Tuition scholarships

There are number of types of tuition scholarships (tuition exemption), as set forth below:

Scholarship recipients

Scholarship recipients will be given a tuition scholarship (exemption from tuition). The rate of the tuition scholarship will be relative to the number of scholarship portions awarded.

Soldiers in mandatory service / serving in national service

(The exemption is intended only for students on the Technion campus in Haifa)

The Graduate School grants a tuition exemption to soldiers in mandatory service / serving in national service, who meet the academic requirements for the receipt of a scholarship. The exemption is provided only during the period of the mandatory service / national service and it can be received between the months of October – July. During the months August-September, there is no tuition charge.
The exemption is per academic year and can be renewed by resubmitting the application at the beginning of each academic year.

An application for a tuition exemption to soldiers in mandatory service / serving in national service can be submitted online using students’ portal, “My Requests” under Type of request: “GR Scholarships: Tuition exempt for soldiers“.

The application must be attached a confirmation documents from the suitable entity: for soldiers in mandatory service – Attach a “certification (ishur) of mandatory military service” (sherut Hova) from Army Human Resources Office. The confirmation should include the duration of the mandatory service; for those serving in national service – attach a “study approval” form from the “Aguda for volunteers” / Form #3

Students serving their mandatory service (sherut hova), and are entitled for a tuition scholarship, will pay the advance. They will be reimbursed at the beginning of the semester once their tuition scholarship is approved. The reimbursement will be prorated according to the approved number of scholarships months minus additional fees.


A student accepted to “parallel studies” at Technion

Students who are accepted for master’s degree studies in a research track and who receive approval to study in parallel (during one or two semesters) in undergraduate studies at Technion in order to complete the bachelor’s degree are entitled to receive a tuition scholarship for the period of study in parallel. The tuition scholarship will be granted automatically to a student who does not receive a scholarship from the academic unit, and provided that the student pays tuition for the undergraduate studies.