Models
Yaakobi Eitan 2008 Tuvi Etzion Abstracts Codes for Correcting Multi-Dimensional Bursts
Ginzburg Mark 2008 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Holographic Video-Scene Watermarking in the 3D-DFT Domain
Pekelny Yuri 2008 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Articulated Object Reconstruction and Motion Capture from Depth Video
Devir Zvi 2008 Michael Lindenbaum Abstracts Generalized Blind Sampling of Images
Shotland Ari 2008 Roy Friedman Abstracts Efficient Route Discovery in Hybrid Networks
Mansour Saeb 2008 Alon Itai, Yoad Winter, Abstracts Combining Character and Morpheme Based Models for Part-of- Speech Tagging of Semitic Languages
Gattegno Gil 2008 Michael Lindenbaum, Abstracts Object Recognition Using Geometric Hashing Extensions
Fox Roy 2008 Moshe Tennenholtz Abstracts Reinforcement Learning in Partially Observable Decision Processes
Orlovsky Arie 2008 Dan Raz Abstracts Decentralized Enforcement of Security Policies for Distributed Computational Systems
Yoshpa Bennyamin 2008 Ariel Orda, Assaf Schuster, Abstracts Economic Aspects of QoS in Grid Computing
Rosman Guy 2008 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Efficient Flattening in Manifold Learning and Image Processing
Kermany Haim 2008 Erez Petrank Abstracts The Compressor: Concurrent, Incremental, and Parallel Compaction
Shalem Iddit 2007 Irad Yavneh Abstracts Multilevel Two-dimensional Phase Unwrapping
Kogan Alex 2008 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Efficient and Robust Local Mutual Exclusion in Mobile Ad- Hoc Networks
Magid Yonit 2007 Johann Makowsky Abstracts BSS Model of Computation over the Reals and Choice Operator
Mador-Haim Sela 2007 Yoad Winter Abstracts Natural Language Interface for Geographical Information Systems
Pechuk Michael 2007 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts Function-based Object Recognition
Rubinstein Amir 2007 Ron Pinter, Yona Kassir, Abstracts Faithful Modeling of Transient Behavior in Developmental Pathways
Brickner Erez 2007 Alfred Bruckstein, Israel Wagner, Abstracts The Populating Problem A Study in Multi-Nano-Robotics
Yehezkely Omer 2007 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Approximation Schemes for Packing with Item Fragmentation
Eden Eran 2007 Zohar Yakhini Abstracts Discovering Motifs in Ranked Lists of DNA Sequences
Guy Ido 2007 Ziv Bar-Yossef Abstracts Cluster Ranking with an Application to Mining Mailbox Networks
Shaikhet Alina 2007 Gill Barequet Abstracts The On-Line Heilbronn’s Triangle Problem in d Dimensions
Ohayon Shay 2007 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts A Computational Analysis of Biological Behavior: Interactions of Gaze Control and Visual Attention
Datsenko Dmitry 2007 Michael Elad Abstracts Example-based Regularization in Inverse Problems
Shklover Gregory 2007 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Explicitly-Parallel Code Compilation Methods for Shared- Context Architecture
Gershman Roman 2007 Ofer Strichman Abstracts Improvements of SAT Solving Techniques
Zamansky Alik 2007 Gill Barequet Abstracts A Framework for Surface Reconstruction of Sparsely- Sampled Objects
Goren Yaron 2007 Yuval Ishai Abstracts Basing Weak Public-Key Cryptography on Strong One-Way Functions
Rozenfeld Olga 2007 Moshe Tennenholtz Abstracts Strong Equilibrium in Congestion Games
Grimberg Benjamin 2007 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Minimal Model semantics for First-Order Ground Non-Monotonic Modal Logic
Tsitrin Yan 2007 Uzi Ornan Abstracts Master-Slave Dependency Model and its Application to the Hebrew Understanding
Bisht Laurence 2007 Nader Bshouty Abstracts On Optimal Learning Algorithms for Multiplicity Automata
Osherovich Eliyahu 2007 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Ant Robotics: Covering Continuous Domains by Multi-A(ge)nt Systems
Mazzawi Hanna 2007 Nader Bshouty Abstracts Learning Composed Classes with a Small Number of Mistakes
Yogev Sivan 2006 Shlomo Moran Abstracts Evaluation of Scoring Functions for Protein Multiple Sequence Alignment using Structural Alignments
Golan Shimon 2006 Avigdor Gal, Ron Pinter, Abstracts Efficient Algorithms for Computing Resource Availability in WAA Environments
Adler Amir 2006 Shaul Markovitch, Ariel Felner, Abstracts Reducing Memory Requirements for Pattern Databases
Naor Jonathan 2006 Gill Barequet Abstracts d-Dimensional Variants of Heilbronn’s Triangle Problem
Sidlesky Avishay 2006 Gill Barequet, Chaim Craig Gotsman, Abstracts Polygon Reconstruction from Line Cross-Sections
Henig Asaf 2006 Dan Raz Abstracts The Transcoders’ Placement Problem over Multicast Networks
Vaxman Amir 2006 Gill Barequet Abstracts Nonlinear Interpolation between Slices
Gurevich Nela 2006 Shaul Markovitch, Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts Automatic Generation of Near Misses for Active Learning of Visual Concepts
Avni Ofir 2006 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts Biologically Motivated Modeling and Imitating the Chameleon’s Vision System
Goldman Max 2006 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Modular Verification of Aspects
Ratsaby Gil 2006 Tal Mor Abstracts Quantum Advantage, even without Entanglement
Fireman Liza 2006 Erez Petrank Abstracts The Complexity of SIMD Alignment
Krisher Sharon 2006 Oded Shmueli Abstracts On XML Schema Identity Constraints
Katzengold Oren 2006 Avi Mendelson, Assaf Schuster, Abstracts Effective Use of Trace Caches
Katz Emilia 2006 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Verifying Scenario-Based Aspect Specifications
Feldman Ido 2006 Reuven Bar-Yehuda Abstracts A 2+Epsilon Approximation Algorithm for Convex Recoloring of Trees
Kloper Dimitry 2006 Gill Barequet, Chaim Craig Gotsman, Abstracts Geometries and Topologies of Triangulations of Point Sets
Wattad Ehab 2006 Nader Bshouty Abstracts On Exact Learning Halfspaces with Random Consistent Hypothesis Oracle
Brel Rachel 2006 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Automatic Refinement and Vacuity Detection for Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation
Subag Jacob 2006 Gershon Elber Abstracts Piecewise Developable Surface Approximation of General NURBS Surfaces, with Global Error Bounds
Dotan Dolev 2006 Ron Pinter Abstracts HyperFlow: a Visual, Ontology-Based Query and Data-Flow Language for End-User Information Analysis
Sela Guy 2006 Gershon Elber Abstracts Exploiting the Free-Form Deformation Function as a Geometric Modeling Tool
Lerner Tal 2006 Moshe Gur, Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts Motion Correction in fMRI Images
Sabato Sivan 2006 Yoad Winter Abstracts The Semantics of Reciprocal Expressions in Natural Language
Sharon Itai 2006 Golan Yona, Ran El-Yaniv, Abstracts Similarity Detection for Low Complexity and Remotely Related Proteins
Dubrov Bella 2006 Yuval Ishai Abstracts On the Randomness Complexity of Efficient Sampling
Estrin Yacov 2006 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Expert System On Translations among Formal Verification Tools in VeriTech
Polonsky Oleg 2006 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts What’s in an Image? Towards the Computation of Good Views for Three-Dimensional Objects
Krivitski Denis 2006 Assaf Schuster Abstracts A Local Facility Location Algorithm for Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Shraer Alexander 2006 Idit Keidar Abstracts Timeliness, Failure-Detectors and Consensus Performance
Feldman Roman 2006 Dov Dori Abstracts Designing Data Warehouse with Object-Process Methodology
Censor Hillel Keren 2006 Tuvi Etzion Abstracts Constrained Codes for Two-Dimensional Channels
Golubchyck Roman 2006 Michael Lindenbaum Abstracts Improving the Saliency Algorithm by Grouping Cues Optimization
Lyakas Alexander 2006 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Specification-Oriented Construction of Web Information Systems
Zeitlin Daniel 2006 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Look-Ahead Finite-Memory Automata
Barsky Roman 2005 Israel Wagner Abstracts Electromigration-dependent Parametric Yield Estimation
Laserson Jonathan 2005 Reuven Bar-Yehuda Abstracts Approximations Algorithms for Sorting Buffers
Sandler Roman 2005 Abstracts Gabor Filters Analysis for Texture Segmentation
Saba Shadi 2005 Irad Yavneh, Alla Sheffer, Chaim Craig Gotsman, Abstracts Barycentric Spherical Embeddings – Algorithms and Theory
Landa Shimon 2005 Joseph Naor Abstracts Combinatorial Approximation Algorithms for the Fractional Set-Cover Problem
Elster Constantine 2005 Dan Raz Abstracts Efficient Monitoring of QOS Parameters
Galperin Vadim 2005 Yoram Baram Abstracts In-Line Regression by Support Vectors with Application to Head Motion Anticipation from EMG Signals
Matusevich Mark 2005 Dan Geiger Abstracts Off-Line Improvement of Generic Group Trackers
Goryachev Alex 2005 Gill Barequet Abstracts Offset-Polygon and Annulus Placement Problems
Frank Roy 2005 Michal Penn Abstracts Revenue-Maximizing Allocations in Constrained Multi-Object and Combinatorial Auctions
Korland Guy 2005 Roy Friedman Abstracts Location Awareness in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks (or How to RLISE a TIGR?)
Beryozkin Genady 2005 Nissim Francez Abstracts Plural Semantics for Control Sentences in LFG’s “Glue” Interface
Shnitzer Oren 2005 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Self-Consistent Batch Classification
Slavkin Michael 2005 Alon Itai Abstracts Detecting Data Structures from Traces
Meir Orly 2005 Ofer Strichman Abstracts A Decision Procedure for Equality Logic
Dardyk Gregory 2005 Irad Yavneh Abstracts Robust Nonlinear Multigrid Methods
Ifergan Nili 2005 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Achieving High Speedups in Distributed Reachability Analysis through Asynchronous Computation
Gordon Eyal 2005 Adi Rosen Abstracts Competitive Throughput Analysis of Greedy Protocols on Directed Acyclic Networks
Flaisher Alon 2005 Abstracts Enhanced Vacuity Detection in Linear Temporal Logic
Izmerly Oleg 2005 Tal Mor Abstracts Modern Cryptography in a Quantum World
Yedidya Haggai 2005 Ron Pinter Abstracts Performance Evaluation of Data Caches Organizations for SMT Processors
Yarom Sasson Gil 2005 Z. Ben-Shaul Abstracts D-SEDA Distributed Staged Event-Driven Architecture
Pilosof Saar 2005 Dan Raz Abstracts TCP Fairness over Wireless LAN
Bennet Rotem 2005 Nader Bshouty Abstracts Improved Learning with Corrupt Oracles
Bar-Haim Roy 2005 Yoad Winter Abstracts Part-of-Speech Tagging for Hebrew and other Semitic Languages
Salman Tamer 2005 Yoram Baram, Alfred Bruckstein, Abstracts Learning Polynomial Generating Rules Using Support Vector Machines
Begleiter Ron 2005 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Can Theory Meet Practice in Sequence Prediction?
Khoury Lawrance 2005 Nader Bshouty Abstracts Learning with Errors in Answers to Membership Queries
Eden Orit 2005 Marius Ungarish, Gershon Elber, Abstracts Simulation and Visualization of Gravity Currents
Harel Assaf 2005 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Estimating the Number of Faults Remaining in Software Code Document Inspected with Iterative Code Reviews
Bronstein Michael 2005 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Three-Dimensional Face Recognition
Shochot Amnon 2005 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Extending BGP to Support the Concept of “Global AS”
Altman Alon 2004 Yoad Winter Abstracts Computation and Specification of Scope Dominance with Monotone Quantifiers in Natural Language
Skarbovsky Alina 2004 Dan Raz Abstracts Performance Evaluation and Modeling of TCP over Cellular Wireless Links
Schwartz Roy 2004 Joseph Naor Abstracts Circular Arrangements
Lifshits Michael 2004 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts Vision-Based Navigation on Microscopic Images
Derbeko Philip 2004 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Explicit Learning Curves for Transduction and Application to Clustering and Compression Algorithms
Tcharny Galina 2004 Roy Friedman Abstracts Fuzzy Group Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Gutterman Zvi 2004 Irad Yavneh, Joseph Gil, Abstracts Symbolic Pre-Computation for Numerical Applications
Getselevich Vladimir 2004 Dan Raz Abstracts Enabling Efficient Fast Track Services in Active Networks
Veksler Tatyana 2004 Nissim Francez Abstracts Automata and Type-Logical Grammars
Dvorkin Alexander 2004 Dan Raz Abstracts Ensuring End-to-End Delay in the DiffServ Model
Yadgar Avraham 2004 Orna Grumberg, Assaf Schuster, Abstracts Solving All-SAT Problem for Reachability Analysis
Bar-Or Amir 2004 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Hierarchical Decision Tree Induction for Highly Dimensional Data in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Guez Dan 2004 Adi Rosen Abstracts Scheduling Time-Constrained Communication in Input Queued Switches
Zamansky )Lifshits( Anna 2004 Nissim Francez Abstracts A ‘Natural Logic’ Inference System Based on the Lambek Calculus
Rokhlenko Oleg 2004 Ron Pinter Abstracts Tree-Based Comparison of Metabolic Pathways
Glikson Alexander 2004 Johann Makowsky Abstracts Verification of Generally Intractable Graph Properties on Graphs Generated by Graph Grammars
Shoham Buchbinder Sharon 2004 Orna Grumberg Abstracts A Game-Based Framework for CTL Counterexamples and Abstraction-Refinement
Kadry Wisam 2004 Ron Pinter Abstracts Simulation of Metabolic Pathways
Tsirkin Michael 2004 Adi Rosen Abstracts Delivery Times in Packet Networks under Full Load
Rotstein Carmen 2004 Yoad Winter Abstracts A Semantic Framework for Total and Partial Adjectives
Merksamer Yael 2004 Tuvi Etzion Abstracts Two Dimensional Cluster Error-Correcting Codes
Polak Simon 2004 Yoram Baram Abstracts Head Motion Anticipation for Virtual-Environment Applications Using Kinematics and EMG Energy
Yakersberg Evgeny 2004 Gill Barequet Abstracts Morphing between Geometric Shapes using a Straight-Skeleton- Based Interpolation
Cohen Rami 2004 Dan Raz Abstracts Time Dependent Multi Scheduling of Multicast
Amit Asaf 2004 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Learning to Cooperete with Application to Bridge Bidding
Buchbinder Niv 2004 Erez Petrank Abstracts Lower and Upper Bounds on Obtaining History Independence
Louidor Erez 2004 Ronny Roth Abstracts Lowest-Density MDS Codes over Super-Alphabets
Luz Kobi 2004 Ran El-Yaniv, Yoram Baram, Abstracts Online Choice of Active Learning Algorithms
Sapir Tali 2004 Chaim Craig Gotsman, Uzi Vishkin, Abstracts Parallel Raytracing Using the XMT Paradigm
Mogilnitsky Maxim 2004 Moshe Israeli (Deceased), Alla Sheffer, Abstracts Efficient, Low Distortion, Conformal Parameterization of Large Meshes
Iosevich Vadim 2004 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Distributed Shared Memory: To Relax or not to Relax?
Aharon Michal 2004 Michael Elad, Ron Kimmel, Abstracts Representation Analysis and Synthesis of Lip Images Using Dimensionality Reduction
Bekkerman Anna 2004 Joseph Gil Abstracts Conflict Resolution and Operator Priorities in Extended BNF
Avidor Zvi 2004 Hagit Attiya Abstracts n-Set Consensus when Inputs are Restricted
Moffie Micha 2004 Gill Barequet Abstracts Counting Polyominoes in Two and Three Dimensions
Gilburd Baruch 2004 Assaf Schuster Abstracts A Privacy Model and Privacy-Preserving Algorithms for Data Mining in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Balter Dorit 2004 Shlomo Moran Abstracts Medical Records Confidentiality Problem
Sasson Amir 2004 Idit Keidar Abstracts Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of Denail-of- Service Attacks on Secure Gossip-Based Multicast
Souroujon Oren 2004 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Iterative Double Clustering: An Information-Theoretic Algorithm for Clustering Textual Data
Gavish Moran 2004 Michael Lindenbaum Abstracts A Sequential Algorithm for Face Recognition
Scharf Yuval 2004 Gill Barequet Abstracts Covering Points with a Polygon
Gutter Israel 2004 Uzi Ornan Abstracts Sentence Parsing in Hebrew by Semantic Features
Zach Idan 2004 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Fully Adaptive Shared Memory Algorithms
Talmor Yoram 2004 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Higher Performance DSM by Peaking Network Utilization
Kaplan Yaniv 2004 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Lower Bounds for Adaptive Collect and Related Objects
Gavish Yael 2003 Erez Petrank Abstracts Cache-Conscious Garbage Collection for Servers
Katsman Igor 2003 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts Biologically Motivated Modeling and Simulation of Animals Vision Activities
Wexler Ydo 2003 Dan Geiger Abstracts Finding Approximate Tandem Repeats in Genomic Sequences
Jaeger Efrat 2003 Nissim Francez, Shalom Wintner, Abstracts Unification Grammars and Off-Line Parsability
Keidar Sharon 2003 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Combining Symmetry Reduction and Under-Approximation for Symbolic Model Checking
Dekel Uri 2003 Joseph Gil Abstracts Revealing JAVA Class Structure with Concept Lattices
Golbandi Nadav 2003 Ami Litman Abstracts Characterization and Classification of Butterfly Like Networks
Goldin Alexander 2003 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Geometric Message-Filtering Protocols for Distributed Multi- Agent Environments
Kraevoy Vladislav 2003 Alla Sheffer, Chaim Craig Gotsman, Abstracts Matchmaker: Constructing Constrained Texture Maps
Kama Alon 2003 Roy Friedman Abstracts Transparent Fault-Tolerant Java Virtual Machine
Tal Ido 2003 Ronny Roth Abstracts List Decoding of Lee Metric Codes
Kenigsberg Avraham 2003 Ron Kimmel, Irad Yavneh, Abstracts A Multigraid Approach for Fast Geodesic Activ Contour
Cohen Tzafrir 2003 Erez Petrank Abstracts Responsive Round Complexity and Concurrent Zero-Knowledge
Berg Mirit 2003 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Property Transformations for Translations
Azatchi Hezi 2003 Erez Petrank Abstracts Integrating Generations with Advanced Reference Counting Collectors
Pozniansky Eliyahu 2003 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Efficient On-the-Fly Data Race Detection in Multithreaded C++ Programs
Cohen Uriel 2003 Joseph Gil Abstracts Object Relations and Syntactic Mechanisms in Design Patterns
Ben-Chen Mirela 2003 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts On the Optimality of Spectreal Mesh Compression
Owshanko Avraham 2003 Nader Bshouty Abstracts Learning Finite Automata, Using Incomplete Membership Queries
Sifri Oren 2003 Alla Sheffer, Chaim Craig Gotsman, Abstracts Surface Meshing Using Geodesic Distances
Raab Roni 2003 Chaim Craig Gotsman, Alla Sheffer, Abstracts Virtual Woodwork: Making Toys from Geometric Models
Scalosub Gabriel 2003 Yuval Rabani Abstracts Bicriteria Approximation Tradeoff for the Node-Cost Budget Problem
Heiman Amnon 2003 Dan Geiger, Arie Admon, Abstracts Protein Identification via Mass Spectrometry
Veytsal Boris 2003 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased), Roy Friedman, Abstracts Model Driven Help Systems Generation
Shapiro Constantine 2003 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Object-Oriented Implementation of Reconciliations
Broom Ya’akov 2003 Dan Geiger Abstracts Bayesian Classification and Clustering via DAG Hierarchies
Szarfman Dafna 2003 Erez Petrank Abstracts Reducing Cache Conflicts via Garbage Collection
Bekkerman Ron 2003 Yoad Winter, Ran El-Yaniv, Abstracts Distributional Clustering of Words for Text Categorization
Brunstein Daniel 2003 Gill Barequet, Chaim Craig Gotsman, Abstracts Animating a Camera for Viewing a Planar Polygon
Lipson Doron 2003 Zohar Yakhini, Uri Sivan, Abstracts Optimization Problems in Design of Oligonucleotides for Hybridization Based Methods
Davidov Dmitry 2003 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Multiple-Goal Heuristic Search Algorithms
Livshitz Dmitry 2003 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Robotic Self Location Using Three Dimensional Fiducials and Omnidirectional Cameras
Bar-Lev Adi 2003 Alfred Bruckstein, Gershon Elber, Abstracts virtual marionettes: a system for real-time animation in 3D
Beliak Leonid 2003 Moshe Israeli (Deceased) Abstracts Adaptive Calculation of Variable Coefficients Elliptic Differential Equations via Wavelets
Panman Evgeny 2003 Dan Raz Abstracts Efficient Data Collection Algorithm
Ram Roni 2002 Dan Raz Abstracts Efficient Distribution of Email Messages
Koyfman Shlomit 2002 Nissim Francez Abstracts Semantic Invariance of Algorithms for Nominal Anaphora Resolution
Gavinsky Dmitry 2002 Nader Bshouty Abstracts Boosting with Polynomially Bounded Distributions
Elad Asi 2002 Ron Kimmel Abstracts On Surface Flattening via MDS and FMMTD
Frank Ari 2002 Dan Geiger, Zohar Yakhini, Abstracts A New Branch and Bound Feature Selection Algorithm
Firstenberg Yosef 2002 Shmuel Katz, Oded Shmueli, Abstracts Selective Caching for Acceleration Purposes of Intermediate Results in Object-Oriented Programs
Bendel Keren 2002 Reuven Bar-Yehuda Abstracts Applications of the Local-Ratio Technique: A Survey
Atzmon Hilla 2002 Roy Friedman Abstracts Replacement Policies for Internet Wide Caching of Distributed Objects
Katriel Irit 2002 Alon Itai Abstracts Implicit Data Structures based on Local Reorganizations
Katz Sagi 2002 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Techniques for Increasing Coverage of Formal Verification
Kenigsberg Dan 2002 Eli Biham Abstracts Grover’s Quantum Search Algorithm and Mixed States
Feldman Vitaly 2002 Nader Bshouty Abstracts On Using Extended Statistical Queries to Avoid Membership Queries
Ron Lior 2002 Yoram Baram Abstracts A Visual Feedback System
Yaroshinsky Ran 2002 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts Smooth Online Learning of Expert Advice
Hamo Yaniv 2002 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Balanced Packet Discard for Improving TCP Performance in ATM Networks
Tulchinsky Elena 2002 Joseph Gil Abstracts Positive Semantics of Projections in Venn-Euler Diagrams
Tadmor Sally 2002 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased), Roy Friedman, Abstracts A Framework for Interactive Information Systems
Parham Robert 2002 Yoram Baram Abstracts Solving the Dynamic Conflict between N Moving Objects Using Neural Networks
Ben Avi Gilad 2002 Yoad Winter Abstracts Monotonicity Properties of Plural Quantifiers in Natural Language
Laor Dor 2002 Roy Friedman Abstracts Soft Real-Time Layered Group Communication
Nevo Ziv 2002 Ran El-Yaniv Abstracts On Online Learning of Decision Lists
Adi Liav 2002 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Fast Computation of Geodesic Distances: Graphic Applications
Kohn Emil 2002 Assaf Schuster Abstracts A Transparent DSM System
Fedorov Yaroslav 2002 Yoad Winter Abstracts Implementing and Extending Natural Logic
Hameiri Eyal 2002 Michael Lindenbaum, Abstracts Estimating the Principal Curvatures and the Darboux Frame from Real 3D Range Data and its Application to the Recovery of Primitives
Cohen Tal 2002 Joseph Gil Abstracts Self-Calibration of Metrics of Java Methods towards the Discovery of the Common Programming Practice
Shatil Assaf 2002 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Speedup Learning for Repair-Based Search by Identifying Redundant Steps
Reger Ronit 2002 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Learning and Exploiting Relative Weaknesses of Opponent Agents
Gleizer Vadim 2002 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Optimizing Sharing Patterns and Locality via Thread Migration
Kaplan Alexandr 2002 Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts Finding Epipolar Geometry from Two Color Images
Kalinovsky Vladislav 2002 Assaf Schuster, Roy Friedman, Abstracts Symphony: Managing Virtual Servers
Levyatan Tzach 2001 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Anytime Search by Improving Highest-Utility Solution Segments
Halevy Shirley 2001 Ronny Roth Abstracts Two-Dimensional Coding for Recording Channels
Ekshtein Ilya 2001 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Texture Mapping Using Constrained Parametrization
Leiba Lior 2001 Oded Shmueli Abstracts Towards Automatic Electronic Commerce: EContracts Framework Specification and Preliminary Implementation
Yanovski Vladimir 2001 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Simple Agents for Complex Tasks
Eckel Natalie 2001 Joseph Gil Abstracts Empirical Study of Object-Layout Strategies and Optimization Techniqes
Tsoglin Yuri 2001 Joseph Gil Abstracts JAMOOS – an Object Oriented Language for Grammars
Kehat Zehavit 2001 Reuven Bar-Yehuda Abstracts Approximating the Dense Set-Cover Problem
Epelman Boris 2001 Gershon Elber Abstracts Remote Geometrical Modeling
Mosin Julia 2001 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Base Dependence of Extensions for Open Default Theories
Chuzhoy Julia 2001 Yuval Rabani Abstracts Hardness of Approximation and New Approximability Classes
Kronrod Svetlana 2001 Roy Friedman Abstracts Probablistic Scalable Application Placement in Distributed Systems
Moran Shiri 2001 Ami Litman Abstracts Fast, Minimal, and Oblivious Routing Algorithms on the Mesh with Bounded Queues
Zeev Ben Mordejai Oren 2001 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Efficient Integration of On-the-fly Data Race Detection in Distributed Shared Memory and Symmetric Multiprocessor Environments
Kronrod Boris 2001 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Topics in Compression of 3d Models
Livne Shlomo 2001 Shaul Markovitch, Orna Grumberg, Abstracts Machine Learning for Efficient BDD Variable Ordering in Verification
Sorkin Yan 2001 Joseph Gil Abstracts CD-Edit- A Constraint Diagrams’ Editor
Rinetskey Noam 2001 Shmuel Sagiv, Orna Grumberg, Abstracts Interprocedural Shape Analysis
Gorovoy Alexander 2001 Alon Itai, Joseph Gil, Abstracts Applying Data Compression Algorithms to Software Engineering
Bortnikov Vita 2001 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Adaptive Algorithms for Mutual Exclusion
Shakhnarovich Gregory 2001 Ran El-Yaniv, Yoram Baram, Abstracts Statistical Data Cloning for Machine Learning
Tayar Rafi 2001 Shimon Even (Deceased) Abstracts Scanning Directed Eulerian Mazes by a Finite-State Robot
Furman Vladimir 2001 Eli Biham Abstracts Cryptanalysis of Some Modern Blockciphers
Gaysinsky Alexander 2001 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Caching Integrated with Pipelined Prefetching
Tal Dina 2001 Uzi Ornan Abstracts Analysis and Use of Subcategorization of Verbs in Validation of Hebrew Sentences
Shapira Irina 2001 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Scheduling Splitting Intervals
Levanoni Yosseff 2001 Erez Petrank Abstracts On-The-Fly Garbage Collection via Sliding Views
Bogomjakov Alexander 2001 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Optimized Polygon Traversal of Progressive Meshes for Vertex Caching
Almog Eli 2001 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Scheduling Accesses to Shared Memory by a Bus Arbiter: The k-client Problem Revisited
Katz Yoav 2001 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Scheduling with Batching and Incompatible Job Families
Hermesh Barak 2001 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Fiducials for Precise Location Estimation
Zigelman Gil 2000 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Texture Mapping by Surface Flattening Via Mds
Vardi Gal 2000 Uzi Ornan Abstracts Analysis and Generation of Hebrew Nouns with Derivational Morphemes
Rusakov Dmitry 2000 Shaul Markovitch, Michael Lindenbaum, Abstracts Selective Sampling for Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
Lebanon Guy 2000 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Moire Pattern Synthesis
Froimovich Guy 2000 Ehud Rivlin, Abstracts Object Classification from Range Images
Kogan Dmitry 2000 Abstracts Remote Reference Counting: Distributed Garbage Collection With Low Communication and Computation Overhead
Voloshin Ariella 2000 Abstracts A Unified Approach to Computing Domination Sets and Independence Sets for Intervals on a Line
Artzi Shay 2000 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Polynomail Multiplication Over Finite Fields
Zbar Yael 2000 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Open Default Theories
Niv Nitzan 2000 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Dynamic Adaptation of the Sharing Granularity in Dsm Systems
Rey Guy 2000 Michael Kaminski Abstracts First-Order Non-Monotonic Logic
Barkol Omer 2000 Abstracts Tighter Lower Bounds for Nearest Neighbor Search and Related Problems in the Cell Probe Model
Chouraqui Patrick 2000 Gershon Elber Abstracts Surface Reconstruction with Triangular Bezier Patches from Range Measurements
Skoblikov Victoria 2000 Nissim Francez Abstracts Feature-Based Computational Lexicon of Hebrew Vrebs
Manor Shiri 2000 Roy Friedman Abstracts Scalable Multicast in a Logical Hypercube
Segal Erel 2000 Alon Itai Abstracts Hebrew Morphological Analyzer for Hebrew Undotted Texts
Levinson Dmitry 2000 Alon Itai Abstracts Corpus-Based Methods for Word Sense Disambiguation
Dozorets Igor 2000 Isak Gath, Hadas Shachnai, Abstracts Computer-Based Model for Speaker Recognition by a Human Listener
Koyfman Anatoly 1999 Abstracts Facilitating Generation of Help Systems
Estrin Arkady 1999 Abstracts A Comparison Between First-Order Temporal Logic and Temporal Logic of Actions
Plavnik Michael 1999 Abstracts Surface Design Using Global Second Order Differential Constraints
Gretskin Ilia 1999 Abstracts Java Interface for Irit Solid Modeler
Surazhsky Vitaly 1999 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Morphing Planar Triangulations
Touma Costa 1999 Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Chaim Craig Gotsman, Abstracts Triangle Mesh Compression
Arzi Lior 1999 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Probabilistic Model for Predicting the Efficiency of a Fault Detection Process in a Software Requirement Document
Rosenstein Dan 1999 Abstracts Feature Generation Using General Constructor Functions
Or Sharon 1999 Abstracts Encapsulating Real-Time in Failure Detectors
Ravid Alon 1999 Abstracts A Method for Extracting and Stating Software Requirements That a User Interface Prototype Contains
Cohen Amit 1999 Abstracts A Dynamic Approach for Efficient Tcp Buffer Allocation
Soldea Octavian 1999 Abstracts Algorithms on Continued Fractions
Frenkel Oleg 1999 Abstracts Multicast Group Synchronization in Atm
Netzer Arnon 1999 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Mosaicing Video Sequences
Shalev Lea 1999 Abstracts Load Sharing in Distributed Shared Memory Systems
Lempel Ronny 1999 Abstracts Finding Authoritative Sites on the Www (and Other Hyperlinked Media) by Analyzing the Web’s Link- Structure
Miroshnik Yuri 1999 Abstracts Skew-Tolerant Clocking Techniques
Raviv Alon 1999 Gershon Elber Abstracts Three Dimensional Freeform Sculpting Via Zero Sets Of Scalar Trivariate Functions
Biberstein Marina 1999 Abstracts Constructions and Bounds for Blot-Correcting Codes
Gertelman Michael 1999 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Automatic User Interface Generation from a Given Domain Model
Orni Avigail 1999 Abstracts Measuring the Locality of Space-Filling Curves
Tal Arie 1999 Michael Kaminski Abstracts Decidability of Inclusion for Unification Based Automata
Rubin Shai 1999 Abstracts Using Virtual Cache Lines for Higher Data Cache Performance
Nossenson Ronit 1999 Abstracts Dynamic Maintenance of Connectivity Classes of a Graph Using Decomposition Into 3-Components
Rawitz Dror 1999 Abstracts Combinatorial and LP-based Methods for Designing Approximation Algorithms
Gorbach Alla 1999 Abstracts Computing in Anonymous Asynchronous Shared Memory
Makbily Yohai 1999 Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Chaim Craig Gotsman, Abstracts Message Filtering for Geometric Distributed Virtual Environments
Skachek Vitaly 1998 Tuvi Etzion, Ronny Roth, Abstracts Coding for Spectral-Null Constraints
Yaniv Mira 1998 Hadas Shachnai Abstracts Dynamic Schemes for Specualtive Code Execution
Eckel Jacob 1998 Shmuel Katz, Joseph Gil, Abstracts A Framework for Static Checking of Design Level Traits
Snir Sagi 1998 Shlomo Moran Abstracts A Simple and Efficient Method for Network Decomposition And Synchronization
Hornreich Harry 1998 Daniel Berry Abstracts A Case Study of Software Reengineering
Reisman Amit 1998 Chaim Craig Gotsman, Assaf Schuster, Abstracts Animation Using Parallel Progressive Ray-Tracing
Feighelstein Marcelo 1998 Shmuel Zaks Abstracts Virtual Path Layouts for Atm Networks with Unbounded Stretch Factor
Gringauze Anna 1998 Yuval Rabani, Shay Ben David, Abstracts The Complexity of Propositional Proofs
Freund Ari 1998 Joseph Naor Abstracts On-Line Assignment with Load Balancing
Rabinovich Boris 1998 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Visualization of Large Terrains in Resource-Limited Computing Environments
Bianu-Minei Inna 1998 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Increasing the Performance of Tcp Over a Unidirectional Geostationary Satellite Channel
Dagan Eyal 1998 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Universal Operations: Unary Versus Binary
Yatzkar Tali 1998 Ami Litman Abstracts Lower Bound on the Bisection Width of the Butterfly Network
Shoikhet Kirill 1997 Dan Geiger Abstracts Optimal Triangulations Via Mininal Separators
Holstein Beery 1997 Joseph Gil Abstracts T++ : Test Case Generator Using Code Abstraction
Talyansky Roman 1997 Tuvi Etzion, Ronny Roth, Abstracts Coding for Two-Dimensional Constraints
Kazinnik Roman 1997 Gershon Elber Abstracts Free-Form Surface Editing Using Multiresolution Decomposition
Drory Tal 1997 Opher Etzion Abstracts Consistency Maintenance by Self Stabilization in Active Temporal Databases
Ishai Yuval 1997 Eyal Kushilevitz Abstracts Characterizing Perfect Privacy
Mador Ziv 1997 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts The Probed Partial Digest Problem – Algorithms and Number Of Solutions
Voldman Leonid 1997 Joseph Gil Abstracts Using Smart Terminals to Effectively Enhance Commuication Throughput
Shpilberg Fanny Faina 1997 Daniel Berry Abstracts Wd-Pic, a Wysiwyg Direct-Manipulation Pic
Zemlyak Boris 1997 Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred Bruckstein, Abstracts Direct Depth from Axial Camera Motion
Goldin Maxim 1996 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Weak Consistency Distributed Shared Memory System Design
Aharoni Ehud 1997 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Restricted Dynamic Steiner Trees for Scalable Multicast in Datagram Networks
Farizon Boris 1996 Alon Itai Abstracts Dynamic Data Management in Parallel Ray Tracing
Miller Hillel 1996 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Saving Space by Fully Exploiting Invisible Transitions
Stein Eli 1996 Reuven Cohen Abstracts An Efficient Approach for Emulating a Token-Ring Lan Over An Atm Network
Kliot Michael 1996 Ehud Rivlin, Alfred Bruckstein, Abstracts Local Multivalued Invariant Signatures and Their Usage in Pictorial Databases
Sheinerman Juliana 1996 Shay Ben David Abstracts Consequence Relations for Default Reasoning Without the ‘and’ Rule
Eiron Nadav 1996 Shay Ben David Abstracts Variants of Mistake Bound Learning Algorithms
Dubrovsky Alexander 1996 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Load Balancing in Distributed Shared Memory System
Konopnicki David 1996 Oded Shmueli Abstracts Information Gathering in the World-Wide Web: the W3ql Query Language and the W3qs System
Tebelev Olga 1996 Gershon Elber, Abstracts Volumetric Computer Graphics in Surgery Process Planning
Bashkansky Guy 1996 Uzi Ornan Abstracts Monolingual Translator Workstation
Barta David 1996 Joseph Gil Abstracts A System for Document Reuse
Givaty Galia 1996 Eyal Kushilevitz Abstracts Learning Subclasses of Dnf Formulas and Disjunctions Of Threshold Functions Using Queries
Cohen Shmuel 1996 Gershon Elber Abstracts Matching of Curves in Computer Aided Geometric Design and Computer Graphics
Ben-Shahar Ohad 1996 Ehud Rivlin Abstracts To Push Or Not to Push: on the Rearrangement of Movable Objects by a Mobile Robot
Evron Ilan 1996 Reuven Cohen Abstracts Reliable Signaling in Atm Networks Over Parallel Signaling Vc Connections
Rabinovitz Ishai 1996 Shimon Even (Deceased) Abstracts Random and Deterministic Approximation Algorithms for Covering Problems.
Moss Anna 1996 Michael Lindenbaum Abstracts Quantifying the Reliability of Feature-Based Object Recognition
Hod Ofra 1996 Tuvi Etzion, Ronny Roth, Abstracts Constructions for Error-Correcting Codes and Covering Codes
Kupershtok Ahron 1995 Shimon Even (Deceased) Abstracts The Hypercube – Features Generalizations and Embedding Sets Of Numbers in It
Ruckenstein Gitit 1996 Ronny Roth Abstracts Encoding for Input-Constrained Channels
Holtz Karen 1995 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Semrel – a Semantic Relationship Model for Object Oriented Databases
Hod Ronen 1995 Ronny Roth Abstracts Coding Methods for Imput Constraind Channels
Becker Ann 1995 Dan Geiger Abstracts Optimization of Bayesian Inference and Approximation Algorithms for the Weighted Vertex Feedback Set Problem
Wasserkrug Segev 1995 Yoram Baram Abstracts Neural Network Design for Classification
Kariv Michael 1995 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Model-Based Compression of Synthetic Animation Sequences
Golland Polina 1995 Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred Bruckstein, Abstracts Use of Color for Optical Flow Estimation
Shirazi Asaf 1995 Amos Israel Abstracts Efficient Wait-Free Implementations of Atomic Snapshot Memories
Bejerano Yigal 1995 Adrian Segall Abstracts Setup and Maintenance of a Multi-Point Conversation
Paz Noam 1995 Oded Shmueli Abstracts Ursus: An Advanced Neural Network Environment
Zavalkovsky Artur 1995 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Mys – An Object Oriented Database Management System in the Mach Operating System Environment
Eliaz Amir 1995 Dan Geiger Abstracts Handwriting Recognition Via Short Line Segments
Ravve Elena 1995 Johann Makowsky Abstracts Model Cheking for Various Notions of Product
Shavitt Nira 1995 Avi Mendelson, Abstracts Mapping Dynamic Parallel Programs Into Parallel Systems
Tamir Boaz 1995 Joseph Naor Abstracts K-Connected Graphp Partitions and Approximation Algorithms For Covering Problems
Tamir Tamar 1995 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Local Labeling and Resource Allocation Using Preprocessing
Notkin Irina 1995 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Parallel Adaptive Ray Tracing
Rappoport Rinat 1995 Hagit Attiya Abstracts The Level of Handshake Required for Establishing Connection
Zimerman Offer 1994 Avi Mendelson Abstracts Using “Write”Only Cache” for Improring “Cacne Based” Systems
Roytman Evgeny 1994 Chaim Craig Gotsman Abstracts Dynamic Color Quantization of Animation Sequences
Zosin Leonid 1994 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts Privacy of Symmetric Functions
Adir Allon 1994 Shmuel Katz, Nissim Francez, Abstracts Compiling Programs with Multiparty-Interactions and Teams
Abarbanel Yael 1994 Joseph Naor Abstracts Algorithms for Dynamic Graphs
Ben Ephraim Arie 1994 Dan Geiger Abstracts Pattern Recognition Using Similarity Networks
Lempel Oded 1994 Ami Litman Abstracts Dual Round Retiming
Gershon Benjamin 1994 Michael Yoeli (Deceased), Orna Grumberg, Abstracts Synthesis of Concurrent Systems
Frances Mordechai 1994 Shay Ben David, Ami Litman, Abstracts Measuers of Complexity of Classes of Sets and Their
Djerassi-Shintel Tal 1994 Hagit Attiya Abstracts Lower Bounds for Decision Problems in Semi-Sjnchronous
Ben-Dor Amir 1994 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts On the Complexity of Computing the Permanent
Ben-Aroya Ishai 1994 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Bounds and Algorithms for Deflection Routing
Rosdeutscher Irit 1994 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Systematic Experimentation with Macro-Learning
Ben-David Shoham 1994 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Using Graphs to Represent Equivalence Classes of Parallel
Carmel David 1994 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Learning Models of Strategy’s Strategy in Game Playing
Granot Gilad 1994 Shimon Even (Deceased) Abstracts Planar Geid Drawings of Graphs with Few Bends in Eahe Edge
Brit Hagit 1994 Shlomo Moran Abstracts Public Data Structures and Public Counters as a Special Case
Katz Baruch 1994 Michael Rodeh Abstracts Minimzing the Performance Degradation Due to Conditional
Jacovi Michal 1994 Shay Ben David Abstracts Learmnning in the Limit and Non-Uniform
Lorenz David 1994 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Learning in Games Using Symbolic Classification
Brezner Oren 1994 Shay Ben David, Nissim Francez, Abstracts Expectation Semantucs for Modal Logic
Shemesh Galit 1994 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Upper & Lower Bounds in Reconfigurable Networks
Berkovich Zvi 1994 Abstracts Sematic Debugging of Black Boxes
Shaham Amnon 1994 Amos Israel Abstracts Implementation of Multi-Writer Multi-Reader Atomic Register
Marcus Shaul Silvian 1993 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Estimation of Lexical Relations Using Word Similarities
Fraiman Ronit 1993 Shay Ben David Abstracts Complexity of Learning by Distances
Halevi Shai 1993 Assaf Schuster Abstracts Greedy Hot-Potato Routing
Aizenbud Netta 1993 Shmuel Katz, Hagit Attiya, Abstracts Self-Stabilization of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms
Orenstein Tatiana 1993 Zvi Kohavi, Irith Pomeranz, Abstracts Using Partial Scan for Testing of Digital Sequential Circoir
Sella Yaron 1993 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Learning of Resource Allocation Strategies for Game Playing
Finkelstein Lev 1993 Shaul Markovitch Abstracts Learning to Play by Acquiring Move-Patterns
Levinger Moshe 1993 Uzi Ornan Abstracts Morphological Disambiguation in Hebrew
Sharell Abraham 1993 Johann Makowsky Abstracts On the Average Gomplexity of Sat for Fiat Distributions
Efrat Alon 1993 Alon Itai, Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Abstracts Dynamically Maintainhg the Ceter of a
Navony Nechama 1993 Shlomo Moran Abstracts A Verge and Randomized Complexity of Distributed Problems
Lubitch Ronit 1993 Shlomo Moran Abstracts Closed Schedvlers: Motivation Construction and Application
Munk Ophir 1993 Ilan Bar-on Abstracts A New Parallel Factorization A= Ddtbc for Band Symmetric
Amir Arnon 1993 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Depth from Structured Lisht and Axial Motion
Shintel Noam 1993 Michael Yoeli (Deceased) Abstracts Synthesis of Modular Delay-Insensitive Netwerks from Petri
Brown Yishay 1993 Abstracts Common Sense Maps Generator
Kahan Ariel 1993 Oded Goldreich Abstracts Zero Knowledge Proofs with Constant Number of Iterations
Namolaru Mircea 1993 Abstracts Compilation Techniques for Distributed Constraint Languages
Ronel Ilan 1993 Abstracts Topolgy Design Capacity Allocation and Route Assignment
Dvir Michal 1992 Shay Ben David Abstracts Incompleteness and the Theory of Computer Science
Michaeli-Aaroni Merav 1992 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts A Generalization of Group Testing
Singer Yoram 1992 Dan Chazan Abstracts Non Parametric Methods for Speech Consonants Recognition
Pollak Avigdor 1992 Ehud Bar-on Abstracts From Neural Networks to Production Rvles and Back
Sneh Dror 1992 Oded Goldreich Abstracts The Complexity of Global Computation in the Presence of
Nativ Isaac 1992 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Consistent Database with Non-Serialized Queries
Yadin Irit 1992 Shlomo Moran Abstracts The Distributet Counter Problem
Aharonson Eran 1992 Hagit Attiya Abstracts The Structure of Counting Networks
Petrank Erez 1992 Oded Goldreich Abstracts The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proofs
Canetti Ran 1992 Oded Goldreich Abstracts A Tradeoff Between Randomness and Commonication Complexity
Nelson Lee-Bath 1992 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts Characterization of Distributed Interactive Tasks
Peres Yardena 1992 Oded Shmueli Abstracts Implementation of the Grid File System
Collin Ze’ev 1992 Shmuel Katz, Abstracts A Self Stabilizing Distributed Solution
Barguri Yaniv 1992 Johann Makowsky Abstracts The Hierarchy of Transitive Closure
Hasson Ruben 1992 Johann Makowsky Abstracts A Comparison of Data Models Forcomplex Objects
Beimel Amos 1992 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts Ideal Secret Sharing Schemes
Rachman Ophir 1992 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts Wait Free Randomized Consensus
Zamir Elana 1992 Uzi Ornan Abstracts Semantic Parser for Context Free Sentences in Hebrew
Helman Anat 1991 Moshe Israeli (Deceased), Marius Ungarish, Abstracts Parallel Solution of An Elliptic Eguation in Twd Dimentidns
Dvir Nir 1992 Shmuel Katz Abstracts Freezing – Interaction Between Concurrent Distributed Algs.
Wintner Shalom 1991 Uzi Ornan Abstracts Syntactic Analysis of Hebrew Sentences
Solel Nir 1991 Abstracts Efficient Algorithms for Disjoint Paths Steiner Tree
Srouji Johny 1991 Daniel Berry Abstracts Adaptaticn of the Unix Ditroff for Formatting Arabic Text
Pinhasov Meir 1991 Amos Israel Abstracts A Linear-Time Bounded Concurrent Time-Stamp Scheme
Grinwald Raanan 1991 Reuven Bar-Yehuda Abstracts Merging Polygons with Holes
De-Lion Hana 1991 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Real Time Temporal Logics
Adar Michel 1991 Ehud Bar-on Abstracts An Interactive Graphical Development System for Orject
Rinoenau Yael 1991 Shlomo Moran, Amos Israel, Abstracts An Efficient Algorithm for Maximum Dyramis Flow Problem
Resnik Ron 1991 Moshe Israeli (Deceased), Marius Ungarish, Abstracts Nuerical Analysis of Two-Phase Rotating Flow
Amir Yair 1991 Abstracts Customer Scheguling Under Qveueing and Delay Constraints
Sharon Miriam 1991 Alon Itai Abstracts Learning Automata
Marelly Rami 1991 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Automatic Verifier of Distributed Algorithms
Even Guy 1991 Oded Goldreich Abstracts Construction of Small Probability Spaces
Shurek Gil 1991 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Modular Computer Aided Verification of Concurrent Systems
Dichterman Eli 1991 Shay Ben David Abstracts Derandomizing Online Algorithms
Lempel Mordkhai 1990 Azaria Paz Abstracts Modular Lattices – An Algorithmic Approach
Sharon Oran 1990 Adrian Segall Abstracts Session Management and Organization in Broadcast Networks
Goldstein Lyor 1990 Uzi Ornan Abstracts Generation and Analysis of the Possession Inflexion of
Tal Ady 1990 Abstracts Vertex Disjoint Paths in Series Paraller Graphs
Jalfon Marc Elie 1990 Amos Israel Abstracts Self Stabilizing Random Algorithms on Distributed Uniform Sy
Cohen Doron 1990 Tuvi Etzion Abstracts Combinatorical Designs Derived from Constant Weight Godes
Yanai Shimon 1990 Daniel Berry Abstracts Environment for Translating “Metafont”to”Postscrcpt”
Kimmel Dan 1990 Shimon Even (Deceased) Abstracts Simulation Project on Ibm/pc for Electronic Wallet
Calo Ariel 1990 Johann Makowsky Abstracts The Expressive Power of the Transitive Closure
Shany-Klein Michal 1990 Uzi Ornan Abstracts Generating & Analyzing Segolatenoun Inflection in Hebrew
Fogel Sergio 1990 Reuven Bar-Yehuda Abstracts Ray Shooting: Searching and Counting Queries
Bezalel Iris 1990 Michael Yoeli (Deceased) Abstracts Structured Design of Delay-Insensitive Controllers
Licht Rivka 1990 Tuvi Etzion Abstracts Realization of Permutations in a Shuffle-Exchange Network
Shtapler Zeiev 1990 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Automatic Verification of Distributed Algorithms
Erez Ruthi 1990 Daniel Berry Abstracts An Interactive Iaterpretes Withgraphic Display of Program
Neeman Yuval 1990 Nissim Francez Abstracts Domain Archetype – a Eeasiblit Y Study
Ben-Chanoch Eyal 1990 Reuven Bar-Yehuda Abstracts Covering Polygons with Squares
Molcho Moshe 1990 Shmuel Zaks Abstracts Distributed Algorithms with a Fault Detection Ring
Dolev Shlomo 1990 Amos Israel, Shlomo Moran, Abstracts Self Stabilization of Dynamic Systems Assuming Only Read/
Neeman Elan 1990 Adrian Segall Abstracts Route Setmp and Takedown in a Funnel Network
Ur Shmuel 1990 Azaria Paz Abstracts Graphoids: Graph Representation and Membership Problems
Yona Gidon 1990 Amos Israel, Shay Ben David, Abstracts Verification of Protocols Fur Sharfd Registers Systems by G
Bittan Sara 1990 Shmuel Zaks Abstracts Linear Broadcast Routing
Amit Erela 1990 Ehud Bar-on Abstracts Machine Learning Algorithm for Diagnosing Misconceptions
Geva Robert 1990 Azaria Paz Abstracts Representation of Irrelevance Relations by Graphs
Moscovici Lior 1990 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts Implementing Distributed Tasks in Presence of Failures
Fournier Laurent 1989 Abstracts Performance Evalualion of Priorilized Token Sing Local
Meir Osnat 1990 Abstracts Analysis of the Performance of the Exponential Pxramid
Cohen-Rabinovici Simona 1989 Abstracts Parallelization Strategies in Knowledge Bases
Rahat Amir 1989 Oded Shmueli Abstracts Logic Programming in a Distributed Euvironment
Sideman Gil 1989 Abstracts Evaluation of Hop by Hop Vs End to End Go Back-N Protocol
Shani Netta 1990 Ben-Zion Chor Abstracts On the Privocy Gdp in Dense Symmetric Functions
Hurvitz Oren 1989 Alon Itai Abstracts Janus Automata as a Model for the Intelligent Scan Problem
Koren Tziporet 1989 Oded Goldreich Abstracts On the Construction of Pseudo Random Block Ciphers
Hausman Ehud 1989 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased), Alon Itai, Abstracts Erd Raseb Natural Qvery Langvage
Rafaeli Raz 1989 Shay Ben David Abstracts Global Time in Distributed Systems
Lavie Alon 1989 Uzi Ornan, Alon Itai, Abstracts Two Level Morphology for Hebrew
Kushilevitz Eyal 1989 Oded Goldreich Abstracts Perfect Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Shemesh Yael 1989 Nissim Francez Abstracts Relation Recognizing Automatta
Sananes Moises 1989 Eliezer Kantorowitz (Deceased) Abstracts Dros a Distributed Replicated Data Systam
Ostfeld Zvi 1989 Abstracts Des Trees Construction:characterizations and Sequential and
Lesser Ofrit 1989 Raphael Rom Abstracts Routing by Controlled Flooding
Matsliach Gabriel 1989 Oded Shmueli Abstracts Fitting Traditional Search Structures to New Architectures.
Gafni Yael 1989 Shay Ben David Abstracts Semantics for a “Knowing at Most” Operator
Goldfeld David 1989 Tuvi Etzion Abstracts Eguivalence of Interconnection Netnorus
Kariv Itay 1989 Abstracts Hierarchical Symbolic Indices in General Purpose
Nathan Abraham 1989 Ran Ginosar Abstracts Compilation of Fcp to Carmel and Its Performance Analysis
Wolfman Tony 1989 Daniel Berry Abstracts “”Flo” a Language for Typesetting Flowcharts
Habusha Uri 1989 Daniel Berry Abstracts Vi Iv a Ri-Directional Version of the Vi Full-Screen Edito
Allon Gil 1989 Daniel Berry Abstracts Towauosabi Divectional Operating System
Becker Zeev 1988 Daniel Berry Abstracts An Adaptation of the Unix Ditroff for Rormatting Tri-Directi
Fischer Daniel 1988 Shlomit Pinter Abstracts Maintenance of Unreliable Distributed Systems
Reicher Iris 1988 Michael Yoeli (Deceased) Abstracts Verification and Synthesis of Asynchronous Circuits
Leyzerovitch Esther 1989 Orna Grumberg Abstracts Impiementing Superimpositions for Occam
Abu-Hanna Ameen 1988 Abstracts An Integrated Deep-Shallow Expert System for Multi-Leuel