Each year, the Jacobs Graduate School grants special awards and scholarships to master’s and PhD students in addition to the regular scholarships that are provided. These awards and scholarships are granted by government offices, the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC=VATAT) of the Council for Higher Education, public foundations, companies, and donors in Israel and abroad that recognize the importance of advancing exceptional students studying at the Jacobs Graduate School. The Jacobs Graduate School’s awards committee evaluates and chooses the winners of these awards and scholarships. The Jacobs Graduate School shares this information with the graduate studies offices of the academic units on an ongoing basis.
Excellence Scholarship: This is a special scholarship awarded to exceptional internal students, typically for a specific academic year. There are two main types of excellence scholarships: an external scholarship and a named scholarship (in the name of a donor).
External Excellence Scholarship: This is an Excellence Scholarship granted by an entity outside of the Technion, such as a government office, the PBC, a national foundation (e.g., Adams Fellowship, Clore Scholars programme, Azrieli Fellows Program) or a company (e.g., IBM Fellowship).
Named Excellence Scholarship: This is an Excellence Scholarship granted by Technion donors in Israel or abroad (e.g., Jacobs Scholarship, Zeff Fellowship).
Certificate of Excellence (in the name of a donor): This certificate is awarded to external students (i.e., students who do not study at the Technion full-time and are not eligible for a full scholarship) for demonstrating excellence (e.g., Jacobs Certificate of Excellence, Zeff Certificate of Excellence).
Award: This is a one-time grant provided to students (internal or external) who demonstrate excellence.
Eligibility and Submission Guidelines for scholarship Applications
Students are eligible to apply for an external scholarship if they are enrolled in a research track, are eligible to receive a full Technion scholarship (4 or more scholarship portions) and meet the eligibility criteria as per the Jacobs Graduate School’s regulations and as specified in the call for applications and guidelines distributed by the Graduate School.
As a general rule, it is not possible to receive more than one scholarship for excellence at the same time. However, in some cases, it is possible to apply for a scholarship through an external funding agency even if one has been previously awarded a scholarship for excellence, with the understanding that receiving external funding will require relinquishing one’s previous scholarship and sometimes even returning the money. For additional information, please contact the Coordinator of the Dean’s Office and the individual responsible for Excellence Scholarships and Awards at: gradsc@technion.ac.il.
There are organizations that distribute calls for scholarship applications directly, not through the Jacobs Graduate School (that is, they are sent directly to the academic units, can be found online, etc.). The Jacobs Graduate School will not handle the applications of students who independently submit applications for external scholarships. Applications for excellence scholarships and awards for which the Technion is involved in handling must be submitted through the academic unit, obtain the approval of the Coordinator of the Graduate Studies Committee and subsequently receive approval from the Jacobs Graduate School and the Technion.
If the submission does not go through the Technion and/or the Jacobs Graduate School, the Technion and the Jacobs Graduate School are not responsible, in any way, for what is written in the call for applications or in the grant/scholarship guidelines. The application is submitted directly to the foundation/company and the responsibility lies on the students who are applying, who are also responsible for any legal matters – in the event that they arise – such as tax payments as required by law.
The receipt of scholarships and awards
In cases in which a contract agreement between the funding agency granting the scholarship or award and the Technion has not yet been signed, submitting an application for a scholarship/award is subject to the signing of a contract agreement between the Technion and the funding agency.
The Technion may approve the terms of the scholarship and the receipt of it and/or may stipulate conditions for it, at its sole discretion and in accordance with its regulations.
In the event of winning a scholarship and/or award without receiving prior approval from the Jacobs Graduate School to submit an application, the Jacobs Graduate School/Technion does not guarantee that it will be possible to approve the receipt of the scholarship and/or award.
In the event that the receipt of the scholarship/award does not go through the Technion and/or the Jacobs Graduate School, the responsibility of receiving it lies on the student, who is also responsible for any legal matters – in the event that they arise – such as tax payments as required by law.
It is not possible to receive more than one merit scholarship at the same time. See the aforementioned note on this topic.
In the event of winning a scholarship and/or award, the receipt of the scholarship and/or award is subject to the terms in Section 9 of the “Scholarship Receipt Agreement” and the Jacobs Graduate School’s regulations, including signing the “agreement for receiving scholarship from a non-Technion source.”
Duration of Eligibility for excellence scholarships
The eligibility period for an excellence scholarship is, at most, the eligibility period for regular Technion scholarships. In other words, when the quota of Technion scholarships for which the scholarship recipient is eligible has been reached or if the Technion scholarship is terminated for any reason, the student’s eligibility for an excellence scholarship ends as well, even if the eligibility duration of the excellence scholarship is longer.
Diversity Fellowships from Donations and Other External Sources
The Technion is pleased to advertise a number of diversity fellowships, offered to graduate students by different external sources. These fellowships are awarded according to the criteria set by the donors and/or external managing agencies and in accordance with the graduate school regulations.
The list of fellowships and the granting agencies is updated from time to time. Below is the currently offered diversity fellowships:
VATAT Scholarship Program for Outstanding PhD Students of Ethiopian Origin.
VATAT Scholarship Program VATAT for Graduate Research Students of Ethiopian Origin.
VATAT Scholarship Program for Outstanding PhD Students of the Arab Society.
VATAT Scholarship Program for Arab Society Master Research Track Students.
VATAT Scholarship Program for Outstanding Religious Orthodox PhD Students.
VATAT Scholarship Program for Religious Orthodox Master Research Track Graduate Students.
VATAT Prof. Nehemiah Levzion Scholarship Program for Outstanding PhD Students from The Periphery.
VATAT Women Scholarship Program for Outstanding PhD Students in High-Tech Subjects.
VATAT Scholarship Program for Outstanding Women Master Research Track Students in High-Tech Subjects.
The Ministry of Innovation, Science & Technology “Yitzhak Navon” Scholarship Program for Female Master’s Research Degree students from the periphery.
The Ministry of Innovation, Science & Technology “Menachem Begin” Scholarship Program for Religious Orthodox and Ethiopian Origin Master’s Research Track Graduate Students in STEM subjects (engineering and exact sciences).
The Ministry of Absorption and Immigration assistance scholarship for immigrant PhD students.
Excellence Scholarships for Master Students of the Druze community.
Neubauer fellowship fund for PhD Arab Minority students.
“Arian de Rothschild Program for Women Doctoral Students”.
Fred and John Friedman Fellowships for outstanding research-degree students who have completed military service or national service, or are new immigrants, or who are eligible to immigrate to Israel.
Granting of a fellowship from one of the abovementioned sources is subject to budget availability, compliance with the relevant agreements (including reports during and at the end of the support period) and adherence to the Technion and Graduate School guidelines and regulations.
Format – CV for applying for a prize
Agreement for receiving a scholarship from a non-Technion source