PhD and MSc Theses

PhD and MSc Theses, since 1988

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No of theses 27
Department Biomedical Engineering
Department Web Site
Student's Name Graduation Year Degree Abstracts Research Name
Pesin Jimy 2018 PhD Abstracts Classification of Respiratory Pathologies by Quantifying the Chest and Abdomen Dynamics
Shapira Yair 1999 PhD Effects of Mental Stress on Human Voice Detecting Lies from the Speech Signal
Lavner Yizhar 1997 PhD Voice Parameters for Speaker Recognition by a Human Listener
Harel Tamar 1996 PhD Analysis of the Heart Rate Variability Signal as a Predictor of Lethal Arrhythmias
Klineshtern Michal 2002 MSc Fuzzy Clustering for Arbitrary Non-Convex Shapes
Salant Yoram 1993 MSc On the Brediction of Epileptic Seizures from Multichannel
Braunstain Eyal 2015 MSc Abstracts Color Space Methods as an Aid in Face Detection
Levy Orr 2013 MSc Abstracts Analysis and Characterization of the Effects of Matching Patterns on Models of Branching Processes: Genetical Implications
Lamash Yechiel 2009 MSc Abstracts A Novel Feature Selection Method
Mizrahi Nadav 2006 MSc Abstracts Color-Space Classification Using Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms
Bedrik Larissa 2005 MSc Abstracts Classification of Acoustic Characteristics of Speech in Hebrew and English
Kounin Solomon 2005 MSc Abstracts Efficient Nearest Neighbor Search in Biological Strings
Granovsky Lena 2005 MSc Abstracts Hierachical Clustering Methods for Biological Patterns
Altman Andres 2005 MSc Abstracts Characterization of Voice and Speech during Imitation and Imposture
Ashour Gal 2001 MSc Characterization of Speech During Imitation
Berkovich Erez 2001 MSc EEG Analysis as a Method for Discriminating Between Different Functional States of the Brain
Moshe Ronen 1996 MSc Automatic Classification of Phonems by Fuzzy Clustering
Iskoz Anna 1995 MSc Fuzzy Clustering for Characterization of Nonconvex Patterns
Hoory Dan 1994 MSc Detection of Eliptic Shells Using Fuzzy Clustering
Beracha Ron 1992 MSc Classification of Sleep Eeg in Normals and Sleep Disturbance
Dozorets Igor 2000 MSc Computer-Based Model for Speaker Recognition by a Human Listener
Harris Bernard 1992 MSc Methods for Delay Estimation in Epileptic Electro-Encephalog
Chertkou Mark 1991 MSc Cortical Electrical Analysis Puring Uoluntary Motor Activity
Amir Noam 1989 MSc Segmentation of Eeg During Sleep Using Time Varying Ar Model
Michaeli Avraham 1988 MSc Dval Channel Analysis of Sleep Eeg
Shvadron Vzi 1988 MSc Computerized Analysis of Polygraph Recordines