PhD Theses – Electrical and Computer Engineering

Department Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Web Site
Student Name Graduation Year Advisors Abstarcts Research Name
Cohen Kobi 2024 Guy Bartal Abstracts Transport of Surface Waves Across Modulated Structures: Topological Transitions and Negative Refraction for Enhanced Imaging and Focusing
Ivry Mark Amir 2024 Israel Cohen, Baruch Berdugo, Abstracts Deep Learning-based Acoustic-Echo Cancellation
Blechman Yael 2024 Guy Bartal Abstracts Light-Matter Interactions between Plasmonic Metasurfaces and Excitonic 2D Materials
Halimi Oshri 2024 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Geometric Invariants for Non-Rigid Shape Classification, Matching and Synthesis
Greenberg-Toledo Tzofnat 2024 Daniel Soudry, Shahar Kvatinsky, Abstracts Analog Processing-In-Memory of Deep Neural Networks
Bar Amitay 2024 Ronen Talmon, Ron Meir, Abstracts Riemannian Geometry and Manifold Analysis in Reinforcement Learning, Signal Processing, and Optimization
Naor Oded 2024 Idit Keidar Abstracts Scaling Blockchains with Byzantine Behavior
Yair Omer 2024 Tomer Michaeli Abstracts Contrastive Divergence Revisited: Understanding and Extending a Commonly Used Algorithm
Navon Aviad 2024 Yoash Levron, Ariel Orda, Abstracts Evolution of Modern Electric Grids: A Game Theoretic Perspective
Shadmi Yonatan 2023 Rami Atar Abstracts Fluid and Diffusion Limits for Stochastic Queueing Networks
Nagli Michael 2024 Amir Rosenthal Abstracts Silicon Photonics Ultrasound for Intravascular Imaging
Tsesses Shai 2023 Guy Bartal Abstracts Topology and Angular Momentum Transfer between Light and Matter in Nanoscale Photonic Systems
Alfassy Amit 2023 Alexander Bronstein Abstracts LWLD: Learning with Less Data, like Humans Do
Dahan Raphael 2023 Ido Kaminer Abstracts Quantum Interactions of Free-Electrons and Light in an Ultrafast-Transmission Electron Microscope
Bouscher Shlomo Avraham 2023 Alex Hayat Abstracts Hybrid Superconductor Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices
Bar Chen 2023 Anat Levin Abstracts Monte Carlo Simulation of Speckle Statistics and its Applications in Computational Imaging
Beer Chen 2023 Omri Barak, Shimon Marom, Abstracts Formation of Dynamics throughout Learning in Neural Networks
Hahamovich Evgeny 2023 Amir Rosenthal Abstracts Single-Pixel Imaging via Spatially Coded Apertures
Katz Ori 2023 Ronen Talmon Abstracts Geometric Methods for Multimodal Data Analysis and Domain Adaptation
Ber Emanuel 2023 Eilam Yalon Abstracts Advancing 2D Materials Device Properties through Innovative Characterization Techniques and Interface Understanding
Jurgenson Tom 2023 Aviv Tamar Abstracts Learning Algorithms for Neural Motion Planning
Machlev Ram 2023 Yoash Levron Abstracts Machine Learning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Power Monitoring Systems
Perach Ben 2023 Shahar Kvatinsky Abstracts Bulk-Bitwise Processing-in-Memory Architecture using Emerging Memory Technologies
Mulayoff Rotem 2023 Tomer Michaeli Abstracts The Implicit Bias of SGD: A Dynamical Stability Analysis
Bergman Shai Aviram 2023 Mark Silberstein Abstracts Memory Management for Emerging Memory Technologies in Future Data-Centers
Shani Lior 2023 Shie Mannor Abstracts Reinforcement Learning by Policy Optimization
Freirich Dror 2023 Ron Meir Abstracts A Distributional Perspective on Learning, Estimation and Control
Ariav Ido 2023 Israel Cohen Abstracts Multi-Modal Deep Neural Networks With Applications to Voice Activity Detection and Guided Super Resolution
Ghosh Sutapa 2023 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Applications of Engineered Dual Comb Spectrometer: from Spectroscopy to Metrology
Teichner Ron 2023 Ron Meir, Danny Eytan, Abstracts Unsupervised Learning for System Identification: Theory and Algorithms
Hubara Itay 2023 Daniel Soudry Abstracts Towards Fast and Efficient Deep Learning
Di Castro Shashua Shirli 2023 Shie Mannor Abstracts Replay Buffers and Uncertainties in Reinforcement Learning
Goren Guy 2023 Yoram Moses Abstracts On Non- Explicit Information Exchange in Distributed Computing
Amit Ron 2023 Ron Meir Abstracts Knowledge Transfer in Machine Learning: Theory and Algorithms
Dikshtein Michael 2023 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz( Abstracts Theoretical Perspectives on the Information Bottleneck Problem
Derman Esther 2023 Shie Mannor Abstracts Sequential Decision-Making Under Exogenous Uncertainty
Chmiel Brian 2023 Alexander Bronstein, Daniel Soudry, Abstracts Resource Efficient Training and Inference in Deep Neural Networks
Rinberg Arik 2023 Idit Keidar Abstracts Concurrent Sketching: Theory and Practice
Hazan Yoav 2022 Amir Rosenthal Abstracts Silicon-Photonics Arrays for Ultrasound Detection
Rott Shaham Tamar Lea 2022 Tomer Michaeli Abstracts Semantics Aware Image Processing
Merlis Nadav 2022 Shie Mannor Abstracts Sequential Decision-Making with Complex Feedback
Rabinovich Oshri 2022 Ariel Epstein Abstracts Analytical Design and Investigation of Metagratings for Advanced Beam Manipulation
Kurman Yaniv 2022 Ido Kaminer Abstracts Nearfield Polariton-Matter Interactions in Nanostructures
Hait Fraenkel Ester 2022 Guy Gilboa Abstracts Multimodal Image Analysis using Nonlinear Spectral Representations
Aberdam Aviad 2022 Michael Elad Abstracts Mathematics and Algorithms for Deep Learning
Tsabary Itay 2022 Ittay Eyal Abstracts Design of Incentive-Based Blockchain Systems
Orenbach Meni 2022 Mark Silberstein Abstracts Operating Systems Abstractions for Trusted Execution Environments
Lahav Almog 2022 Ronen Talmon Abstracts Metric Learning and Domain Adaptation for High-Dimensional Data
Karasik Roy 2022 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz( Abstracts On Information-Theoretic Aspects of Modren Wireless Communications
Liraz Dan 2022 Nir Tessler Abstracts Physical Processes in Photo-Electric Devices based on Organic Materials and Solution Processed Ones
Kodanev Anna 2022 Moshe Nazarathy, Meir Orenstein, Abstracts Self-Coherent-Heterodyne System via Optical Quadrature Front End for Frequency and Intensity Noise Measurement
Eshkoli Ayal 2022 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts 3D CMOS Imaging based on Si-Photomultiplier
Tessler Chen 2022 Shie Mannor Abstracts Structure and Priors in Reinforcement Learning
Itzhak Gal 2022 Israel Cohen Abstracts Design and Analysis of Quadratic and Multistage Beamformers
Sheleg Gil 2022 Nir Tessler Abstracts Planar and Vertical Transistors based on Hybrid Organic and Metal Oxide Semiconductor Materials
Rechnitz Sharon 2022 Yuval Yaish Abstracts Arch Shaped Mechanical Carbon Nanotube Resonators
Tennenholtz Guy 2022 Shie Mannor Abstracts Reinforcement Learning for Extended Intelligence using Causal-Aware Language-based Agents
Kligvasser Idan 2022 Tomer Michaeli Abstracts Efficient Architectures and Training Methods for Deep Neural Networks
Ginzberg Nimrod 2022 Emanuel Cohen Abstracts Transmitter Architectures for Capacity Enhancement in 5G Wireless Communications Systems
Frischwasser Jacob 2022 Guy Bartal Abstracts Nonlinear Interaction of Light with Subwavelength Plasmonic Structures
Eran Haggai 2022 Mark Silberstein Abstracts SmartNIC Inline Processing
Voin Miron 2022 Levi Schachter Abstracts THz Radiation Source based on a Electron Beam in a Double-Periodic Cavity
Cohen Ido 2022 Guy Gilboa Abstracts Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Flows
Pereg Deborah 2021 Israel Cohen Abstracts Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging and Sparse Inversion
Khanonkin Igor 2021 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Coherent Light – Matter Interaction in Optical Amplifiers based on InAs/InP Quantum Dots Operating at Room Temperature
Moroshko Edward 2021 Daniel Soudry Abstracts On Implicit Bias in Deep Models and Constrained Feedback in Online Learning
Port Oron 2021 Uri Weiser, Yoav Etsion, Abstracts DFiant: A Dataflow Hardware Description Language
Naitsat Alexander 2021 Yehoshua Zeevi, Emil Saucan, Abstracts Mappings of Deformable Geometric Data and their Applications in Two and Three Dimensions
Efroni Yonathan 2021 Shie Mannor Abstracts Lookahead Policies: Dynamic Programming, Online Planning and Reinforcement Learning
Rotman Shira 2021 Moshe Porat Abstracts On Multi-Component Approaches to Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging
Reinhardt Ori 2021 Ido Kaminer Abstracts Ultrafast Electron-Photon Quantum Interactions
Shnitzer Dery Tal 2021 Ronen Talmon Abstracts Operator-Theoretic Approach for Manifold Learning with Application to Multimodal and Temporal Data Analysis
Shomron Gil 2021 Uri Weiser Abstracts Embracing Sparsity and Resiliency for Deep Learning Acceleration
Tamir Ran 2021 Neri Merhav Abstracts Typical Random Codes
Wainstein Nicolas 2021 Shahar Kvatinsky, Eilam Yalon, Abstracts Reconfigurable Radio Frequency Circuits based on Emerging Memory Technologies
Danial Loai 2021 Shahar Kvatinsky Abstracts Neuromorphic Data Converters using Memristors
Sayag Avraham 2021 Emanuel Cohen Abstracts Efficiency Improvement of Digital Beam Forming Array
Ram Eshed 2021 Yuval Cassuto Abstracts LDPC Codes with Sub-Block Locality
Zeevi Gilad 2021 Yuval Yaish Abstracts Electrostatic Interactions and Charge Transfer between Carbon Nanotube and its Environment
Jaffe Tzach 2021 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Quantum-Photonic Systems based on Color Centers in Diamond
Baram Nir 2021 Shie Mannor Abstracts From Imitation to Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning
Cohen Regev 2020 Michael Elad Abstracts Variational Inverse Problems with Application to Medical Ultrasound: From Sparsity through Deep Learning to Regularization by Denoising
Shamai Gil 2020 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Topics in Geometry Processing and Computational Pathology
Kalinsky Oren 2020 Yoav Etsion, Benny Kimelfeld, Abstracts Relational Join Acceleration through Algorithms and Hardware
Alfasi Nir 2020 Eyal Buks Abstracts Color Defects in Diamond for Sensing Applications at Low Temperatures
Eyal Ori 2020 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts High Speed Quantum Dot Lasers and Amplifiers – Static Dynamic, Optical and Electrical Temperature Stability
Levis Aviad 2020 Yoav Schechner Abstracts Volumetric Imaging of the Natural Environment
Yair Or 2020 Ronen Talmon Abstracts Geometric Analysis of Signals and Systems
Epstein Baruch 2020 Ron Meir Abstracts Learning and Prior Knowledge about Structure: Theroy and Applications
Azriel Leonid 2020 Ran Ginosar, Avi Mendelson, Abstracts From Device Level to Systems – Advance Topics in Hardware Security
Kaplan Roman 2020 Ran Ginosar Abstracts In-Memory Accelerator Architectures for Bioinformatics and Machine Learning
Mendelson Gal 2020 Rami Atar, Isaac Keslassy, Abstracts Load Balancing in Communication Networks: Asymptotic Performance and Theoretical Guarantees
Zviagintsev Alex 2019 Yael Nemirovsky, Ilan Bloom, Abstracts Uncooled Passive IR Sensors and Small Arrays Based on CMOS-SOI-NEMS Technology
Dyskin Aleksey 2019 Dan Ritter, Kallfass Ingmar, Abstracts Synchronous Detection for Ultra-Wide Band Systems Operating at E-Band Carrier Frequencies with High Speed Data Rates
Sorias Ofir 2019 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Manipulation of Light Matter Interactions in Nano-Devices using Plasmonics
Solomon Oren 2019 Yonina Eldar Abstracts Fast Super-Resolution Imaging in Optics and Ultrasound: from Sparsity to Deep Learning
Hoffer Elad 2019 Daniel Soudry, Nir Ailon, Abstracts Deep Learning: Rethinking Common Practices
Vargaftik Shay 2019 Ariel Orda, Isaac Keslassy, Abstracts Scheduling and Load Balancing in Emerging Networked Systems
Katz Alexander 2019 Yael Nemirovsky, Amos Fenigstein, Abstracts Sensors and 2-D Imagers Based on the CMOS SPAD Detectors
Buchris Yaakov 2019 Israel Cohen Abstracts Design Methods of Sparse and Robust Differential Microphone Arrays
Katz Itamar 2019 Daniel Soudry, Yacov Crammer, Abstracts Representation Learning via Clustering and Hierarchical Structures
Markish Ofer 2019 Yehuda Leviatan Abstracts Analysis of Heating and Absorption Mechanisms in Antennas for Bolometers
Pereg Uziahu 2019 Yossef Steinberg Abstracts Single and Multi User Arbitrarily Varying Channels
Spektor Gregory 2019 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Optical Angular Momentum – Dynamics,Interactions and Control
Richman Oran 2019 Shie Mannor Abstracts Uncertainty Management in Learning Problems
Shekhar Himanshu 2019 Nir Tessler Abstracts Research on Leakage Current in Small Molecule Planar Heterojunction Photodiodes Towards Development of a Hybrid CMOS Imager
Harel Yuval 2019 Ron Meir Abstracts Optimal Encoding of Dynamic Stimuli in Sensory Neural Populations
Blau Yacob Yochai 2019 Tomer Michaeli Abstracts Statistical Constraints in Image Processing and Machine Learning
Shuval Boaz 2019 Ido Tal Abstracts Polar Codes: Lower Bounds and Performance Under Memory
Peled Leeor 2019 Uri Weiser, Yoav Etsion, Abstracts Semantic Locality in Memory Access Patterns and Machine Learning Approaches for Hardware Prefetching
Zahavy Tom Ben Zion 2019 Shie Mannor Abstracts Reinforcement Learning and Deep Representations
Sheinin Mark 2019 Yoav Schechner Abstracts Leveraging Implicit Structure in Artifical Illumination for Computer Vision
Mechrez Roey 2019 Yoav Schechner, Lihi Zelnik-Manor, Eli Shechtman, Abstracts Statistical Image Similarity for Image Transformation
Meirom Eli 2018 Ariel Orda, Shie Mannor, Abstracts Structure, Dynamics and Learning on Networks
Wetzler Aaron 2018 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Topics in Computational Geometric Vision
Mankowitz Jaymin 2018 Shie Mannor Abstracts Learning Options in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
Malits Maria 2018 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts Thermal and Noise Effects in Nanometer CMOS-SOI Devices and Circuits
Hallak Assaf 2018 Shie Mannor Abstracts Off-Policy Evaluation in a Reinforcement Learning Setting
Zachevsky Ido 2018 Yehoshua Zeevi Abstracts Models of Stochastic Textures and their Applications in Image Processing
Morag Yahav 2018 Yoash Levron Abstracts Performance Bounds of Induction-Based Systems Incorporating High-Frequency Effects
Aides Amit 2018 Yoav Schechner Abstracts Lightfield Analysis and Recovery of the Atmosphere
Dalal Gal 2018 Shie Mannor Abstracts Decision Making under Uncertainty: Power System Applications and Finite-Time Analyses
Kraus Naama 2018 Idit Keidar, David Carmel, Abstracts Effective Search in Distributed Environments
Romano Yaniv 2018 Michael Elad Abstracts Topics in Visual Data Reconstruction
Gantz Liron 2018 Gad Bahir, David Gershoni, Abstracts Quantum Bits Utilizing the Quantum Dot Confined Bright and Dark Excitons
Bergman Aran 2018 Isaac Keslassy Abstracts Sharing Cloud Networks
Dov David 2018 Israel Cohen, Ronen Talmon, Abstracts Multi-Modal Signal Processing on Manifolds
Fleyer Michael 2018 Moshe Horowitz Abstracts Injection Locking and Noise in Delay-Line Oscillators
Tabachnik Tal 2018 Yuval Yaish Abstracts Bi-Stable Nano Electromechanical Systems Based on Carbon Nanotubes
Lev-Ari Anat 2018 Rami Atar Abstracts Control and Optimization for Queuing Models: Asymptotic Optimality and State Space Collapse Results
Shwartz Ofir 2018 Yitzhak Birk Abstracts The Secure Machine: Efficient Secure Execution on Untrusted Platforms
Shalev Noam 2018 Idit Keidar Abstracts Improving System Security and Reliability with OS Help
Spiegelman Alexander 2018 Idit Keidar Abstracts Fundamental Bounds and Algorithms in Distributed Reliable Storage
Voitsechov Dani 2018 Yoav Etsion Abstracts MT-CGRA: Multithreaded Coarse Grained Reconfigurable- A Fast and Energy Efficient Alternative for GPGPUs
Hanuka Adi 2018 Levi Schachter Abstracts Structure-Based Laser-Driven Optical Accelerators
Chernyakova Tatyana 2018 Yonina Eldar Abstracts Low-Rate Generalized Beamforming for Medical Ultrasound
Tal Nikolay 2018 Yoash Levron Abstracts Numeric and Analytic Optimization Methods of Antennas for Magnetic Induction Communication and Inductive Power Transfer
Weinberger Nir 2017 Neri Merhav Abstracts Large Deviations Aspects in Coding Problems
Szafranek Dana 2017 Yehuda Leviatan Abstracts Source-Model Technique for Computations of Scattering by, and Waveguiding across, Arrays of Cylinders Embedded in Layered Media
Kedar Gil 2017 Avi Mendelson, Israel Cidon, Abstracts Hardware/Software Co-Design to Minimize Energy in Real-Time Systems
David Yahel 2017 Nahum Shimkin Abstracts Learning in Large Multi-Armed Bandits: Models, Algorithms and Bounds
Shlafman Michael 2017 Yuval Yaish Abstracts Suspended Carbon Nano-Tubes Based Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems
Pikhay Evgeny 2017 Yael Nemirovsky, Yakov Roizin, Abstracts Solid State Direct Radiation Sensor Based on Floating Gate Device
Willinger Amnon 2017 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Parametric Processes in Dispersion Engineered Photonic Crystal Waveguides
Magen Osnat 2017 Nir Tessler Abstracts Simulation and Fabrication of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Solar Cells
Agmon Amos 2017 Moshe Nazarathy Abstracts Architecture and Algorithms for Broadband Optical Access Networks
Tolmachev Alexander 2017 Moshe Nazarathy Abstracts Digitally Sub-Banded Coherent Optical OFDM Transmission
Hemo Evyatar 2017 Yuval Cassuto Abstracts Algorithms and Coding Schemes for Enhanced Performance and Reliability in Multi-Level Non-Volatile Memories
Mishne Gal 2017 Israel Cohen Abstracts Diffusion Nets and Manifold Learning for High- Dimensional Data Analysis in the Presence of Outliers
Krishnan Sunder Ram 2017 Robert Adler Abstracts Some Problems in Random Topology
Gershikov Alexander 2017 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Optical Components Based on Phase Sensitive Parametric Amplification
Lev-Ari Kfir 2017 Idit Keidar Abstracts Ordered Sequential Consistency: Composition and Correctness
Blocq Gideon 2017 Ariel Orda Abstracts Cooperative Game Theoretic Models for Network Interconnections
Cohen Deborah 2017 Yonina Eldar Abstracts Structure-Free Compressive Sampling Sub-Nyquist Sampling for Passive and Active Cognitive systems
Greenman Michael 2017 Nir Tessler Abstracts Understanding and Controlling Vertical Organic Field Effect Transistor for Basic Applications
Cohen Rami 2017 Yuval Cassuto Abstracts Analysis and Design of Codes for High-Speed Memory Devices and Systems
Gal-on Maayan 2016 Shie Mannor Abstracts On Detection and Adaptation to Changes in a Learning Problem
Mehari Shlomo 2016 Dan Ritter, Moshe Eizenberg, Abstracts A Study of Gate Leakage Current and Electron Trapping Effects in AlGaN/GaN-Based Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors
Morad Tomer 2016 Uri Weiser, Avinoam Kolodny, Abstracts Energy- Efficient System Resource Allocation
Mizrahi Tal 2016 Yoram Moses Abstracts Using Time in Software Defined Networks
Karni Ouri 2016 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Nonlinear Dynamical Phenomena and Quantum Coherent Light-Matter Interactions in Room Temperature Semiconductor Quantum-Dot Gain Media
Tzabari Lior 2016 Nir Tessler Abstracts Study of the Physical Processes in Photovoltaic Cells Containing Organic Material
Avner Orly 2016 Shie Mannor Abstracts Machine Learning Inspired by Multi-User Communication Networks
Huleihel Wasim 2016 Neri Merhav Abstracts On Relations between Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics
Zahavi Eitan 2016 Avinoam Kolodny, Isaac Keslassy, Israel Cidon, Abstracts Forwarding in Computer Cluster Networks
Mendels Dan 2016 Nir Tessler Abstracts Theoretical Aspects of Charge Transport and Thermoelectricity in Disordered Organic Semiconductors
Yallouz Jose 2016 Ariel Orda Abstracts Schemes for Network Survivability in QoS-Supporting Architectures
David Asaf 2016 Guy Bartal Abstracts Photonic Structures for Nanoscale Light Manipulation
Ben Esti Hadas 2016 David Malah, Yacov Crammer, Abstracts Statistical Methods for Speech Processing in Low Resource Environments
Levi Yoni 2016 Irad Yavneh, Lihi Zelnik-Manor, Abstracts Constrained Function Approximation Using Energy Minimization with Integral Constraints
Mousazadeh Saman 2016 Israel Cohen Abstracts Speech and Audio Processing Based on Harmonic Analysis and Statistical Models
Morad Amir 2016 Ran Ginosar Abstracts Multicore and Processing-in-Memory Architectures
Toroker Zeev 2016 Levi Schachter, Nathaniel Fisch, Abstracts Light Amplification in Ionized or Excited Medium
Reani Avraham 2016 Neri Merhav Abstracts Causal and Delay-Limited Coding in the Presence of Side Information
Shapira Yuval 2016 Moshe Horowitz Abstracts Experimental and Theoretical Study of Nonlinear Pulse Propagation in Fiber Bragg Gratings Written in a Fiber Amplifier
Svetlitza Alexander 2016 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts CMOS-SOI-NEMS Thermal Antennas for Uncooled Passive Imaging in THZ Range
Rosenblatt Gilad 2016 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Exotic Wave Phenomena at Interfaces of Negative Complex Electromagnetic Media
Yavits Leonid 2015 Ran Ginosar Abstracts Analysis and Optimization of Parallel Computing Architectures and in-Memory Computing
Vainsencher Daniel 2015 Shie Mannor Abstracts Generalization and Unruly Data
Alterman Marina 2015 Yoav Schechner, Joseph Shamir (Deceased), Abstracts Vision through Random Dynamic Distortions
Bloch Eli 2015 Dan Ritter, Eran Socher, Abstracts Millimeter-Wave CMOS and InP Front-End ICs for Optical and Wireless High Data-Rate Communication
Yalon Eilam 2015 Dan Ritter Abstracts Novel Bipolar Transistor Structures and their Applications
Savuskan Vitali 2015 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts Single Photon Avalanche Diode (Spad) Characterization and Readout Design
Calahorra Yonatan 2015 Dan Ritter Abstracts III-V Nanowires: Growth, Properties and Devices
Tamar Aviv 2015 Shie Mannor Abstracts Risk-Sensitive and Efficient Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
Ram Idan 2015 Israel Cohen, Michael Elad, Abstracts Wavelets for Graphs and their Deployment to Image Processing
Rotem Efraim 2015 Ran Ginosar, Uri Weiser, Avi Mendelson, Abstracts High Performance Computing in Physically Constrained Environment
Peleg Tomer 2015 Michael Elad Abstracts Extending Sparsity-Based Models for Signal and Image Processing
Bendory Tamir 2015 Arie Feuer, Abstracts Super-Resolution of Signals Using Convex Optimization
Zohar Eyal 2015 Israel Cidon, Yuval Cassuto, Abstracts Redundancy Elimination in Networked Systems
Margolin Ran 2015 Ayellet Tal, Lihi Zelnik-Manor, Abstracts On Saliency Estimation and Scene Classification
Bernstein Andrey 2014 Nahum Shimkin Abstracts Approachability in Dynamic Games: Algorithms, Refinements, and Applications to No-Regret Problems
Shpiner Alexander 2014 Isaac Keslassy Abstracts Scaling Data Center Routers
Tselniker Igor 2014 Moshe Nazarathy Abstracts Adaptive Signal Processing for Ultrahigh-Speed Photonic Communication: Carrier Phase, Frequency and Polarization Recovery
Beer Gingold Salomon Michel 2014 Ran Ginosar Abstracts Metastability and Synchronization in VLSI systems
Manevich Ran 2014 Israel Cidon, Avinoam Kolodny, Abstracts Centralized Paradigms in Network on Chip Architectures
Rudoy Dmitry 2014 Lihi Zelnik-Manor Abstracts Video Saliency and its Applications in Single and Multi- Camera Setups
Ben-Itzhak Yaniv 2014 Avinoam Kolodny, Israel Cidon, Abstracts Advanced Heterogeneous NoC Design
Kvatinsky Shahar 2014 Avinoam Kolodny, Uri Weiser, Aby Friedman, Abstracts Memristor-Based Circuits and Architectures
Dyagilev Kirill 2014 Shie Mannor Abstracts Modeling, Prediction and Design of Dynamic Behavior in Networks
Harary Gur 2014 Ayellet Tal Abstracts On 3D Spirals and Surface Completion
Rottenstreich Ori 2014 Isaac Keslassy Abstracts Coding Schemes for Memory-Efficient Routers
Shifrin Mark 2014 Israel Cidon, Rami Atar, Abstracts Admission and Scheduling Control in Cloud Computing – Markov Decision Processes and Diffusion Approximations
Aflalo Yonathan 2014 Ron Kimmel Abstracts Spectral Methods for Shape Analysis
Leifman George 2014 Ayellet Tal Abstracts Similarity for Shape Analysis
Bachar Gil 2014 Eyal Buks Abstracts Superconducting Nanowire-Based Devices
Soudry Daniel 2013 Ron Meir Abstracts Neurons: from Biophysics to Functionality
Berman Amit 2013 Yitzhak Birk Abstracts Non-Volatile Memory Enhancement: A Cross-Layer Approach
Gready David 2013 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Carrier Dynamics in Quantum Dot Lasers
Capua Amir 2013 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Dynamical Processes in Nanometric Semiconductor Lasers and Optical Amplifiers
Kolomenkin Michael 2013 Ayellet Tal, Abstracts Curve Analysis with Applications to Archaeology
Kaspi Yonatan 2013 Neri Merhav Abstracts Limited Delay Source Coding in the Presence of Side Information
Epstein Ariel 2013 Pinchas Einziger, Nir Tessler, Abstracts Rigorous Electromagnetic Analysis of Optical Emission of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
Bitton David 2013 Arie Feuer Abstracts Scene Modeling for Image-Based Rendering
Ratner Vadim 2013 Yehoshua Zeevi Abstracts Elastic Manifolds in Image Processing
Katz Sagi 2013 Ayellet Tal Abstracts On the Visibility of Point Sets
Eyal Ittay 2013 Raphael Rom, Idit Keidar, Abstracts Scalable and Robust Algorithms for Cloud Storage and for Sensor Networks
Cestier Isabelle 2013 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Devices
Yosef Victor 2013 Gideon Inbar (Deceased), Karniel Amir, Abstracts Control of Bimanual Periodic Movements: Adaptation for Enhanced Performance
Berkovitch Nikolai 2012 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Localized Plasmons in the Near Infrared Regime
Bustin Ronit 2013 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz( Abstracts The Information-Estimation Approach for Multi-Terminal Problems in the Gaussian Regime
Kraus Shraga 2012 Dan Ritter Abstracts Fast Delta-Sigma Analog-to-Digital Converter Based on InP/GaInAs HBTs
Oklander Boris 2013 Moshe Sidi Abstracts Modeling Cognitive Radio Systems
Yaacobi-Gross Nir 2012 Nir Tessler Abstracts Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals based Solar Cells
Wallach Avner 2012 Ron Meir, Shimon Marom, Abstracts The Response Clamp: A Control Based Approach for the Study of Neural Systems; Method and Applications
Cohen Emanuel 2012 Dan Ritter Abstracts Millimeter Wave Circuits and Phased Array Systems in Deep Sub Micron CMOS Process
Perelman Dmitri 2012 Idit Keidar Abstracts Exploiting Parallelism of Multi-Core Architectures
Swirski Yohay 2013 Yoav Schechner Abstracts Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Using Natural Flickering Illumination
Normatov Alexander 2012 Joseph Shamir (Deceased), Boris Spektor, Abstracts Singular Beam Focusing and Scattering by Nanoscale Objects
Nevet Amir 2012 Meir Orenstein, Moshe Nazarathy, Abstracts Micro and Nano Semiconductor Structures for Enhanced Multiphoton Processes, and their Applications
Bobrowski Omer 2012 Robert Adler Abstracts Algebraic Topology of Random Fields and Complexes
Ben-Haim Zvi 2011 Yonina Eldar Abstracts Performance Bounds for Estimation of Structurally Constrained Signals
Ginzburg Pavel 2011 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Nano-Photonic Devices based on Modified Light-Matter Interactions
Michaeli Tomer 2012 Yonina Eldar Abstracts Interplay between Sampling and Estimation: A Unified Hilbert Space Approach
Trainin Ehud 2012 Ron Meir Abstracts The Joint Action of Biomechanical and Neural Control in Determining Motor Behavior: A Computational Study
Vardi Alon 2011 Gad Bahir Abstracts Unipolar Electro-Optical Devices Based on Nanometric Structures in the III-N Material System
Di Castro Dotan 2011 Ron Meir Abstracts Aspects of Actor Critic Learning: Theory and Experiments
Arbel David 2011 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Active Nano Plasmon-Optics in Silicon and Indium-Phosphide
Nakhmani Arie 2011 Allen Robert Tannenbaum, Ezra Zeheb, Abstracts Visual Tracking: A Particle Filter/Template Matching Approach
Levy Etgar 2012 Moshe Horowitz Abstracts Generation of Radiofrequency Signals by Using Optoelectronic Oscillators
Bayn Igal 2011 Yosef Salzman, Rafael Kalish, Abstracts Diamond Photonic Crystals: Possible Implementation of Room Temperature Atom-Photon Interaction Experiments
Segev Eran 2011 Eyal Buks Abstracts Metastability and Self-Oscillations in Superconducting Microwave Resonators Integrated with a dc-SQUID
Ben-Aroya Ido 2011 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Coherent Phenomena in Hot Three-Level Lambda-Systems and Atomic Clocks
Giat Chanit 2011 Rami Atar, Nahum Shimkin, Abstracts Asymptotic Optimality of Priority Control Rules in Queueing Systems with Abandonment
Moiseev Konstantin 2011 Avinoam Kolodny, Shmuel Wimer, Abstracts Optimization of Interconnects in CMOS Nanoscale Technologies
Cohen-Elias Doron 2011 Dan Ritter Abstracts Ultra Small Fast Indium Phosphide Based Transistors
Weill Refael 2011 Baruch Fischer Abstracts Statistical Light-Mode Dynamics of Pulse Laser Including Multiple Pulsation, Critical Phenomena, and Condensation
Sabbag Erez 2011 Neri Merhav Abstracts Topics in Channel Reliability and Error Exponent Analysis
Albo Asaf 2011 Gad Bahir, Dan Fekete, Abstracts GaInAsN/(A1)GaAs Quantum-Well-Based Structures: Growth, Physical Properties and IR-Devices
Talmon Ronen 2011 Israel Cohen, Sharon Gannot, Abstracts Supervised Speech Processing Based on Geometric Analysis
Hayat Alex 2011 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Applications of Multi-Photon Processes for Semiconductor Quantum Photonics
Hof Eran 2011 Igal Sason, Shlomo Shamai )Shitz(, Abstracts Problems in Coded Communications: Performance Bounds and Polar Coding
Mishali Moshe 2011 Yonina Eldar Abstracts Sampling and Processing of Structured Signals at Sub-Nyquist Rates
Guz Zvika 2010 Uri Weiser, Idit Keidar, Avinoam Kolodny, Abstracts The Interplay of Caches and Threads in Chip-Multiprocessors
Dolgin Yuri 2010 Ezra Zeheb Abstracts Uncertain Systems: Identification and Approximation
Gershikov Evgeny 2011 Moshe Porat, Allen Robert Tannenbaum, Abstracts On the Role of Color Information in Image Processing and Visual Communication
Walter Isask’har 2010 Israel Cidon, Avinoam Kolodny, Abstracts Network on Chip for Future CMP and SoC
Gurevich Maxim 2010 Ziv Bar-Yossef, Idit Keidar, Abstracts External Search Engine Mining
Katz Michael 2010 Baruch Fischer, Omri Gat, Abstracts Pulse Stability and Fluctuations in Passively Mode-Locked Lasers with Noise
Preezant Yevgeni 2010 Nir Tessler Abstracts Recombination in Molecular Films
Mashiah Ayelet 2011 Allen Robert Tannenbaum Abstracts Surface and Volume Mapping via Mass Transport
Maor Alina 2010 Neri Merhav Abstracts Topics in Multiuser Source Coding
Treibitz Avital 2010 Yoav Schechner Abstracts Geometry and Photometry of Imaging through a Medium
Soreni-Harari Michal 2010 Nir Tessler Abstracts Tailoring the Interface in Quantum Dots-Polymer Devices
Kirshner Hagai 2009 Moshe Porat Abstracts On Sampling Invariant Image Processing and Analysis
Dolgin Madlena 2009 Pinchas Einziger Abstracts Inverse Scattering Models for Reconstruction of Layered Biological Tissues
Kaftory Ran 2009 Yehoshua Zeevi Abstracts Blind Separation of Time/Position Varying Mixtures
Abdo Baleegh 2009 Eyal Buks Abstracts Nonlinear Dynamics in Superconducting Stripline Resonators and Interference Devices
Hochman Amit 2009 Yehuda Leviatan Abstracts Computational Methods for Analysis of Wave Interaction with Plasmonic Nanowires
Kuybeda Oleg 2009 David Malah, Meir Bar-Zohar, Abstracts Anomaly Preserving Redundancy Reduction in High Dimensional Signals
Dobkin Rostislav 2009 Ran Ginosar, Avinoam Kolodny, Abstracts High-Speed Asynchronous Communication for SoC
Goikhman Alexander 2009 Jacob Katzenelson Abstracts Computation and Communication in Data Parallel Programs in Distributed Memory Multiprocessors
Spitsa Vitaly 2009 Ezra Zeheb, Abraham Alexandrovitz, Abstracts Robust Approach to Power System Voltage Stability
Zaitsev Stav 2011 Eyal Buks Abstracts Forced and Self-Excited Oscillations in Nonlinear Micromechanical Resonators
Weingarten Hanan 2008 Yossef Steinberg, Shlomo Shamai )Shitz(, Abstracts Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Broadcast Systems
Menache Ishai 2008 Nahum Shimkin Abstracts Competitive Resource Allocation in Communication Networks
Morgenshtein Arkadiy 2008 Ran Ginosar, Avinoam Kolodny, Abstracts Design and Optimization of On-Chip Interconnect
Peleg Dori 2008 Ron Meir Abstracts Effective Optimization Procedures for Machine Learning Based on Data-Dependent Error Bounds
Shumakher Evgeny 2010 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Slow and Fast Light Propagation in Optical Fibers and Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers: Basic Limits and Applications in Microwave Photonics
Dvorkind Gregory 2008 Yonina Eldar Abstracts Generalized Sampling in the Presence of Nonlinearities: Theory and Methods
Sanderovich Amichai 2008 Yossef Steinberg, Shlomo Shamai )Shitz(, Abstracts Information Theoretic Aspects of Decentralized Processing
Abramson Ari 2008 Israel Cohen Abstracts Markov-Switching GARCH Models and Applications to Digital Speech Processing
Feigenbaum Eyal 2008 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Slow Wave Phenomena in Plasmonic Nano-Circuitry
Shraer Alexander 2010 Idit Keidar Abstracts Reliable Collaboration Using Unreliable Storage
Lewin-Eytan Liane 2008 Ariel Orda, Joseph Naor, Abstracts Algorithmic Game Theoretic Perspectives of Network Routing and Cost Sharing
Wiechman Gil 2008 Igal Sason Abstracts Theoretical and Practical Aspects on the Performance versus Complexity Tradeoff for LDPC-Based Codes
Avargel Yekutiel 2008 Israel Cohen Abstracts System Identification in the Short-Time Fourier Transform Domain
Rosen Amir 2008 Baruch Fischer Abstracts Dynamics of Multiple Light Pulses and Modes in Lasers in the Presence of Noise
Wiesel Aminadav 2007 Yonina Eldar, Shlomo Shamai )Shitz(, Abstracts Convex Optimization Methods in MIMO Communication Systems
Levy Nathan 2009 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz(, Ofer Zeitouni, Abstracts Information Theoretic Aspects of Cellular Communication Models with Joint Multiple-Cell Processing
Bortnikov Edward 2008 Israel Cidon, Idit Keidar, Abstracts Dynamic Service Management in Infrastructure-Based Mobile Networks
Badishi Gal 2007 Idit Keidar Abstracts Defending Systems against Application-Level Denial of Service Attacks
Aharon Oren 2009 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) for Communication Applications
Bolotin Evgeny 2007 Israel Cidon, Avinoam Kolodny, Ran Ginosar, Abstracts Network on Chip
Greenberg Maxim 2008 Moshe Nazarathy, Meir Orenstein, Abstracts Multimode Optical Interconnects
Perelman Yevgeny 2007 Ran Ginosar Abstracts The Neuroprocessor: An Integrated Interface to Biological Neural Networks
Yadin Yoav 2007 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Spectrally Efficient Optical Communications Systems – Design and Analysis
Steiner Avi 2008 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz( Abstracts The Multi-Layer Broadcast Approach for Fading Channels
Rappaport Noam 2007 Nir Tessler Abstracts Research of Physical Processes of Optical Excitations and Electric Conduction in Light Detection Polymeric Devices
Kol Tomer 2008 Yitzhak Birk Abstracts Using Storage Space and Stored Data to Mitigate Storage and Communication Performance Bottlenecks
Ludwig Alon 2007 Yehuda Leviatan Abstracts Analysis of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Photonic Crystals by Use of a Source-Model Technique
Cohen Asaf 2007 Neri Merhav, Tsachy Weissman, Abstracts Topics in Scanning of Multidimensional Data
Mizrahi Amit 2007 Moshe Horowitz, Levi Schachter, Abstracts Electromagnetic Forces Exerted on Neutral Bodies by Guided Waves
Stav )Satuby( Yinnon 2007 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Plasmonics Planar Waveguiding Based Nanophotonics
Liss Liran 2006 Yitzhak Birk, Assaf Schuster, Abstracts Realizing the Performance of Contemporary Parallel and Distributed Systems: Theoretical and Systems Perspectives
Katz Michael 2007 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz(, Yossef Steinberg, Abstracts Cooperative Strategies in Wireless Networks
Banner Ron 2006 Ariel Orda Abstracts Multipath Routing
Almog Ronen 2007 Eyal Buks Abstracts Nonlinear Dynamics in Nanomechanical Oscillators
Dahan David 2006 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Raman and Parametric Mediated Amplification and all Optical Processing for High Speed Fiber Optics Communication Systems
Rosenthal Amir 2006 Moshe Horowitz Abstracts Inverse-Scattering Theory in Fiber Bragg Gratings
Somekh Oren 2006 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz( Abstracts Information Theoretic Aspects of Cellular Communication Models with Fading
Zeitouny Abraham 2006 Moshe Horowitz Abstracts Theoretical and Experimental Study of Fiber Lasers for Optical Communication and Sampling of RF Signals
Zaidel Benjamin 2006 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz( Abstracts Information Theoretic Aspects of CDMA Systems
Brouk Igor 2005 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) CMOS Image Sensor with Front and Back-side Illumination
Lahav Assaf 2006 Levi Schachter, David Schieber (Deceased), Abstracts Interaction of Electromagnetic Wave with Electrons in a Cross-Field Oscillator with Ferroelectric Cathode
Vodonos Boris 2005 Baruch Fischer Abstracts Experimental Study of the Noise Effect on Pulse Formation in Mode Locked Lasers Following a Statistical Mechanics Approach
Sheinman Benjamin 2005 Dan Ritter Abstracts Modeling and Performance of Ultrafast InP Based Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors and Circuits
Gurewitz Omer 2005 Moshe Sidi, Israel Cidon, Abstracts Classless Network Time Synchronization and One-Way Delay Estimation
Degani Ofir 2005 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts Investigation and Modeling of Actuation and Sensing Mechanisms in Microoptoelectromechanical Systems and their Applications
Socher Eran 2005 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts Investigation of Microelectrothermal Devices and their Application in Uncooled Thermal Imaging
Biton Erez 2005 Ariel Orda Abstracts QoS Provision and Routing with Deterministic and Stochastic Guarantees
Sutskover Ilan 2005 Jacob Ziv (Deceased), Shlomo Shamai )Shitz(, Abstracts Iterative Decoding of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes over Compound Channels
Bilenca Alberto 2005 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Gain and Noise Properties of Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
Katz Oded 2005 Gad Bahir, Yosef Salzman, Abstracts Nitride Based Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistors for High-Frequency and High-Power Applications
Dery Hanan 2004 Gad Eisenstein, Bjarne Tromborg, Abstracts Theoretical Aspects of Carrier Dynamics in Low Dimensional Semiconductor Lasers
Zamir Shai 2004 Yosef Salzman Abstracts Gallium Nitride Based Surface Emitting LEDs on Silicon Substrates
Gilboa Guy 2004 Nir Sochen, Yehoshua Zeevi, Abstracts Super-resolution Algorithms Based on Inverse Diffusion-type Processes
Raz Tal 2004 Dan Ritter, Gad Bahir, Abstracts Self Assembled Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs and InP Substrates by Metal Organic Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Lorenz Dean H. 2004 Ariel Orda Abstracts QoS Routing and Partitioning in Networks with Per-Link Performance-Dependent Costs
Roichman Yohai 2004 Nir Tessler Abstracts Charge Transport in Conjugated Polymers
Tock Yoav 2004 Yossef Steinberg, Gideon Inbar (Deceased), Abstracts Information Theoretic Analysis of the Muscle Spindle System
Zussman Gil 2004 Adrian Segall Abstracts Energy Efficient Routing and Bandwidth Allocation in Wireless Personal Area Networks
Banna Samer 2004 Levi Schachter, David Schieber (Deceased), Abstracts Scaling-Laws of Wake-Fields in Optical Structures
Keren Shay 2004 Moshe Horowitz Abstracts Novel Methods for Interrogation of Fiber Bragg Gratings and their Applications for Developing New Optical Sensors
Gordon Ariel 2004 Baruch Fischer Abstracts Statistical Mechanics Approach and Order-Disorder Phenomena in Nonlinear Many-Mode Optical Systems
Tisch Ulrike 2004 Yosef Salzman, Eliezer Finkman, Abstracts Epitaxial Growth and Optical Properties of GaAsN
Tan Hwee Pink 2004 Moshe Sidi, Raphael Rom, Abstracts Quality of Service Provisioning in Wireless Networks
El-Bahar Aron 2003 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts Contacts and Passivations for Porous Silicon
Sprintson Alexander 2003 Ariel Orda Abstracts Scalable Methods for Provisioning and Restoration of QoS Paths and Trees
Somekh Baruch Anelia 2003 Neri Merhav Abstracts Information Theoretic Analysis of Watermarking Systems
Naaman Nir 2003 Raphael Rom Abstracts Scheduling and Packing Problems in Centralized Access Networks
Kisilyov Pavel 2003 Arkadi Nemirovski, Yehoshua Zeevi, Abstracts Application of Wavelet Representations in Inverse Problems
Libman Lavy 2003 Ariel Orda Abstracts Noncooperative Failure Recovery in Large-Scale Networks
Bettesh Ido 2003 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz( Abstracts Information and Network Theory Aspects of Communication Systems in Fading Environment
Shifman Yair 2003 Yehuda Leviatan Abstracts Spatio-Temporal Multiresolution Analysis for Efficient Method of Moments Solutions of Transient Electromagnetic Wave Scattering
Yom-Tov Elad 2002 Gideon Inbar (Deceased) Abstracts Estimation of Transient Phenomena in Movement Related Potentials
Mannor Shie 2002 Nahum Shimkin Abstracts Reinforcement Learning and Adaptation in Competitive Dynamic Environments
Gal Lior 2002 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Annular Optical Microcavities and Their Coupling
Weissman Tsachy 2001 Neri Merhav Abstracts Universal Prediction in the Presence of Noise
Lasri Jacob )Kobi( 2002 Gad Eisenstein, Dan Ritter, Abstracts Mutual Control of Millimeter-Wave Generators and Diode Lasers via Optoelectronic Mixing in Photo-HBT’s
Scheuer Jacob 2001 Meir Orenstein Abstracts Multiple Element Optical Patterns in Nonlinear Complex Media
Sason Igal 2001 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz( Abstracts Upper Bounds on the Maximum Likelihood Decoding Error Probability for Block Codes and Turbo-Like Codes
Holder Ophir 2001 Z. Ben-Shaul Abstracts Dynamic Layout of Distributed Applications
Schechner Yoav Joseph 2000 Joseph Shamir (Deceased), Nahum Kiryati, Abstracts Analysis and Reconstruction of Complex Scenes Via Optical Cues
Bejerano Yigal 2000 Israel Cidon Abstracts Efficient Mobility Management Schemes for Personal Communication Systems
Assa Gil 2000 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts CdZnTe Detectors for X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Imaging
Karniel Amir 2000 Gideon Inbar (Deceased), Ron Meir, Abstracts Learning Motor Control of Redundant Systems
Bloch Noam 1999 Yitzhak Birk Abstracts Selective Exploitation of Redundancy for Performance Enhancement in the Presence of Uncertainties
Gabbay Freddy 1999 Avi Mendelson Abstracts Speculative Execution Based on Value Prediction
Shamir Nachum 1999 Dan Ritter Abstracts Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Based Optical Light Modulators: Implementation and Physical Analysis
Starobinski David 1999 Moshe Sidi Abstracts Quality of Service in High Speed Networks with Multiple-Time Scale Traffic
Zamsky Arkady 1999 Yoram Moses, Yitzhak Birk, Abstracts Approximation and Randomization in Byzantine Agreement
Maimon Shimon 1998 Eliezer Finkman, Gad Bahir, Semuel Schacham, Abstracts Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors: Characterization, Analysis, and Implementation
Kol Rakefet 1998 Ran Ginosar, Michael Yoeli (Deceased), Abstracts Self-Timed Asynchronous Architecture of an Advanced General Purpose Microprocessor
Baharav Izhak Zachi 1998 Yehuda Leviatan Abstracts Basis Construction for Efficient Scattering Analysis
Goren David 1998 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts Heterostructures in II-VI Compounds for Ohmic Contacts And Devices as Solar Cells
Gavish Amnon 1998 Abraham Lempel (Deceased) Abstracts Data Compression via String Matching
Betser Yoram 1998 Dan Ritter Abstracts Physics and Optical Control of InP/GaInAs Heterostructure Bipolar Transistors for Microwave Applications
Cohen Guy 1998 Dan Ritter Abstracts INP Electronic Devices Based on Tunneling and Strained Gainp Layers
Cohen Israel 1998 Shalom Raz, David Malah, Abstracts Shift-Invariant Adaptive Wavelet Decompositions And Applications
Lange Daniel 1998 Gideon Inbar (Deceased), Hillel Pratt, Abstracts Modeling and Estimation of Transient, Trial-Varying Evoked Brain Potentials
Friedmann Michael 1998 Joseph Shamir (Deceased) Abstracts Optical Measurements of Surface Features below Diffraction Limit
Naimark Leonid 1998 Ezra Zeheb Abstracts Robust Stabilization of Delay Systems with Uncertainties And Robust Stability Tests
Piestun Rafael 1998 Joseph Shamir (Deceased) Abstracts Three Dimensional Structuring of Light Fields
Jehuda Jair 1998 Daniel Berry, Amos Israel, Abstracts A Top Layer Design Approach to Complex Real-Time Software
Elad Michael 1997 Arie Feuer Abstracts Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Images
Amir Nuriel 1997 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts Interface Studies in II-VI Heterostructure Devices
Ruzin Arie 1997 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts X and Gamma Rays Sensors in II-VI Group Materials
Atar Rami 1997 Ofer Zeitouni Abstracts Exponential Stability for Nonlinear Filtering
Shtaif Mark 1997 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Gain and Noise Properties of Nonlinear Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
Stanhill David 1997 Yehoshua Zeevi Abstracts Two-Dimensional Wavelet Transform for Image Representation
Daisy Ron 1997 Baruch Fischer Abstracts Dynamical Phenomena and a Statistical-Mechanics Approach For Modes in Fiber Optics Non-Linear Systems
Unikovski Aharon 1997 Jacob Katzenelson Abstracts Numeric Symbolic Methods for Electronic Circuits
Zelikson Michael 1996 Kurt Weiser (Deceased), Dan Ritter, Abstracts Study of Modulation Properties of Optical Constants in A-Si:H Waveguide Structures
Shavitt Yuval 1996 Israel Cidon, Raphael Rom, Abstracts Burst Control in High-Speed Networks
Shaked Doron 1996 Yehoshua Zeevi, Alfred Bruckstein, Abstracts Symmetry, Invariance and Evolution In Planar Shape Analysis
Zibulski Meir 1996 Yehoshua Zeevi Abstracts Gabor-Type Representations of Signals and Images
Fenigstein Amos 1996 Semuel Schacham, Eliezer Finkman, Gad Bahir, Abstracts Optical Intersubband Transitions in Type II Quantum Structures
Kimmel Ron 1995 Nahum Kiryati, Alfred Bruckstein, Abstracts Curve Evolution on Surfaces
Margalit Mordechai 1996 Meir Orenstein, Gad Eisenstein, Abstracts Pulsed Light Injection Into Optical Oscillators
Stettiner Yoram 1995 David Malah, Dan Chazan, Abstracts Long-Term Model for Voiced Speech with Application To Co-Channel Speech Separation
Kresch Renato 1995 David Malah Abstracts Morphological Image Representation for Coding Applications
Roth Ze’ev 1995 Yoram Baram Abstracts A Statistical Approach for the Design and Analysis of Artificial Neural Networks
Abraham David 1995 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Generation and Characterization of Short Optical Pulses In Fiber and Semiconductor Lasers
Kotzer Tuvia 1995 Joseph Shamir (Deceased) Abstracts An Extended Algorithm of Projections onto Constraint Sets with Applications to Signal Processing and Electro-Optics
Tessler Nir 1995 Gad Eisenstein Abstracts Dynamic Properties of Inverted Quantum Well Laser Structure
Ben-David Gal 1995 David Malah Abstracts Vector and Scalar Quantization Under Channel-Errors
Horowitz Moshe 1994 Baruch Fischer Abstracts Photorefractivity, Fixing Aspects and Uses in Nonlinear Effects and in Fibers
Yaron Opher 1994 Moshe Sidi Abstracts Exponentially Bounded Burstiness – a New Perspective On the Topics of Performance and Stability Of Communication Networks
Khamisy Asad 1994 Moshe Sidi, Israel Cidon, Abstracts Analysis of Packet Loss Processes and Message Delays In High Speed, Multi Media Networks
Hocherman Iudith 1994 Ezra Zeheb Abstracts The Study of Systems under Uncertainty Conditions with Possible Time Delay
Dvir Its’hak 1994 Pinchas Einziger Abstracts On the Propagation of Waves and Beams in Linear And Non-Linear Media
Kaplan Gideon 1993 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz( Abstracts Reliable Communication Over Compound and Mismatched Channels
Haridim Moti 1993 Kurt Weiser Abstracts Investigation of Drift and Diffusion of Sinusidally
Sapiro Goillermo 1993 Alfred Bruckstein, Allen Robert Tannenbaum, Abstracts Topics in Shape Evolution
Nemirovsky Amikam 1993 Amiram Ron Abstracts Noise Phenomena Associated with Tunneling Currents
Harsat Arie 1993 Ran Ginosar Abstracts Llsi Architectures for Flat Concurrent Prolog
Hason Baruh 1993 Yehoshua Zeevi Abstracts Pyramidal Image Analysis Motivated by Fractal Theory
Peterfreund Natan 1993 Yoram Baram Abstracts Domains of Attraction and Convergence Rates of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Neural Networks
Markel Shlomo 1993 Uri Shimony (Deceased) Abstracts Notation for Electroacoustic Music and An Interactive Enviro
Betser Amir 1993 Ezra Zeheb Abstracts Topics in Adaptive Systems with Uncertainty
Amir Noam 1993 Uri Shimony (Deceased), Giora Rosenhouse, Abstracts Acoustic Analysis and Shape Reconstruction of Brass Wind
Goldminz Lavy 1993 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts Signal Processing Circuits and Devices for Photoconductive Focal Plane Arrays
Levanony David 1992 Ofer Zeitouni, Adam Shwartz, Abstracts Recursive Tethocls for Iclentification in Stochastic Proces
Farkash Shmuel 1992 Shalom Raz Abstracts The Gabor Expansion and Its Application to Signal Progessing
Willner Yosef 1992 Michael Heymann Abstracts Pegentralization and Converenge in Control of Piscrete Gveni
Shimkin Nahum 1992 Adam Shwartz Abstracts Dynamic Dectsion Problems in Multi-User Systems
Mahlab Uri 1992 Joseph Shamir (Deceased) Abstracts Learning Processes in Optical Patten Recogntion Systems
Weinberger Marcelo 1992 Abraham Lempel (Deceased), Jacob Ziv (Deceased), Abstracts Universal Source Coding and Related Topics
Werner Ofer 1992 Baruch Fischer Abstracts Optical Inaormation Writing and Processing by Wave Mixing
Dallal Yzheskel 1992 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz(, Abstracts Communication in the Presence of Phase Noise
Rosen Joseph 1992 Joseph Shamir (Deceased) Abstracts Adaptive Optical Image Processing
Altschul Viktor 1992 Eliezer Finkman Abstracts Modeling of Mis-Devices in a Wide Range of Temperatures
Kofman Yosef 1992 Shlomo Shamai )Shitz( Abstracts Combined Coding and Modulation
Bloom Ilan 1992 Yael Nemirovsky Abstracts Detector Arrays on Insb for Aduanced Infrared Sensing Focal
Wexler Yosef 1992 Shalom Raz Abstracts Mixed Representations and Their Applications in Signal
Berman Mario 1991 Michael Erlicki (Deceased) Abstracts Energy Convertion
Boag Amir 1991 Yehuda Leviatan Abstracts Analysis of Wave Scattring from Periodic Structures
Orda Ariel 1991 Moshe Sidi, Raphael Rom, Abstracts Time Depemdent Networks
Francos Joseph 1991 Boaz Porat (Deceased), Abstracts Parametric Model for Textures in I-D Images
Daid Ilana 1991 Michael Yoeli (Deceased) Abstracts Cynthesis of Self-Timed Systems
Shamash Moshe 1990 Abstracts Vlsi Architectures for the Multi-Bimentional Digital Signal
Segev Mordechay 1990 Baruch Fischer Abstracts Dhotoresractive Wave Mixing and Applications in Waveguides
Altman Eitan 1990 Adam Shwartz Abstracts Non-Stationary Policies for Controlled Markov Chains
Stroom Avraham 1990 Adir Bar-Lev (Deceased) Abstracts Theoretical and Practical Considerations in the
Fleisher Michael 1990 Abstracts Engineering Applications of Neural Networks
Plotnik Eli 1990 Israel Bar-David, Raphael Rom, Abstracts Analysis of Practical Models in Multi-User Communication Sys
Kessler Ilan 1990 Moshe Sidi Abstracts Multiaccess Communication in Channels with Memory
Lewkowicz Izchak 1990 Raphael Sivan (Deceased) Abstracts Stability Robustness of State Equations
Biano Adrian 1990 David Schieber (Deceased), Michael Erlicki (Deceased), Abstracts Disk Tupe Linear Motor
Lindenbaum Michael 1990 Alfred Bruckstein Abstracts Topics in Geometric Probing
Mushkin Mordechai 1990 Israel Bar-David Abstracts Capacity and Coding for Finite State Binary Symmetric
Kepten Avishai 1989 Adir Bar-Lev (Deceased), Yossi Shaham, Abstracts Signal Processing and Sensing of Infrared Radiation with Mon
Botton Mordechai 1989 Amiram Ron Abstracts Radiation Emission by Ballistic Electrons in Semiconducting
Pomeranz Irith 1989 Zvi Kohavi Abstracts Fault Detection in Digital Circuits
Hilsenrath Oliver 1989 Yehoshua Zeevi Abstracts Graphical Represention of 30 Environment and Its Interpretat
Weiss Shimon 1989 Baruch Fischer Abstracts Dynamics of Photorefractive Oscillaators and Cavities
Ritter Dan 1988 Kurt Weiser Abstracts Study of Electron and Hole Transport in Amorphous Hydrogenai
Schachter Levy 1988 Amiram Ron Abstracts Genevators of Radation Based on Eleetron Beaw Houing in a
Dreifuss Jona 1989 Adir Bar-Lev (Deceased), Asher Madjar, Abstracts A Microwave Mixer Using a Dualgate Mesfet
Levin Esther 1988 Gideon Inbar (Deceased) Abstracts Artificial Neural Netuorks Performance Characterigation